mixing large amounts of nutes, how to keep fresh?


Well-Known Member
mixed prepared nutrients usually go 3 days and then grows residue and stinks and then quickly is unusable. does anyone have tips? hydro coco perlite medium with flora trio and calmg is all i put in it and distilled water mixed with tap for EC 350
No, usually discard what is left, mix less, something. Saving is a bad idea, you understand why things come separated right? Well they bind back up quick sitting in water, and become much harder to eat or totally unusable by the plant
also was wondering if yall agree with the tip to let chlorine dissapate for 20 mins before adding nutes to avoid chlorine burn
okay yea i made a formula so i can make 4 gallons quicker than when i wrote down the first time so its just quickly done and consistant so i dont mind making it as long as it can last at least a few days but ok sounds like there are some options.
also was wondering if yall agree with the tip to let chlorine dissapate for 20 mins before adding nutes to avoid chlorine burn
20 minutes ain't gonna do anything. Just use tap straight away. I usually fill my dwc buckets and they run for like a hr bubbling while I prepair other shit before I mix in my powder nutrients
20 minutes ain't gonna do anything. Just use tap straight away. I usually fill my dwc buckets and they run for like a hr bubbling while I prepair other shit before I mix in my powder nutrients
i mix with distilled to get .35 EC as my tap is .5 EC and dr mjcoco says start at .35 or lower so you have a better EC budget to add nutes as this is coco so will need to follow recommendations for calmg doses to keep coco buffered and calmg has a EC of .8 so you dont have much room for nutes let alone starting at .5 EC tap. so i would mix less but to get to EC 1.1 this will need to be diluted with distilled mixedwith tap with calmg in the water @ .6 to .8 EC depending on how plants are doing. so i end up with close to 4.5 gallons unless i use just distilled to dilute, the two depend on if i want more volume but that comment on residue and plant absorption gives me incentive to make less as that sounds critical. i guess thats the struggle with coco hydro but the fast growth has me hooked lol
Pool shock 0,5g per 100L (65% HTH) or peroxide 3ml per litre (3% food grade). Bleach can be also used… I have same issue just right now but trying to start at 0,8EC (with my tap of 0,5) to see what happens. EC in potting soil is ussually way higher and plants do not care. I have been growing long time from clones so this hassle was dodging me, but it looks like I am going to loose my pheno so I have planted two new seeds. Realized I can not hit them hard like the clones did, but I am already too lazy for bringing RO in the jugs. Either way, it may cost me two weeks of time and two seeds at the worst scenario so not such a big deal. Not advising you to do the same, because I do not know the results yet.
First clue is having to mix eh? If the shit was stable and salts didn’t precipitate it would come that way in one bottle. It comes as components for reasons.
i just popped open a different jug from like two weeks ago from when i was still figuring things out it was to be tossed but just looked at it and it looks ok for two weeks old and it only slightly has a funk smell so perhaps with the right bottles and to have as less trapped air it can easily last 4 days right? i had the last batch in a bucket with lid only resting over it, not sealed and it was fine until i got to the last gallon today 4 days later and had impurities that got in, but now know i should step up the shelf life somehow, maybe put in 4 - 1gal jugs, using one every day. the dilema is if to make less = more distilled jugs and as someone just acknowledged here, it is a pain to buy and adds up but mixing tap/distilled = 2x more volume or more.
As @myke has already stated, just use something to keep the solution moving around and aerated. A small pond pump on the bottom and pointing up is better than air stones. I keep a tote full of nutrient solution when I use blumats and a small pump on the bottom to keep everything mixed and aerated.

it seems like a bactiria build up more that settlement unless you mean the salt binding is invisable until its too much already. if using 4 1gal jugs doesnt help then il have to go less with more distilled. i wonder how large scale recreational grows work, like the vendors that sell to dispensaries, how do they manage this? just make a shit ton for the whole facility on a daily bases? lol
okay i will have to look into a pump and blumat im just broke for a little bit lol only recently started up and still going through startup costs, trying to setup a perpetuating garden and this helps alot with solving the “how can i set up to just make nutes every weekend?” issue. following dr mj coco and suprised it did not mention any of this but then again i have a lot to read on there but dont see anymore links to nutrient content, just mixing and EC and whatnot.
i mix with distilled to get .35 EC as my tap is .5 EC and dr mjcoco says start at .35 or lower so you have a better EC budget to add nutes as this is coco so will need to follow recommendations for calmg doses to keep coco buffered and calmg has a EC of .8 so you dont have much room for nutes let alone starting at .5 EC tap. so i would mix less but to get to EC 1.1 this will need to be diluted with distilled mixedwith tap with calmg in the water @ .6 to .8 EC depending on how plants are doing. so i end up with close to 4.5 gallons unless i use just distilled to dilute, the two depend on if i want more volume but that comment on residue and plant absorption gives me incentive to make less as that sounds critical. i guess thats the struggle with coco hydro but the fast growth has me hooked lol
The best amount of CalMag to use is 0 EC.

I can mix up 5 gallon buckets full of nutrients and have them last for days just sitting there. No issues.
okay i will have to look into a pump and blumat im just broke for a little bit lol only recently started up and still going through startup costs, trying to setup a perpetuating garden and this helps alot with solving the “how can i set up to just make nutes every weekend?” issue.

You don't need to look into blumats. I just used that as an example of how I keep a small reservoir mixed and aerated. You can just use a 5 gallon bucket with either air stones or a small pump on the bottom. If you mix nutes in gallon jugs and then just let it sit you can run into problems like you're having.
You don't need to look into blumats. I just used that as an example of how I keep a small reservoir mixed and aerated. You can just use a 5 gallon bucket with either air stones or a small pump on the bottom. If you mix nutes in gallon jugs and then just let it sit you can run into problems like you're having.
sorry im multitasking i thought a blumat was something else but looked it up, yea i meant to get a good pump and resivor, this all sounds critical and makes sense, they even stress to mix in correct order and that the chemestry involved in this is complex and i do know somewhat about molecules being too large for the root membrane to absorb and this will solve the funk issue, i dont want to feed my lovely plants some bactiria filled smelly junk.
with the 4 1gal jugs i meant that as temporary until getting the pump that i can shake them up frequently to help with the salt binding and funk (im sure it will help the funk issueas im assuming this pump will be 50-150$ depending if im sold on their warranty and service and likelihood of faliure prematurely but i can get the pump probably within a few weeks, does anyone have links to good pumps cheap or best quality?
with the 4 1gal jugs i meant that as temporary until getting the pump that i can shake them up frequently to help with the salt binding and funk (im sure it will help the funk issueas im assuming this pump will be 50-150$ depending if im sold on their warranty and service and likelihood of faliure prematurely but i can get the pump probably within a few weeks, does anyone have links to good pumps cheap or best quality?
I'd imagine a pump will cost you $5-15 .
It's only to stop stagnation.
Though I'm struggling to see why it would stagnate with such small amounts.

You just want a small fish tank water pump.
Or any hydroponics pump which is the exact same thing but more expensive because someone wrote hydroponics in the description