Medicinal Garden [WhiteWidoW] 6clones-Outdoor Monsters in ground w/ Organic soil(PIX)


Well-Known Member
ya i will prob LST soon then like this week.

so i talked with my parents and of course they dont want me puttin the container outside the box on the grass cuz itll kill it. soooo now im thinkin bout puttin the two in containers and dig out a hole in the ivy up on the hill right there and let them blend in with the other vegatation. thats if my mom doesnt trip on the idea so we will find out later.

the downside is itll b more of an issue to water and get to everyday to check on cuz the climbing involved. but its almost my only choice


Well-Known Member
well i found a spot that should work great. its a south facing wall right below my bedroom window. in the pic below ull see where theres already two pots with roses in them. ill swap out that spot with the two bud plants instead of the roses in new containers. should get light from approx 7-8am until dusk. kinda concealed too and def far enough away from the sliding window that no one would see them from inside the house. this way i dont have to climb up the damn hill either



New Member
yeah that sucks that you cant put anything on the grass cause I would have just lined up the rest outside the box and then run the screen from your house to your bed

if you can put the others in the ivy I dont think you'll have to much a problem watering it but trying to hide it may look weird. BTW if you get one of those hose feeders for your plants you should be able to water/feed the plants in the ivy easy, also if you gave that grass a quick spray every once in awhile it will green up that grass a lot, her roses would like it 2 < just water at sun down so it doesnt burn the grass from full sun while its wet.



New Member
sorry wrote the last post before seeing your new post... The others should do just fine where your rose plants are. :peace:


Well-Known Member
haha no worries i always skip around and miss comments. but ya my mom is chill with it rite below my bedroom window and helps for security reason ill have my window open and my sensor rite there so ill hear any greedy bastards tryin to rip my crop off.

i just spent 3 hours diggin up the garden box. sweated my ass off got a tan and im falling apart rite now haha. im so outta shape from being a gimpo for the last couple months. but i gotta admit the hard work sucks but it feels so good knowin itll be rewarding and its part of the process. kinda like havin a kid i guess. goodtimes and badtimes but its all worth it in the end ya know.
i got about half way dug up then blisters started poppin under my gloves and had to give up. also broke my fukn shovel haha. theres a bigass root system from one of my moms old plants and its fukn down there and stuck. ill post sum pix.


Well-Known Member
yea so i wouldnt exactly say im strong but put all my weight bounced on this shovel to try and pop this yucca root ball out and lost. broke the metal in half. no joke look at the pic haha/

the shit is right in the way in one of the corners. gotta figure sumthing out now...

the 3rd pic is the row i was diggin up with the root ball in it. the pic doesnt give much justice but its down there and big.

the 4th pic is the shovel with the crack in it now lol. just look close ull see it.



Well-Known Member
everyday they seem to grow more and more.
when i first started they were at 5" now theyer about 10-11" tall and sum have been splitting out themselves. im about ready to LST them just need to get sum supplies.

Hey man! Nice grow! I can't even imagine what it would be like to have clones that were that big already. I live in the middle of nowhere in a state that doesnt have medical marijuana so i have to be on the look out constantly. Id be lucky if my little babies were that big by july 1st! Ill start a grow journal soon and ill let you see it for yourself! good luck


Well-Known Member
ya ive had these going for 3 weeks now growing strong cant wait to put them in the ground.
let me know when u start ur grow journal ill scope it out

ok man! ill give you alittle background. I have 7 lemon skunk(fem), 4 Khola(fem) all at about 2 weeks from seed. I also have 15 seedlings from last years crop so hopefully at least 4 will be female.. I hope... Heres the link from my last years. Enjoy!

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
looking good boomer. Whats your plan for scent control??? Im not trying to harp on you...Ive just never had neighbors that cool. I have an outdoor grow using a 55 gallon drum with the bottom cut out, but im just going for one plant. I dont have to worry about neighbors for that one though. I will def be watching this to fruition. +rep for the hard work.


Well-Known Member
ya looks like u had a succesful tree grow op. haha well we will follow along with the progress and see wat happens with both grows


Well-Known Member
thanks SS

the odor for me isnt an issue. even tho im a MM patient i dont exactly want to draw any attention to myself of course.
but my neightbor to my side blazes too. the other side is sum old ass lady by herself. then behind me is a buddy of mine. so im ok for those who can look over their fence and directly see the garden. i am puttin up screening material around the entire garden box tho for sum camflague and attaching fake flowers to the plant later to throw off anyone that looks. my security setup will help prevent anyone from gettin in my yard trying to benefit from my hardwork and money...
but yes odor will be very pungent as i hope haha.

i had started off with 45gallon trashcans as my orignal containers but im switchin it up now to plant in the ground and others in containers. mite still use the trashcans not sure yet

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
right on. sounds like you have little worries between your security system and friendly neighbors. Ive got my script too but like you said can still do the court dance.


Well-Known Member
ya true cuz its just a redflag so hpefully none of that nonsense will occur.

im gonna go work on the garden box today and LST the clones. also gonna post sum pix up of the new material i bought at OC farm supply


Well-Known Member
i visited the growroom at my buddys pad last nite not lookin too good. those army worms are going nuts and weve been pinchin out all kinds. we mite just flip the switch to 12/12hrs lighting and flower the buds we got on it now if we can even salvage it. but im stoked cuz we decided to team up and build a legit growroom out of his entire spare bedroom
him, his brother, his gf and bros gf all liuve there and are gettin their MM cards and hell be able to grow 24 mature plants in the room so were setting up a perpetual crop and rotate it so we can harvest about every 1.5 months. if we use whitewidow that is

the new setup will be organic soil again in square containers. Fox farm OF. with our amendments. have two seperate rooms; room A for vegging with 18/6 photoperiod. then room B; 12/12 photoperiod for flowering.

we will use 6 600watt HPS lamps in the flowerng room. 2 wall mounted fans. charcoal filter. duct work running thru the lamp fixtures to keep them cool. window mounted AC unit for temp and dehumidifier. jamacian bat guano for flowering with a tea system.

then fgor the veg room were gonna do two mother plants to keep clones rolling. clones in a humidity dome setup under t5 4 CFL tube setup. then 24 veg clones will be rotated under the 2 600watt metal halide lamps we will use in the veg room. also have a fan or two in the veg room. mylar will cover the walls and seperate the two rooms and all over the floor to protect carpet.
we will have digi thermometers high and low. security setup outdoors.

but we plan to flower 12 mature plants every month in a rotation. so stay tuned for that new project.


Well-Known Member
oh and the other previous clones that prematurely flowered are still outdoors at the gfs pad and doin ok. not sure if there in veg or flwoerind mode tho havent seen em in a lil over a week