Yes! No doubt about it!
What soil are you starting with?
I ask because the soil will contain far more then your going to supply by simple additives.
I build my own soils.
I use my own vermicompost (EWC, even store bought EWC has a fairly wide myco spectrum.) I do believe that you are what you eat, so my worms get a wide variety of things to compost for me....That gives a better spread. I also use a steer/cow compost that brings even more to the table as far as new myco's.
Alfalfa meal contains some more and different ones also. I use a little of that in my basic AACT for those!
Kelp meal in the soil build adds some more different ones also.
Once I've built the soil and need to water it to begin the "cooking".....I use my basic AACT and add FUL HUMIX for the Humic and fulvic acids. The first in the bloom room watering is the same AACT mix and that's all I use it for (other then a short 18 hr tea in small amounts, filtered for use as an anti mold spray).
As far as a list goes......I know I contain these in my basic starter or "base" soil for sure. I know there are far more but I don't feel like having it tested to list them all.....kinda don't need to ya know?
Pisolithus tinctorius ..... Glomus intraradices
Rhizopogon amylopogon ..... Glomus mosseae
Rhizopogon fulvigleba ..... Glomus aggregatum
Rhizopogon luteolus ..... Glomus clarum
Rhizopogon villosuli ..... Glomus monosporum
Scleroderma cepa ..... Glomus deserticola
Scleroderma citrinum ..... Glomus brasilianum
Lacarria laccata ..... Gigaspora margarita
Lacarria bicolor ..... Glomus etunicatum
As for this base soil. It's my seedling/young plant soil that will feed for about 28-34 days - water only.