Mixed up strains


Well-Known Member
I had 2 different strains growing in my cabinet. One I was going to breed with a strain I grew before and performed well outdoors. The problem is I think I switched the new strains. One finishes in Sept. and the other finishes in Oct.
The 2 new strains are starting to flower but one started before the other. Is that the one that would finish first outdoors? It would suck to work all Summer and have it not finish before the first frost.



Well-Known Member
All these view's and no responses????? I must have a bad rep on this site
'cause nobody answers my questions...... No question is a dumb question???


bud bootlegger
All these view's and no responses????? I must have a bad rep on this site
'cause nobody answers my questions...... No question is a dumb question???
its not that you've a bad rep or its a dumb question, but probably rather that no one knows the answer to it..
the only real way to tell is if one is maybe more indica or sativa than the other, and therefore you would have one plant with wider leaves, and one with narrower.. other than that, there's not much you can really do to tell them apart except for maybe once they start to flower you maybe able to tell one apart from the other if you know what strains they are..but even at that, it won't be too easy..


bud bootlegger
well, the good news is that you should easily be able to tell which is the skunk should be pretty simple to spot once it starts flowering.. i'm sure this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but its about the best you'll probably be able to do..
and don't feel bad, i know for a fact that your not the only one to have done this..


Well-Known Member
Well, they both kinda look the same but one is a little more dense as far as leaves etc.
I really appreciate the info. One other question that nobody would answer, will adding blackstrap molasses
cure potassium def.? I used it and things cleared up over time but was it just shit luck?


bud bootlegger
hmmm. i'm not sure about molases and potasium.. my only suggestion would be to google blackstrap molases ingredients, and see what they say is in it.. if potasium in one of the first few, it could be your answer.. not sure about that though.


Well-Known Member
It is high in potassium but I wasn't sure when I used it so I asked. Maybe some of the questions are more difficult
than I thought. It did work but I didn't know if it was just shit luck. I used 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.


bud bootlegger
i use grandma's molases at one tbsp per gallon during flowering only with the watering cycles though.. not sure if it does much though, but it doesn't seem to be hurting, so i keep using it..