
Are you guys phing your mix or just using as is? mine ends up being about 5.4 at about 1.5ec, so deff need to bring it up.
Are you guys phing your mix or just using as is? mine ends up being about 5.4 at about 1.5ec, so deff need to bring it up.
Are you guys phing your mix or just using as is? mine ends up being about 5.4 at about 1.5ec, so deff need to bring it up.
Rather than use PH up, I found that using .5 ml of silica per gallon gave me a ph of 5.9.

(Silica added to res first)
Out of curiosity...When you use TDS are your pens set to 700 or 500?

Mine is on the 700 scale. If I add 17 grams of MC to 5 US gallons of water I get to TDS 800 when starting at 10

Is anyone running MC into the 1000s?
So I’ve tested out having a stock solution of 4% in a 5 gal bucket for the last 5 days. Results are, zero film or buildup on side or bottom of bucket. I stirred the solution a few times before removing a scoop when making a res. There is some settling that occurs but mixes right back up with a quick stir. I think heat creates the buildup or slime I’ve heard others talk about, as I’ve seen this in my own res. When temps get cooler I put a heater in the res, I noticed brown froth all around the heater and on the surface, looked pretty gross, it also stained the sides of my res. So I’m thinking keeping the solution at a cooler temp would help with that. Now to figure out how to heat my incoming water, add silicate to raise the ph then the stock solution all with one doser..
And my run with mc has come to an end, got my third bag and its a completely different consistancy than the previous ones. Product did not dissolve nearly as good as previous bags and clogged the shit out of my drippers and filters. Shame they have to keep changing the formula.
Say more about the consistency? I just ordered from MC ~4 weeks ago. Consistency seems like a bag of fert. Dissolves and mixes fine.
Say more about the consistency? I just ordered from MC ~4 weeks ago. Consistency seems like a bag of fert. Dissolves and mixes fine.
The consistency in the bag is fine, its just that its different from the original version and i didn't dissolve quite as good as original. Im running a drip system with 280 sites and 24 manifolds and a main inline filter. I went from having to clean the main filter once every couple days to multiple times a day. On top i noticed individual drippers starting to clog up, was chasing them around the room all day. If your hand feeding then it shouldnt be an issue at all, sucks because plants havent looked better and super simple to use :mad:, oh well way she goes. Curious if anyone else noticed any difference with the newest version?
The consistency in the bag is fine, its just that its different from the original version and i didn't dissolve quite as good as original. Im running a drip system with 280 sites and 24 manifolds and a main inline filter. I went from having to clean the main filter once every couple days to multiple times a day. On top i noticed individual drippers starting to clog up, was chasing them around the room all day. If your hand feeding then it shouldnt be an issue at all, sucks because plants havent looked better and super simple to use :mad:, oh well way she goes. Curious if anyone else noticed any difference with the newest version?
That's a lot of sites! (envious). What EC are you running? Have you checkedd with the company to see if any help there?
The consistency in the bag is fine, its just that its different from the original version and i didn't dissolve quite as good as original. Im running a drip system with 280 sites and 24 manifolds and a main inline filter. I went from having to clean the main filter once every couple days to multiple times a day. On top i noticed individual drippers starting to clog up, was chasing them around the room all day. If your hand feeding then it shouldnt be an issue at all, sucks because plants havent looked better and super simple to use :mad:, oh well way she goes. Curious if anyone else noticed any difference with the newest version?
If you were to heat up a gallon of water to mix whatever you needed into, I wonder if it'd be easier?
That's a lot of sites! (envious). What EC are you running? Have you checkedd with the company to see if any help there?
1.5-2. I honestly dont have time to contact them and deal with that. tbh even on the previous version i was using I was still getting more clogs than I used to by far when i ran gh. It was sorta manageable because it was half the cost but not with the new version. @Airwalker16 I always heated up a couple gallons and added to that first till mostly dissolved.