Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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and yet so many rich powerful handsome dudes who fuck supermodels in the hot-tubs .


Honey, I shrunk the cops:

they throw hot lead at innocents
who toil at work to pay their rents
the victim families all grieve
but who do cops and courts believe?
the blighted poor community
or the sheriff and his deputies
cuz press and power won't recognize
those subjugated by their lies
and oh, what can you do?
attack the city hall?
take on the boys in blue?
oh, peace flees away
when your loved one succumbs to the system's decay
i dreamed about dead cops today
about wire taps and severance pay
about the whining of their sirens scream
interrogation, torture schemes
they prey upon our deepest fears
they lock kids up for eighteen years
they're trained to kill and loot
question later after they shoot
and oh, what can you do?
attack the city hall?
take on the boys in blue?
oh, no thanks, no peace!
when your loved one is a victim of the crooked police
a wall of silent blue construction
for this life deduction
your taxes pay for these class soldiers
and you're calling them today!
You haven't a clue how my life plays out how do you compare? Please cite my asking for anything except a living wage for others, I am not afraid in the least, honestly. This is not a sob story. It is an example of the other side.......I would not explain to you the private details of my conditions for many reasons. If my words were a jumping off point at least for this you might have a point.....these are bold have lied again and should be ashamed. Please, show me in my words where I say I deserve more. 150 is hard to live on but I am grateful and lucky. Find the truth.

I'm not going to give you any phony insincere, "I'm sorry for your misfortune" condolences because i don't know you and don't even know it it's true.
But, IMO, the minute you start airing out your hardships on a public forum, it becomes your sob story and quite frankly, it's a piss poor excuse for anyone to use that can't or won't try to overcome any kind of adversity.

I'm not going to give you any phony insincere, "I'm sorry for your misfortune" condolences because i don't know you and don't even know it it's true.
But, IMO, the minute you start airing out your hardships on a public forum, it becomes your sob story and quite frankly, it's a piss poor excuse for anyone to use that can't or won't try to overcome any kind of adversity.


Beenthere's bummed out? Why is he such a bummer?


You don't know me let alone my intent
Actions do not always self represent
I don't feel urgency in explaining
My conscience opaquely clear..................

Remember the good old days, remember the sound
Remember the sweet mustiness underground
No, I don't feel the need for relivin'
Some things are better off dead....

Remember the old band we filled ears with pain
Nothing to lose there was nothing to gain

I don't miss my span of attention, I DO miss my old friend Tim:
You haven't a clue how my life plays out how do you compare? Please cite my asking for anything except a living wage for others, I am not afraid in the least, honestly. This is not a sob story. It is an example of the other side.......I would not explain to you the private details of my conditions for many reasons. If my words were a jumping off point at least for this you might have a point.....these are bold have lied again and should be ashamed. Please, show me in my words where I say I deserve more. 150 is hard to live on but I am grateful and lucky. Find the truth.

I need a program and am highly skilled. Ever needed something? Ever have your quality of life permanently compromised?

are you certain you arent retaded?

cuz you cant remember shit you said in this very thread.

makes me think you should be riding the short bus to the special kids classes, wearing a hockey helmet.
Beenthere is a total Stoke Extinguisher.

Pit-mix. She is just submissive, cowardly, needy, and the main thing is when I move suddenly toward her she seems scared but is getting a lot better. It is a gut feeling and I see sadness in her eyes. I don't know if that sounds odd but it is what it is. Any tips maybe?

i too have a dog very submissive, needy she was the 2nd..noelle..when she was a puppy she seemed fine then kinda grew into it..must be her nature/temperament..she loves tummy rubs..very attached to me always follows me around wants to sit right next to me

Noelle & Lilibeene.jpg
are you certain you arent retaded?

wear a hockey helmet.


It's 5 o clock, why are you so tired? What'd you do last night?

EDIT: Nothing! I said, nothing! Why don't you just shut the fuck up! Jesus. You're just like your mom!!
when did i ever say i am successful?


im broke like a joke, and supplement my income by selling produce at the farmer's market. teh fux you smoking?

but I WORK for what i get, i dont just expect somebody else to give it to me.

really a farmers market, do you accept WIC and SNAP and other assistance programs vouchers, probably do huh? Do you talk shit about them as they walk out the door after just helping to keep you living with their assistance? You don't think they would rather be paying for that with CASH after working 40 hrs. You sit there and take money from people you lazy fuck, how hard is that, unless its hard for you to count out change for a twenty or something.
I'm not going to give you any phony insincere, "I'm sorry for your misfortune" condolences because i don't know you and don't even know it it's true.
But, IMO, the minute you start airing out your hardships on a public forum, it becomes your sob story and quite frankly, it's a piss poor excuse for anyone to use that can't or won't try to overcome any kind of adversity.

I agree however I am not asking for help, or any sympathy I have friends and a family. I am sorry if the way it comes out is as an excuse but I have a reality that I kept to myself until people tell me what I do and do not try to do. It is ignorant to assume as many have that they know anything and quite frankly that's when the axe comes out. The term insult to injury is applicable. Also, we view humanity very differently.....I am not as cynical or presumptuous as you or Kynes and I am a reactionary. Expect the truth out of people good or bad, it may be uncomfortable but selfish to think about it like that. You are not changing....I get it, but be warned this is a visceral reaction that you will receive every time. Sorry for nothing....grow up and deal with it.
really a farmers market, do you accept WIC and SNAP and other assistance programs vouchers, probably do huh? Do you talk shit about them as they walk out the door after just helping to keep you living with their assistance? You don't think they would rather be paying for that with CASH after working 40 hrs. You sit there and take money from people you lazy fuck, how hard is that, unless its hard for you to count out change for a twenty or something.

gee and i thought kynes was the first one to suggest pulling oneself up by the;

so far kynes has demonstrated employment at:

walmart - minimum wage
target (pronounced tar-jay) +$2 above walmart
farmers market..the gravy:lol:
and yet i understand these principles better than yourself, who has repeatedly alluded to a lifesyle of wealth and opulence.

funny how the interwebs is full of so many rich powerful handsome dudes who fuck supermodels in the hot-tubs at their swiss chalet before jumping in their G-5 to spend 10 hours a day bragging on the interwebs from the free wifi at the local starbucks...

and that makes you jealous. i am sorry that selling fruit wasn't all that you wished for. i suppose the poor decisions you've made in your life are someone else's fault.
Its cute 20 hours of the day. My girl does not leave my side either.....

it's funny, she's very competitive too..she pushes the other one out of the way when giving treats..she also steals..she has to have a collection of bones, rawhide..tragically.. and i give them both the exact same shit..
and that makes you jealous. i am sorry that selling fruit wasn't all that you wished for. i suppose the poor decisions you've made in your life are someone else's fault.


You can blame me, See4. I am pro at making bad decisions...
are you certain you arent retaded?

cuz you cant remember shit you said in this very thread.

makes me think you should be riding the short bus to the special kids classes, wearing a hockey helmet.
I am certain that you don't know shit, are evil, have no balls, and are a poser.
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