Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
really a farmers market, do you accept WIC and SNAP and other assistance programs vouchers, probably do huh? Do you talk shit about them as they walk out the door after just helping to keep you living with their assistance? You don't think they would rather be paying for that with CASH after working 40 hrs. You sit there and take money from people you lazy fuck, how hard is that, unless its hard for you to count out change for a twenty or something.
nope, no checks, no credit, no wic, no snap. Just Cash. and thats solely because i dont want to pay for a POS system for snap/wic and i NEVER accept checks of credit.
i do NOT despise people on the dole, unless, like you, they are able bodied, and simply LAZY
and its vegetables and herbs i grew by the sweat of my own brow numbnuts.
Protip: people on snap/wic etc rarely work 40 hours, and if they do, its at 2 part time jobs
Bonus Protip: even a sho-nuff, real deal actual minimum wage job at 20 hours a week disqualifies you from foodstamps unless you have a GAGGLE of kids
Super Special Protip: if i should ever decide to accept Snap/Wic/Foodstamps, then THEY wont be paying me, and THEY wont be helping me do shit. that would be The Government, not the foodstamp recipient.