Medicinal Garden [WhiteWidoW] 6clones-Outdoor Monsters in ground w/ Organic soil(PIX)


Well-Known Member
yea i will prob do them this week. just depends when i find time to do more work and get the screening up too. should i be gettin me fert nute tea goin too? or just let the roots use up more of the new soil?


Well-Known Member
yea i will prob do them this week. just depends when i find time to do more work and get the screening up too. should i be gettin me fert nute tea goin too? or just let the roots use up more of the new soil?
Your soil should be ok for a week or 2 but I would get it going one week after transplant and just keep an air stone in it to keep it alive. Make 5 gal at a time.


Well-Known Member
ok and wat dosage of the bat guano should i start with? a low dosage to intro the fert? i havent checked the suggested dosages yet


Well-Known Member
ok and wat dosage of the bat guano should i start with? a low dosage to intro the fert? i havent checked the suggested dosages yet
Read what I sent you on teas. Here is another for you:

This is a reciepe that was published in Skunk mag by Rev.

Veg...... 1 gal water.. 1 tsp blackstrap molasses.. 1 tsp liquid Alaskan fish fert.. 1 cup earthworm castings and 1 tsp FoxFarm Peace of mind all purpous. Just adjust accordingly for your 35 gal trash can.

Then for flower........ 1 tsp Black strap molasses.. 1 tsp FF peace of mind.. 1 tsp high phosperous bat guano.. 1 cup earthworm castings.. 1/2 tsp Maxicrop liquid or 1/2 tsp kelp/seaweed extract (dry) and 1/4 tsp Micronized (soft) rock phosphate. again adjust accordingly.


Well-Known Member
ok ill go reread that tea thread u sent me. but ive only bought the bat guano high in N and a micro nute that JR. from OCFS sugested... so should i go get more nute supplies?


Well-Known Member
ok ill go reread that tea thread u sent me. but ive only bought the bat guano high in N and a micro nute that JR. from OCFS sugested... so should i go get more nute supplies?
could get some cow manure and molasses to supplement that mix. both are always good additions


Well-Known Member
finally finished installed the screen barrier around the garden box and wooden stakes. not as tight as i wanted but it will work just fine. also put up the tomatoe cages and put them in my 10gallon containers against the wall. if u look in the container pic up on the roof awning ull see me security chime sensor. i moved it to that spot and works great. it scans the whole bak corner of the yard.

im stoked to finally be done with all the setup and move on to puttin these bitches in the ground.

still a lil confused about doing the tea tho. i only bought the bat guano and micro nutes and am not sure do i need more ingredients or am i missing sumthing? where do i get molasses and that other stuff? do i need it?



Well-Known Member
still a lil confused about doing the tea tho. i only bought the bat guano and micro nutes and am not sure do i need more ingredients or am i missing sumthing? where do i get molasses and that other stuff? do i need it?[/quote]

READ THE RECEIPE!!!! It is very explicit on what you need. If you want to use another receipe thats ok too but follow the directions.

Get a womens hose or cheese cloth and put the ingredients inside place in your bucket and turn on the air stone 24-48 hrs = Tea.

You can use the high N bat guano in place of the N source (fish emulsion, manure, etc). If you dont want to make a tea use an organic fert and follow the posted schedule. In general start low ppm and increase every 2 weeks or so with our weather. If it was hotter increase weekly.


Well-Known Member
finally finished installed the screen barrier around the garden box and wooden stakes. not as tight as i wanted but it will work just fine.

IDK. That screen doesn't really block line of sight if that is what you were trying to do. HD has some 75%. I would put a line of it between your moms viewing area and the plants and take down that black screen. She can tell them its a shade /wind barrier for your baby orchids. What does Mom think about the screening?


Well-Known Member
lol the screen didnt do shit. to me it was all a waste of money. the stakes are too big and dont stand straight very well. the screening that OCFS suggested isnt even dark. i guess itll help protect from the cats getn in it and other shit and maybe a lil harsh sun but watevr im done dealin with it just gonna let it be lol.

i appreciate the tips but ya it kinda helps blend in the plants inside but u can still see rite thru it.

and about the tea my bad i was all outta it and not reading all the details i just skimmed thru it. been dealin with trying to help set my buddys grow room up using 3600watts and designing the whole thing and figuring out the circut boards and suplies etc.

for transplanting i think ill do it on tues cuz ill be free then and need to feed the plant superthrive a couple days before i think was wat i was reading...


Well-Known Member
for transplanting i think ill do it on tues cuz ill be free then and need to feed the plant superthrive a couple days before i think was wat i was reading...[/quote]

Definately on the ST. ST is good for reducing transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
k cool. i watered with one gallon today and just over a drop of ST. i read sumwhere to water 1-2 days before transplant with the ST to help reach the roots and activate so it helps cope with the transplanting. im planning on transplanting tomorrow late afternoon which will also help reduce the shock and let them recover overnite. do u think this overcast/ lite rain will help them get used to being outside or is mostly sun better to recover from transplant shock?


Well-Known Member
toimorrow i will be transplanting these bitches outdoors finally. I LSTd them a few times and theyre def growing bushy and developing well. good strong growth all over and the branches are pretty evened out and the canopy is even. theyre just over a foot tall. i watered them yesterday with superthrive and i gallon of water. this will help the transplant shock



Well-Known Member
k cool. i watered with one gallon today and just over a drop of ST. i read sumwhere to water 1-2 days before transplant with the ST to help reach the roots and activate so it helps cope with the transplanting. im planning on transplanting tomorrow late afternoon which will also help reduce the shock and let them recover overnite. do u think this overcast/ lite rain will help them get used to being outside or is mostly sun better to recover from transplant shock?
That will all help in the shock factor. THey will be happy to be outdoors Im sure


Well-Known Member
finnaly put these kids in bed!

transplanted baout 5pm today with the sun out. weather says its gonna be cloudy tomorrow and the next day i hope theyll b ok.

i use superthrive to help reduce the shock and watered throughly. crazy to see the pot/root bound plants when i took them out. scope the pix. im surprised they grew that fast under a t5 setup for only a month indoors...



Well-Known Member
haha ya im stoked. it actually rained last nite tripped me out but i guess lettn god wash em with pure water is a goodthing