Moving to colorado to grow..?


Well-Known Member
DAUM Finn!! How ya been? I heard that you self destructed or something!! Good to see ya!
Self destructed? No, I just have a small closet and a semi strong light, and I don't want to die in my sleep. So I've been doing a lot more writing than growing, so I've just been other places.

I'm doing good though, I remember when I first got here you were one of the FEW people that didn't hate on me for not being able to afford Fox Farm, and even PM'd me with organic alternatives like tea and stuff (before my PM's got revoked).

I've been alright, how bout you?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Now WHY in the hell are your PM privileges revoked? (Sorry guys for the temp hijack, I cant PM him) I been worse. Good to see ya around.


Well-Known Member
Me and a friend made a forum, and they got scared that I was going to start sharing links because I was changing my avatar to our symbol.


Active Member
3 posts. You have 3 posts. Why would anyone read anything you have to say? You have 3 posts.

Just one observation then I'm done. You seem real hung up on post count. Try to move past that. Good Luck.
I'm not hung up on post count at all. On the contrary, I couldn't give a fuck less how many posts I've written on this or any other forum. Posting isn't a competition for me and I don't view my post count as my RIU "rank". I see people every single fucking day on this site demeaning, belittling, and flat out ignoring certain people, all because they have a low post count. As if accumulating a large number of written messages to your name is some kind of major accomplishment or something. Anyhow, this whole exchange started with See4 posting THE most fucked up remark that I've ever seen anyone post on RIU, directed at a poor guy who was just looking for some friendly advise. And then, for the first fucking time ever, I decide to speak my mind on the issue, and then here YOU come, straight out of left field with a pointless smartass remark directed at me for no reason at all. The bottom line is this..... call it pride, ego, immaturity, pompousness, call it whatever you want to call it, but a decent percentage of the members of this forum who have a substantially large number of posts underneath their avatar, think that this gives them the right to target, alienate, dehumanize, and bully the newcomers along with any other person who doesn't have enough posts to be considered "relevant". A whole shitload of you, literally consider your post count to be some kind of hierarchy..... in your minds, the more posts you have, the higher up on the totem pole you are. And even though your so called "observation" was nothing more than another feeble attempt at being a smartass, I decided I'd humor you. I've done more beefin' with people in the past 3 days, than I have in the past 3 months, so if you'll kindly excuse me, I'll be returning to the real world where people are judged based on their actions and personalities, and not by their post count. I have no doubt that you'll continue posting and trolling this thread, but for me the discussion is over. Best of Wishes. SFK


Well-Known Member
The market is overgrown with suppliers and dealers, trust me, I lived there until 6 months ago. Once the mmj law passed awhile back, it's been flooded. If I were you looking for a halfway decent place to live, I would move to salida. Small town, monarch mountain 15 mins away, rafting during the summer, and a bunch of small towns that need a good supplier. Get ready for truely weird weather. It will literally be a blizzard 4 hours after a 70 degree morning. Good luck man!


New Member
Meanwhile, back at the ranch............I actually thought about making the move west myself when Cali first passed prop 215. I was shortly REALLY glad I didn't because of all the confusion at that time. Growers didn't know WHAT they were supposed to do to be in "compliance" with each separate political entity. Confusing times back then. (Still are).
Now that Co has dropped the Medical requirement, I'm revisiting that thought. HOWEVER, it appears to me to be another 1850's "Gold Rush" scenario. How many unemployed growers will there be when I get there? Cost of living? I'm pretty fat, dumb and happy right where I am. I have a great clientele, get stoopid prices, plus I am positioned to go legit with a well marketed, trademarked, and quality product as soon as my state decides to pull their collective heads outta their asses. AND... I know right where I stand as far as "compliance" goes. No guesswork there. Still..........a move to the mountains would be nice.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing with the gold rush scenario (except it will be the "green" rush haha) that's why I'm making sure I have stable job before I move and if everything works out as planned maybe even one day switching over to full time growing. I also have another question to whoever might could answer this: Would I be able to sell my product to the local stores? If I read everything correctly most dispensaries will be switch over into Marijuana Stores as of 2014. I would think at least a couple out there would need some extra bud.


Active Member
Unlike California, as of right now, dispensaries aren't allowed to buy any product from any private citizen, unless that citizen is sanctioned by the State of Colorado to be able to sell to dispensaries. The thing is, I've never heard of any private individuals being sanctioned. I'm pretty sure that the sanction is a privilege reserved for well established and state certified co-op grows. So I doubt that this will change in 2014, but who knows, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.