A day in a man's life is worth what he produces. No one gets paid for breathing, except for welfare trash.
perhaps WELFARE would not be necessary if a LIVING WAGE were paid..so racist..
A day in a man's life is worth what he produces. No one gets paid for breathing, except for welfare trash.
perhaps WELFARE would not be necessary if a LIVING WAGE were paid..so racist..
So, I'm a coward because UncleBuck was foolish enough to post a real life picture of himself, and I'm not?
I don't think any of your progressive friends will even agree with you on that, and if they do, let them put their money where their mouth is and post their photos too!
perhaps WELFARE would not be necessary if a LIVING WAGE were paid..so racist..
Notice my posts appear only after their posts, not in the middle of. A counter argument is not "on the offensive". Rage would be making accusations of child rape and murder, not making a counter point.
You should know that the majority on welfare in this country are white. For you to automatically picture blacks when welfare is mentioned and then calling others racist is off a bit wouldn't you say?
I have. And because you have not and continue to call people on their looks is cowardly. This is not an opinion people can agree or disagree on, it's a fact. Jack.
My vote counts every bit as much as yours. Adding "who is employed" doesn't make your assumption true. You're kind of potty-mouthed aren't you?actually your fail is bigger than i thought..i fixed it for you..the correct statement is "Everybody who is employed has the right to a living wage"..your comment above is the circular one..this is because you start out with the same 3 words you end with..A CIRCLE FUCKING JERK.. now you know why this decision is not yours to make..
Most people on here are smart enough NOT to post a real life photo of themselves on RIU
And I will go out on a limb and say the majority of people who choose NOT to, will agree that it's foolish to do so.
That my friend is an opinion, and opinion the majority of honest people on here will agree upon.
Why do you keep pretending this is about race? Starting to realize you have no argument, so demonize your opponents?perhaps WELFARE would not be necessary if a LIVING WAGE were paid..so racist..
I think the minimum wage should be $24/hr. Yet, you only pay your workers half of that.
Why do you hate your workers, slave driver?
Why do you keep pretending this is about race? Starting to realize you have no argument, so demonize your opponents?
Welfare queen= schuylaar[/B] really? define: welfare queen
Wow, don't I feel humiliated..............do you ever actually think about things without people. You are nothing to anyone here.
Please, I asked nicely...I would like to know the dollar amount of your "living wage". Could you tell me that, please?
Yes, things without people would be awesome.
I'm thinking about this thread without you right now.....so nice.
Damn, you can't look up three posts?..............again: Welfare queen= schuylaardefine: welfare queen