Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

Hot shot worked good for a month.Ok two spotted mights gone now I have a brown spider might problem hot shot resistant. picked up azamax, floramite and mighty wash. Im a skeptic so Ill try mighty wash first its 99.8335% water inert ingredients 0.1665% its a $16.95 quart of water basically. lets see if it works.
they grow a resistance to those, i had them spinning webs inside of a newly opened hotshot strip... pretty fucked up.. azomax for flowering plants 5 weeks or later, flora mite for anything less than 4 weeks flowering. seems to work pretty well if you can afford it, azo=100 bucks, flora mite = 300

The mites that spun a web inside the pest strip, did they live or die off after a few days?

I wonder on the oils/wash products if its the ingredients or the fact the bottom of the leaves are getting wet.
Just like with anything else they eventually grow immune to them.. Which is why they say switch up treatments from one product to another.
Some actually start to thrive off of some chemicals benefiting the colony rather then hurting it.
Used mighty wash on some floamite on others we will see what works the best. mighty wash seems to be a leaf polish of some kind it leaves a shinny waxy film.
Don't get them in the first place! Dip any clone/plant that you bring in in Floramite. Go into your room only with clean clothes on. Don't let people come into your room without clean clothes/labcoat. Keep your room sealed. I've been growing over a year and had one case of mites, right at the start, and I know they came in with a batch of clones or the person that brought them. Azamax killed them all in two applications.
I have been hearing good things about a new product called "No Spider Mites" that is 100% organic and safe to use right up to the end of flowering if needed.
I was given a plant by a friend; after a few days I rapidly realized I had an infected plant and pretty much panicked- I had a bug free garden up until then and had just imported someone else's problem.

Thought I was sold snake oil by the local grow shop when I brought home Mighty Wash and read the ingredients AFTER i got home...high dollar water. I tried it anyway. Treated everything once, then again three days later. Haven't seen signs of a mite since.
how about dr dooms spider mite knockout. disapates rapidly in heat light logic air.says safe to us up to haves but I've only used it up to 6 week. 2treatments an no more mites. really easy produxt
keeping noobs out your op and stayin out of their's is the best way to stay mite free.put on fresh clean clothes before entering plus wash your hands.let your flower room finish then soak and i mean soak your vegging plants in neem and soap every three day's for at least 15 day's and bam mite free 8^) and smooth sailing.and i can not tell you enough SOAK them.DYNA GRO has cleared up three gardens i two week's that the indivual's were battling for a min of 6 mo. each.i have only battled them once, i picked them up along with a clone of GDP from TOP SHELF BUDZ in lansing last year.great strain but pushed the following harvest off by two weeks.
Got some mighty wash and gave it a try. I'll post some results later down the line.
Like others have said, 99.5441% water what ?
And I'm going to be really surprised if it works as well as people say for the price.

Neem oils cheap but it screws with the plants and stunts their growth.
It starves the mights but the mights are still able to lay eggs until the die off.
It also does nothing to the eggs.

Hot shots, at $6.50 each it would cost a couple 3 hundred bucks every couple of weeks to maintain the levels needed to kill everything off.

Azomax $24 works here and there but like the hot shots the mights get used to it. The good things it can be used to treat the soil too.

Lady bug works pretty good for maintaining if you catch them early enough but isn't the best or cheapest for any type of real problems.
$100 a gallon or $175 for a concentrate that makes 5 gallons. Almost no smell and you can spray them with the lights on.

Co2 killed off a lot at first but couldn't get them all. Didn't really matter because the plants were getting Co2..
Got some mighty wash and gave it a try. I'll post some results later down the line.
Like others have said, 99.5441% water what ?
And I'm going to be really surprised if it works as well as people say for the price.

Neem oils cheap but it screws with the plants and stunts their growth.
It starves the mights but the mights are still able to lay eggs until the die off.
It also does nothing to the eggs.

Hot shots, at $6.50 each it would cost a couple 3 hundred bucks every couple of weeks to maintain the levels needed to kill everything off.

Azomax $24 works here and there but like the hot shots the mights get used to it. The good things it can be used to treat the soil too.

Lady bug works pretty good for maintaining if you catch them early enough but isn't the best or cheapest for any type of real problems.
$100 a gallon or $175 for a concentrate that makes 5 gallons. Almost no smell and you can spray them with the lights on.

Co2 killed off a lot at first but couldn't get them all. Didn't really matter because the plants were getting Co2..
i have never noticed any stunting in growth.never heard any one else say that either,but i swear if you stick to the 3 day spray they will be a thing of the past PROMISE.a lot of people half ass it or underestimate the soaking that need's to be performed.spray the shit out of them every three day's for 15 day's and as long as you do not import more nothing will be sucking the life out of your plant's.i hauled mine outside and sprayed a couple gallon's on each plant spraying them for a couple of minute's each and repeating the spraying on each plant two or three time's each's time consuming but worth it to have bug free beauties.
They suggest you repeat neem oil 5 days after the first treatment to get any eggs that may have hatched.
Truth is the plant needs 5 to 7 days to recover.
you risk letting them develop waiting that long.every three day's won't stunt them or hurt your final weight but it will disrupt their breeding cycle FOR SURE.these fucker's develop and breed FAST.