Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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If you increase 8 by 50% what will you have? You do have a small point since 33&1/3rd% of 12 is 8, but still, the burger you are eating today would have to be half again as big to equal the burger someone in 1988 was eating.

How many zeroes in a million?

Btw if you increase 1 by 100%, what do you have?

oh fucked up..take your beating..
You say I'm cynical, perhaps you are right, but who are you to judge, and isn't that assumption in and of itself a bit cynical on your part?

This is easily one of your best lines. So burger says you're a cynic and you admit he may be right, but you then question his right to judge you, and follow that up by judging him.

And then you follow up with this little jewel
The fact is, most of us are self serving

Which is in fact the very definition of cynical

Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others

But tell that to some of the people on this board and all they can do is mock you for it, call you a liar or post meaningless pictures and videos because the reality is, they don't want to hear what you're saying.

Again beenthere, your hypocrisy rears it ugly head. So people mock you and they don't want to hear what your saying. Perhaps, in some small way, you calling people vulgar names, posting pictures of other members grows and trying to get people to make fun of them, incessantly badgering people about how much money they make, unremittingly posting about those fucking progressives, hasn't helped you or your cause.

Are these the people guys like me are suppose to have compassion and sympathy for or are they perhaps the reason I'm cyniical?If interacting with a bunch of libturd/tard, pinko commie, murderous, race baiting, socialist, progressive, punks, is making you cynical stop. Maybe your wife is right about this place. Don't minimize the page, fucking close it.

I know you don't have to listen to me, because I'm just some commie sock puppet. If I was real, and half as successful as you claim to be, I could find a hell of a lot cooler shit to do with my free time, and internet millions than be one of the most prolific posters in the politics section.

But maybe that's just me..[/QUOTE]
i was under the impression he lived with his mother..

she's there because obama burned her house down, but he doesn't really "live" with her. he moved out and now she's living back with him until obama rebuilds her house that he burnt down.
she's there because obama burned her house down, but he doesn't really "live" with her. he moved out and now she's living back with him until obama rebuilds her house that he burnt down.

bucky, why do i keep hearing about obama phones? and how come i didn't get one?..this comes from kynes..
I have not accused, only questioned the possibility of such, and have expressed my concern of the possibility. I take sexual assault very seriously, it is not a game, and if you have done something to your children before burning them alive, you should be condemned for it.
You are a lying piece of shit, and a coward.
Here: You can have this $290. This is what a minimum wage employee will most likely earn this week. Go get everything you, and your child will need to "survive".... Now... I'd love to see a scenario where you/the employee is not struggling to decide what bills to pay, heat or electricity, what food to eliminate from the shopping list, if going to a doctor is even worth it, by the end of that month. I'd also love to see a scenario where you can actually "live" on this amount, and not just "scrape by"...You have no idea what you are talking about.
If you make only minimum wage and have a child, you're getting AFDC and food stamps, and probably housing and utility assistance.
[video=youtube;3EZ5bx9AyI4][/video] If FDR hadn't passed away we probably wouldn't be arguing about this right now.
If FDR hadn't passed away, he would have packed the Supreme Court with even more Klansmen.
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