
1.5-2. I honestly dont have time to contact them and deal with that. tbh even on the previous version i was using I was still getting more clogs than I used to by far when i ran gh. It was sorta manageable because it was half the cost but not with the new version. @Airwalker16 I always heated up a couple gallons and added to that first till mostly dissolved.
And still had issues? I'd have to imagine, a gal of hot water, mixing with a big spoon, then adding to maybe 5gals of water, mixing with a pump, the night before in a bucket would get it completely 100% dissolved.
GH is still the staple of the industry here but I don't promote it anymore because of Hawthorne. Not because of Monstanto stuff but because of fishy shit they are doing wholesale wise and price wise. Kinda suck they own Gavita, Botanicare and GH. descent products by a fishy company. Having said that if a customer is doing great with those products I'd be stupid to make them switch to something else unless they specifically ask to.

I sold around 60+ 10KG bags of MC but most were to people I never seen before in my store, guess they saw me advertising on forums and online.
Definitely worth trying Jacks.

For my coco dtw....
Now that I've used both, I prefer Jacks. Well established with many using it. My ph is more stable, and much cleaner res and lines. Better control over N levels. For coco, MC is kinda high in K out of the bag.

And there are several other brands of 2-parts similar to Jacks.

As for the latest MC not dissolving as easily....
The powder may be (ideally! Hopefully!) designed to dissolve the different granules at different rates. To prevent precip from chemical reactions between the base and calnit.

The more I learn, the more I dislike MC because it's a 1-part.

And....I have used GH trio with sucess. Would rather use it than MC.
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For my coco dtw....
Now that I've used both, I prefer Jacks. Well established with many using it. My ph is more stable, and much cleaner res and lines. Better control over N levels.

And there are several other brands of 2-parts similar to Jacks.

As for the latest MC not dissolving as easily....
The powder may be (ideally! Hopefully!) designed to dissolve the different granules at different rates. To prevent precip from chemical reactions between the base and calnit.

The more I learn, the more I dislike MC because it's a 1-part.

Probably why they have so much what looks like molasses in there to keep the chemicals from reacting, similar to what GH does with Flora Nova with lots of organic shit in it to keep chems from biding/falling out. There's lots of powder only nutrients out there. Some over priced some not as bad. Back in the day sold tons of 5-50-17 (root and bloom used in the first week) 20-20-20 (veg) 10-30-20 ( flower) add in MKP (0-52-34) once a week 3,4,5,6 and then 5-50-17 the last couple of weeks. Really what else do you need?
Probably why they have so much what looks like molasses in there to keep the chemicals from reacting, similar to what GH does with Flora Nova with lots of organic shit in it to keep chems from biding/falling out. There's lots of powder only nutrients out there. Some over priced some not as bad. Back in the day sold tons of 5-50-17 (root and bloom used in the first week) 20-20-20 (veg) 10-30-20 ( flower) add in MKP (0-52-34) once a week 3,4,5,6 and then 5-50-17 the last couple of weeks. Really what else do you need?

LOL check this insane shit out
GH is still the staple of the industry here but I don't promote it anymore because of Hawthorne. Not because of Monstanto stuff but because of fishy shit they are doing wholesale wise and price wise. Kinda suck they own Gavita, Botanicare and GH. descent products by a fishy company. Having said that if a customer is doing great with those products I'd be stupid to make them switch to something else unless they specifically ask to.

I sold around 60+ 10KG bags of MC but most were to people I never seen before in my store, guess they saw me advertising on forums and online.
I think most hydro shops still sell the most gh, but with so many other brands out now they are more sharing the market place than dominating like they used to. I hate to buy Scott’s, Monsanto, whatever you want to call them, but unfortunately hawthorn owns pretty much everything in the cannabis growing space now so hard to avoid buying their products. And I have heard of a lot of changes coming for general, heard kb will no longer be offered.among other products being discontinued.
I may go back to GH trio...

Honestly I was going to stop using it and go to something else but after my screwups with this round the last thing I need to do is change up more things. I'm going to just suck it up and buy another gallon of each and run them til I run out. Probably clone the next best girl I flower and keep running the same one for awhile until i get things dialed in better.
I think most hydro shops still sell the most gh, but with so many other brands out now they are more sharing the market place than dominating like they used to. I hate to buy Scott’s, Monsanto, whatever you want to call them, but unfortunately hawthorn owns pretty much everything in the cannabis growing space now so hard to avoid buying their products. And I have heard of a lot of changes coming for general, heard kb will no longer be offered.among other products being discontinued.

Dry KB is being re labeled as are lot of their products so no new supply till end of Jan/Feb. There's always been TONS of food on the marker. Hell BC has a shit load of manufacturers.

Pi Nutrients (aka Nutrlie Plant Products)
Super Natural
Technaflora (They're 15 feet from my shop lol)
Green Planet
Advanced Nutrients
Future Harvest
Gaia Green

What's funny is how many new manufactuers came in and tried to get me to put their stuff in the store. I'm like look (in a nice way) if I put in every food brand in here that's came in since legalization J'd have to tie up $30K+ in products that would never sell and I'd be stuck with useless stock. Besides please don't BS me on how better of a yield my customers will get from your food.
Anyone notice you have to quite a bit more mc 2.1 to get 1000ppm? Seems the new version needs more than previous. 5 gallon pale..tap water is 150..added 22grm of mc2.1..and 3grms of bud explosion.. 750ppm..and i have checked my tds pen with confirmed distilled water of 20ppm. Does water temp play a factor on ppm? Water is 17degrees.
Anyone notice you have to quite a bit more mc 2.1 to get 1000ppm? Seems the new version needs more than previous. 5 gallon pale..tap water is 150..added 22grm of mc2.1..and 3grms of bud explosion.. 750ppm..and i have checked my tds pen with confirmed distilled water of 20ppm. Does water temp play a factor on ppm? Water is 17degrees.

Temps should only affect PH, ec/ppm should stay the same.