Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

I have yet to have a mite problem, but if I did, I would get some Praying Mantis'. Mighty Grow in Jackson use to sell the eggs, not sure if they still do.

I went 7 years without one as well but it's been a bad year for bugs all the way around. Cats and dog both on preventative all got fleas this year and for the first time ever my plants got the mites. it's not if t's when. that said, Mighty wash amazed me. I called bullshit and dropped the 45 on a gallon just to prove them wrong. I also took a shot of t sicne the label sad safe for food up to the day of harvest: I'm still here and the mites are not. you really can just about see them pack up and leave or die before you very eyes. didn't believe it til I used it but its all true.
Don't get them in the first place! Dip any clone/plant that you bring in in Floramite. Go into your room only with clean clothes on. Don't let people come into your room without clean clothes/labcoat. Keep your room sealed. I've been growing over a year and had one case of mites, right at the start, and I know they came in with a batch of clones or the person that brought them. Azamax killed them all in two applications.

great treatment for mites......don't get them. Gee, do they have a "treatment" like that for cancer?
BG excellent post; lots of "food for thought". I'm going to copy the text and save for the future.
I use a concoction of: Habanero Peppers, Tobacco, Garlic and a bit of dish soap. There are several formulas within the posts that talk about these, so I won't go into the actual amounts in the formula unless someone needs them. I spray initially day 1 and day 3, then 1X week thereafter. I agree that the act of physically wiping them down works but again, there really isn't a way to rid them unless you tear the room down, sterilize it (even re-paint it) and start all over. That means the growing media too! What a bitch! Once you got them, you've got them. The best one can hope for, is to keep them at bay...
As of right now the mighty wash seems to have done one hell of a number on them.
I'm only using the mighty wash in my flowers tents for right now, and using up the rest of my azomax, lady bug and an occasional neem oil on my vegging plants.

I was reading that mites do not die off due to the cold, they hibernate and remain dormant for months.
So like you said, they are never gone once you get them..
Hot shot pest strips are def great but they build immunity fast. I have four strips in veg and flower and constantly changing each month but i use azamax as well. If you keep up on preventing them they will be gone but start slacking they hit your plants hard. Last harvest I was being lazy and they every day i was finding leaves with mite on them. Those bastards.
Sprayed them with mighty wash on Tues and it's now Friday night and no sign of anything.
Going to do the second treatment tomorrow evening on everything in flower and that should be the end of it..
just bombed with Prescription Treatment fogger with 4.0% pyrethrum, all the living mites are dead. I'm assuming i will have to do this again once the eggs hatch, but every mite, under a 100x microscope, was dead.
I just bought Mighty Wash and want to use within in the next couple days, so it's just ready to use or do I have to dilute with water.
I just bought Mighty Wash and want to use within in the next couple days, so it's just ready to use or do I have to dilute with water.
The bottle I got was ready for use, do not dilute.
It's been 7 days since we sprayed and nothing has returned.
Out of curiousity of course, if one had mites and took all of the plants out of the room how long would it take for that room to become mite free? Do they hibernate for a few months and then return when a new plant is introduced or will they die off after a period of time?
Out of curiousity of course, if one had mites and took all of the plants out of the room how long would it take for that room to become mite free? Do they hibernate for a few months and then return when a new plant is introduced or will they die off after a period of time?

mites can live in carpet for a year without food!
Almost 2 weeks after treating with mighty wash and the mights are still gone.
Gotta love the sheen it puts on the leaves as well!
I used mighty wash and they came back a week later. I used floamite again this time I mixed it strong. I do have the cure and and it will work every time. you ready to hear it? hear goes.....move and start from seed.
mighty wash needs to be applied for a decent amount of time. it doesn't kill eggs so well so you got be on it til they've all cycled thru. all told I'm at no eggs and no bugs for just a week now. Took a while to get here with mighty wash but since it's not anything I have to worry about I kep applying til the last week of the plants life and wash them with distilled water at that time jsut in case. So far so good....