Moving to colorado to grow..?


Well-Known Member
what will it take for people like you to get it threw your heads. stay in your state. rent out a house, get tents, grow your own. your going to waste 5 grand if not more moving, getting set up, getting a job, getting supplies. getting your bedroom funiture for crying out loud. stay in your state and rent out a house, its so simple a caveman could do it.

green this is my case and point, yoour spent money to travel and stay in places which you could have put towards retirement. too many people end up in this situation. why would you tell him to do it if your in a town you hate and about to retire and your not thrilled. somethings sounds really wrong about giving a guy advice and you'r not hip hip harray about retiring.
Are you saying travelling is stupid? I don't unerstand


Well-Known Member
i wonder how many people on this site are members of the KKK
Not many, but there are a bunch of racist pieces of shit on this site. It is weird.

To you dumb fucks:

If a person that does not speak English can take your job, you need to learn some fucking skills instead of crying about illegal aliens. Bad Gummo, no job for you.


New Member
For real worse thing I ever did was try to move to FL I had like $4,000 I was gonna get an apartment but I ended up in motels tried to find a job no luck it kinda sucked I didn't know anyone I did chill with a few people and fucked a stripper.:bigjoint: But damn I got back on that bus dead broke kinda set me back a bit I could have set up a banging grow room with $4,000 and I was working 2 jobs so rent wouldn't even have been an issue I did still want to grow indoor back then I was just stupid. But it did all work out just kinda like two years it took me to get situated with a grow and everything. I aint trying to move anywhere too far thats what vacations all about.

But honestly you think you have enough to move right just buy the equipment run 4 1,000 watt lights for flower sell it in a year go out there stay in a nice hotel and then decide if you want to move and then put a down payment on a house just be sure to pay taxes. Just your not gonna be buying a home a year down the road even if you move there and grow top shelf its just not worth shit out west and shit you can move to Maine or mass and damn near be legal and indow is pretty damn pricey in mass anyways and in mass sale or cultivation of up to 50 lbs is a max of 2 years and its not a felony.

Really do what you want I guess you could make some money just buying large and shipping back to your buddies and even ship your home grown but your fucking with federal law there but shit I don't think FDD even got all that much time I almost think hes only gonna be in for 2 years or something not too sure but a lot of dudes sent him money so he probably had a good lawyer who knows.

LOL,Florida? how old are you? FLorida is one of the worst places a person could ever live


New Member
can you read?
""It's always been a dream of mine to live in Colorado, even before all the legalization."
"I currently have a job opportunity in Denver and would be willing to move there."

i can't really help you much op, but from the knowledge i have i'd say you will want to become a caregiver and once you start getting to know people in your new area you can acquire patients. i think the max amount of patients is 5 and with each patient you are allowed more plants/stored product. i'm not sure the specific numbers but i'm pretty sure providing for 5 patients would prove as some nice supplemental cash flow.
Thank you, finally someone that actually read part of my post... lol


Well-Known Member
3 posts. You have 3 posts. Why would anyone read anything you have to say? You have 3 posts.

what the fuck. who cares how many posts he has...? he's a human being and asked a genuine question <--- that was my reason for reading/answering what he had to say.


Well-Known Member
People are always talking about moving to.the new legal states to.grow marijuana... do they not realize that these states are already overwhelmed with marijuana...c'mon now I mean.prices here in washington are pretty damn cheap others comming makes it more flodded and drives prices down....and yes follow your dreams but think of the future...I still dream to work with a dispensary and am still working on it even though I502 will close almost all dispensaries next dont tell me im dumb just think about it ....are you gonna try to move to a logging town and try to start up a brand new logging business even though there are plenty of other successful ones takeing care of all the business in said town probably not .


Well-Known Member
Move there on hopes of your new possible job and if u want to.follow.ur dreams put the op far on the side


Well-Known Member
^ you people seriously cannot read.
I want to run a completely legal grow op on the side to bring in a little extra profit if possible
. a little extra profit <--- that is all OPs trying to get. he has a job opportunity in colorado and has always wanted to live there. those are the reasons he wants to move. he's simply asking how he could go about making a little profit on the side, which is obviously possible. if you don't think that's possible you are simply wrong.

i would understand all of these replies if OP were planning to use marijuana as his main income or it being his main intention to move, but that simply is not the case. if you read the thread you'd know this.


New Member
^ you people seriously cannot read.. a little extra profit <--- that is all OPs trying to get. he has a job opportunity in colorado and has always wanted to live there. those are the reasons he wants to move. he's simply asking how he could go about making a little profit on the side, which is obviously possible. if you don't think that's possible you are simply wrong.

i would understand all of these replies if OP were planning to use marijuana as his main income or it being his main intention to move, but that simply is not the case. if you read the thread you'd know this.

Yes, exactly! I guess I should have titled this post differently. This isn't as much as a supportive community as I thought it was going to be hah. Seems to be a lot of negative feedback so far.


Well-Known Member
LOL,Florida? how old are you? FLorida is one of the worst places a person could ever live
I was 21 that was over 5 years ago. but for real all them damn crack heads and hobo's there everywhere but I lived there for 5 years as a kid its a lot cooler down there as a kid we use to surf and fish all the time plus it was the dead of winter I went down sounded like a good idea but waste of money.


Well-Known Member
Yes, exactly! I guess I should have titled this post differently. This isn't as much as a supportive community as I thought it was going to be hah. Seems to be a lot of negative feedback so far.
so what is this job opportunity? what will you be doing? and what is the pay? also how much do you make now? will you like this job? or do you dream of being a full time grower? if you even have a dream of becoming a full time grower Colorado is not the place maybe if you got your skill up really good found a few bomb mother plants go down don't sell a single cut you'd be like dude in Canada that sells the Tuna bud or in calli that sells Pineapple Kush.


New Member
so what is this job opportunity? what will you be doing? and what is the pay? also how much do you make now? will you like this job? or do you dream of being a full time grower? if you even have a dream of becoming a full time grower Colorado is not the place maybe if you got your skill up really good found a few bomb mother plants go down don't sell a single cut you'd be like dude in Canada that sells the Tuna bud or in calli that sells Pineapple Kush.
The company I currently work for has a warehouse in Denver which I can transfer to anytime I want. I'll be making around 60k a year give or take. I plan to have money to invest into growing equipment and a house, which I am currently saving up for with a goal of 25k in the bank before I move.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yes, exactly! I guess I should have titled this post differently. This isn't as much as a supportive community as I thought it was going to be hah. Seems to be a lot of negative feedback so far.
Make no mistake, there are a whole lot of good folks here, some better than others (and they'll tell you so..) It IS the internet, after all. Hang out!

I must be doing it wrong.
I grow a bunch of weed and give it away to friends and family. might wanna re-examine your business model.


Well-Known Member
The company I currently work for has a warehouse in Denver which I can transfer to anytime I want. I'll be making around 60k a year give or take. I plan to have money to invest into growing equipment and a house, which I am currently saving up for with a goal of 25k in the bank before I move.
Colorado needs good citizens with jobs and money saved moving here, moose out front didn't mention that.

By the way, I just asked a friend of mine who might sell a tiny bit of weed here and there. He said if he pays $150 for an ounce, maybe $500 for a QP, he pretty much expects fire.


Well-Known Member
they make these devices called smartphones now as well as tablets. Did you know you can post on the internet anywhere you are with these devices? Dr's office, waiting for an oil change, basically anywhere you go.