Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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and that makes you jealous. i am sorry that selling fruit wasn't all that you wished for. i suppose the poor decisions you've made in your life are someone else's fault.

guess kynes should have taken his own bootstrap advice..things might have..oh, i don't know (wife, family, home)..turned out better:wink:
I am certain that you don't know shit, are evil, have no balls, and are a poser.


*Decom-posuer.....Fuck you...Lifer....

--She's got the grace, of a tourist, with the charm of demolition
She's a poem without meter or rhyme a random design of a flower
Like a rose no one really knows
She's a master piece deserving restoration or condemnation time will tell us
If she's a lifer or a decomposuer she's the rose no one really knows
meh, not really, mostly just point out Bucks failed attempts at simple math, all the while he rips on people for not getting simple math. Its like entertainment that no dollar can ever buy.


I don't take any delight in letting buck know he isn't the smartest guy around, I do enjoy the ironic statements he makes though.

The world wonder, long dick book bender. All night grinder, womb finder, sheet shaker, baby maker, and money taker......


I met you at the greyhound bus, in a world of passion and lust, i wanna be your, i wanna be your pimp.........
I agree however I am not asking for help, or any sympathy I have friends and a family. I am sorry if the way it comes out is as an excuse but I have a reality that I kept to myself until people tell me what I do and do not try to do. It is ignorant to assume as many have that they know anything and quite frankly that's when the axe comes out. The term insult to injury is applicable. Also, we view humanity very differently.....I am not as cynical or presumptuous as you or Kynes and I am a reactionary. Expect the truth out of people good or bad, it may be uncomfortable but selfish to think about it like that. You are not changing....I get it, but be warned this is a visceral reaction that you will receive every time. Sorry for nothing....grow up and deal with it.

I see it entirely different burgertime.
When you say you aren't asking for any help or sympathy, I take it as you just don't make personal pleas.
What I see is, you asking for sympathy in the guise of collectivism, same, same to me.

You say I'm cynical, perhaps you are right, but who are you to judge, and isn't that assumption in and of itself a bit cynical on your part?

The fact is, most of us are self serving, you may define that as selfish or greedy, I call it being self responsible, something that seems to escape many these days.
I've been down in the dirt a few times in my life and my parents didn't have the extra money to help me out, I put myself through college and relied on the only person I could count on and yes, you know who that was.
But tell that to some of the people on this board and all they can do is mock you for it, call you a liar or post meaningless pictures and videos because the reality is, they don't want to hear what you're saying.
Are these the people guys like me are suppose to have compassion and sympathy for or are they perhaps the reason I'm cynical?

I do hope you find happiness, I honestly do.
so, raising the cost of labour, especially in the low margin Burger Business simply cannot increase prices because the burger loving public wont stand for it...


if we doubled their tax burden, would they also absorb THAT cost too?

if we put a Fat Tax of say, $.50 on every patty, to pay for the obesity they cause, would they just suck it up and take that kick right in their bottom line?

if then you capped burger prices at $1 "For The Children" they wouldnt simply go out of business, because they have a duty to provide dimwits like you with menial jobs, and offer up their homage to the government?

you must be a really good businessman. your grasp of the principles of business is absolutely arcane.

what is it you do again? ohh yeah you make your living lying about living in madagascar on the interwebs. another brilliant financial maneuver which i can never hope to duplicate. you are the Bernie Madoff of lying on the interwebs for profit

american min wage: $7.25
aussie min wage: $16.88 (1 AUD to .89 USD) = $15.02

american big mac: $4.20
aussie big mac: $4.80 (conversion) = $4.27

explain to me how their wage is double yet their big mac is the same price.

your "theory" is not even theory, it is just talking points.

the evidence doesn't support you in any way.

and you somehow rebutted everyone BUT me last night.

gee and i thought kynes was the first one to suggest pulling oneself up by the;

so far kynes has demonstrated employment at:

walmart - minimum wage
target (pronounced tar-jay) +$2 above walmart
farmers market..the gravy:lol:

oooooooh. burn.
guess kynes should have taken his own bootstrap advice..things might have..oh, i don't know (wife, family, home)..turned out better:wink:

kynes certainly has the family and home part figured out. isn't it like 8 people staying at his little bungalow?
meh, not really, mostly just point out Bucks failed attempts at simple math, all the while he rips on people for not getting simple math. Its like entertainment that no dollar can ever buy.

tell me again how you can take 4 ounces away from 12 ounces and that counts as a 50% reduction.
tell me again how you can take 4 ounces away from 12 ounces and that counts as a 50% reduction.

If you increase 8 by 50% what will you have? You do have a small point since 33&1/3rd% of 12 is 8, but still, the burger you are eating today would have to be half again as big to equal the burger someone in 1988 was eating.

How many zeroes in a million?

Btw if you increase 1 by 100%, what do you have?
If you increase 8 by 50% what will you have? You do have a small point since 33&1/3rd% of 12 is 8, but still, the burger you are eating today would have to be half again as big to equal the burger someone in 1988 was eating.

claim is unsubstantiated, uncited, and disputed.

you made the claim that 12 ounces reduced to 8 ounces is a 50% reduction, then you went on to berate me over simple math.

you fucked up in the most ironic way possible.

it's OK, getting stoned and doing math on an internet message board is gonna lead to that happening, it's just a matter of how badly you fuck up.
claim is unsubstantiated, uncited, and disputed.

you made the claim that 12 ounces reduced to 8 ounces is a 50% reduction, then you went on to berate me over simple math.

you fucked up in the most ironic way possible.

it's OK, getting stoned and doing math on an internet message board is gonna lead to that happening, it's just a matter of how badly you fuck up.

Yeah, I should have worded that differently so that someone who wasn't smarting from the Math lesson they were given repeatedly, yet still can't do it, wouldn't have been so eager to point out that slight error. But you get the drift. Hopefully you can accept that.
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