Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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They work it because they have to, because there is no other option. It's not an assumption; In 2006, the average man employed full-time worked 8.4 hours per work day, and the average woman employed full-time worked 7.7 hours per work day. There is no mandatory minimum amount of paid time off for sickness or holiday. However, regular, full-time workers often have the opportunity to take about nine days off for various holidays, two weeks (10 business days) of sick leave and two weeks (10 business days) of paid holiday time, with some workers receiving additional time after several years. Because of the pressure of working, time is increasingly viewed as a commodity. Recent history By 1946 the United States government had inaugurated the 40-hour work week for all federal employees. Beginning in 1950, under the Truman Administration, the United States became the first known industrialized nation to explicitly (albeit secretly) and permanently forswear a reduction of working time. Given the military-industrial requirements of the Cold War, the authors of the then secret National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68)[38] proposed the US government undertake a massive permanent national economic expansion that would let it “siphon off” a part of the economic activity produced to support an ongoing military buildup to contain the Soviet Union. In his 1951 Annual Message to the Congress, President Truman stated: In terms of manpower, our present defense targets will require an increase of nearly one million men and women in the armed forces within a few months, and probably not less than four million more in defense production by the end of the year. This means that an additional 8 percent of our labor force, and possibly much more, will be required by direct defense needs by the end of the year. These manpower needs will call both for increasing our labor force by reducing unemployment and drawing in women and older workers, and for lengthening hours of work in essential industries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average non-farm private sector employee worked 34.5 hours per week as of June 2012. ... Between 1950 and 2007 official price inflation was measured to 861 percent. President Truman, in his 1951 message to Congress, predicted correctly that his military buildup “will cause intense and mounting inflationary pressures.” Using the data provided by the United State Bureau of Labor Statistics, Erik Rauch has estimated productivity to have increased by nearly 400%. According to Rauch, “if productivity means anything at all, a worker should be able to earn the same standard of living as a 1950 worker in only 11 hours per week.” Do you feel it necessary to have a dozen different responses before you admit you understand what I am asking you? ...if you didn't already have a job and your net income was at '0'? Also, your insurance wasn't already paid for, you don't have medical bills, you're right handed, your eyesight is 20/20, you and your wife have an OK relationship and your favorite color is green.. now that we've got that out of the way, can you answer the question as I asked it without invoking more bullshit excuses to extract more time away from this conversation? Why do you feel it is a better solution for minimum wage workers to take on more work (jobs), than for the average employer to pay a reasonable working wage (above the poverty line so the worker doesn't require government assistance)? Exactly as expected, still no solution, just like your praised GOP representatives in the house and senate. All you have is complaints, yet when pressed with answers, the only thing you can do is bitch more
How many time do I have to answer the same fucking question? What part of "yes" is it that you don't understand? You still can only argue that everyone one "deserves" some certain level of income. "Why do you feel it is a better solution for minimum wage workers to take on more work (jobs), than for the average employer to pay a reasonable working wage"-Why do you feel it is better to pay workers more than they are worth? It's a business, not a charity. Paying too much for too little ensures the business loses money, Then your "living wage" job disappears entirely. "All you have is complaints"-I'm not complaining, you are.
don't give it away, I like watching them arrive at their conclusions, however misguided
They START from a conclusion, then defend it with assumptions. "Everybody deserves a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage". Circular logic.
it's not just burgers.

the guy who stocks the shelves at the minimart, the guy who stand behind the counter waiting to be robbed at that mini mart, the guy who mops the floors at wal-mart, it adds up fast, and jobs any dolt can do should NOT pay tradesman's wages.

back in the 80's i worked min wage when it was 4.25/hour, and yet, cas cost .75 a gallon, a loaf of bread was .50 cents, a coke was .25 , the apartment i lived in was $300 a month (two bedrooms so i shared with another dude, bam, $150/month) etc etc etc. min wage has gone up in calif, to $8/hour, and that same loaf of Orowheat stone ground bread now cost $4, gas is hovering around $4/gallon, a two bedroom apt costs ~$900/month (~$600 for a studio, if you can believe that!) and the house i grew up in just sold for $350k, while my landlord bought it in 78 for 80k (and it is a dump, a 110 year old drafty farmhouse total ~2000 sq feet)

raising the minimum wade DOES increase the costs of everything you want and need, and all the while the nebbish econ-tards are shouting gleefully "What Inflation??"

the median income (and in fact all incomes below the top 2 quintiles) have LOST their purchasing power to the invisdible theif of inflation, and craeting MORE inflation will only erode that buying power further, so despite having to schlep around more cash, it just doesnt buy as much.

do the math on your own numbers! wage went up 100% but the expenses you cited went up 400%! how does that work, you still think you would be able to live like you did back then, your delusional. Min wage workers have to work 1 hour to pay for a loaf of bread and gas, your wage back then got you a lot more.
and how much will the things you want and need cost when everybody is making $100/day?

burgerflipping would then be worth 3k a month for fucks sake, so the prices of EVERYTHING will shoot through the roof.

if you can find somebody to pay you $100 a day, i dont begrudge you that, but apparently if i feel somebody is worth LESS than that im cheating them?

there are some jobs any schlub can do, like posting crazy assertions on the interwebs, but other jobs require skills far in excess of smacking some keys and hitting the twatter post button.

if 100/day is the minimum wage, then the cats with skills who are in demand will have to be paid FAR more, resulting in 3k a month becoming the new poverty floor, and then youll be out there shouting at clouds demanding $200 a day as the minimum, then in a few months, whe zimbabwe style inflation catches up, youll NEED $400 a day just to keep up...

lern 2 real market forces ernie, bert is getting tired of footing the bill for your lifestyle.
Ooooh ,I get it it now, you want to keep them down so you can stay up, nice, classy.
Yes, that's how it would work in a more perfect world. Unfortunately, here in the real world, less shittier jobs just don't pop up out of nowhere. As already addressed earlier, people are retiring later, unemployment is higher meaning there are less positions available, and people are selling their labor for much less than it's worth because competition for employment is much higher. Meanwhile you have multinational corporations asking their employees to provide food for their coworkers to compensate for such a low wage. Do you know how much the Walton family is worth?
Unemployment is lower now than when I joined the workforce, during the Carter administration. The only difference is we have small portion of the workforce who think they should start their career at the same place their parents finished. Your argument, your sole argument, is that employers should pay what the employee thinks he is worth. If you want to hand out charity, fine, go ahead. But use your own money. There is no virtue in telling others they must pay for your (lack of) charity.
The day comes when a living wage is on the table perhaps, and the enemy watches waiting to land on a fairy tale that incites fear. It is as if no one knows or even heard of a living wage. These myths and the liars who perpetuate the subjugation are the ones we look at and measure success in this culture by.....pathetic. A day of a mans' life is worth 100.00 dollars minimum......end of story.
A day in a man's life is worth what he produces. No one gets paid for breathing, except for welfare trash.
They START from a conclusion, then defend it with assumptions. "Everybody deserves a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage". Circular logic.

Last week we had a student of the month ceremony at our kids' school. 30 kids in that class, and 8 of them were student of the month. WTF? And my kids have received as many as 5 student of the month awards in a single school year, a piece! And it's not just a printed certificate, fuck no, it's foil paper with an official seal, 4 signatures (no shit, even has the secretary's sig) a metal pin, stickers, book marker, couple pencils and a certificate for a free personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut. This was for every single student that received the award, and each class was sporting between 5-8 students each. This goes on every month.

Straight kick in the face to the kids who are busting ass. Im just glad my own are above it all, but Im sure the wife and I have had something to do with that.
so much to say, so little goes: offense but bucky is right, YOU ARE RACIST..
Assuming only one race makes minimum wage is racist, nothing I said was. Offense taken
yes, red, yes you do.. go put your bike away and clean up before dinner, your father will be home soon..
No, we don't. Insulting me doesn't advance your argument, it just proves you don't have a argument.
[/B]:wall: a living wage is a right.
no, we are just good at math..and clearly you are not.
You don't seem to be good at anything. Otherwise, you'd have a job. Explain how "math" makes you worth more.
This inflation is bad, especially with foods. The times merit thrift, I am not obtuse, I just believe hard work is worth that. It's a rarity I hear people supporting the status-quo as you do. We are gonna keep paying 12.00.
Get off it. Nobody believes you ever hired anybody. $12.00/hr is a low wage, anyway.
Get off it. Nobody believes you ever hired anybody. $12.00/hr is a low wage, anyway.
You are a presumptuous moron and cheap to boot. I payed people up to 15, for whatever reason that upsets you.....12/hr is 25k year. You don't need to punk somebody for just a mean spirit? Macho douchbag? The fact remains I don't lie about paying people......I lie to women.
How does stating $12.00/hr is a low wage make me cheap? It might make you cheap, but not me. The fact remains, I don't believe you.
I just want to know what these progressives think their doing by spending all their time on the internet complaining.

Why aren't they out there helping and making a real difference?
I just want to know what these progressives think their doing by spending all their time on the internet complaining.

Why aren't they out there helping and making a real difference?

Says the guy who spends his entire day on rollitup, complaining.
I just want to know what these progressives think their doing by spending all their time on the internet complaining. Why aren't they out there helping and making a real difference?
Because they think it's always somebody elses' duty to make a difference.
Says the guy who wants federal laws passed that require people to force others to make a difference rather than themselves.
What? I never said any such thing, or even anything even close. Quite the opposite, in fact. You must be a moron. Or a liar.
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