Moving to colorado to grow..?


Well-Known Member
88 posts. You have 88 posts. Why would anyone read anything you have to say? You have 88 posts.



Well-Known Member
I have saved up 5 weeks allowance to buy 6 cfls and a clip on fan. Still need pots but will have to wait until next week. Cant afford potting soil so im just going to use regular dirt. Have plenty of bag seeds ive saved from regs. Soon buying a bus ticket and heading to California to become a major distributer. Hope it works out.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I have saved up 5 weeks allowance to buy 6 cfls and a clip on fan. Still need pots but will have to wait until next week. Cant afford potting soil so im just going to use regular dirt. Have plenty of bag seeds ive saved from regs. Soon buying a bus ticket and heading to California to become a major distributer. Hope it works out.
So using native soil is somehow inferior?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
OH YEAH. Good tilth native loam/soil will blow away anything. You'd be surprised at how hard good native soil can be to find, tho...


Active Member
OH YEAH. Good tilth native loam/soil will blow away anything. You'd be surprised at how hard good native soil can be to find, tho...
Very true, I've heard that part of the reason that the Emerald Triangle is such a mecca for outdoor growing is because of the quality of the native soil in that region. Well, its that and the perfect environmental conditions.


Well-Known Member
Dude who the fuck are u to.come into these forums and talk to this community yes allot if us are dicks but thats cuz where tired of seeing the same stupid post/questions day in and day out ...I post from my phone :-) so I guess im another no lifeing post whore who work 6 sometimes 7 days a week


Well-Known Member

YES. It is a GREAT state for that. You can legally grow, and you can make money through videos. There is ZERO need to engage in illegal activity or look for "quick money" (unless you are poor, but that is a different story), because there is so much online self starters available through this.


Active Member
Dude who the fuck are u to.come into these forums and talk to this community yes allot if us are dicks but thats cuz where tired of seeing the same stupid post/questions day in and day out ...I post from my phone :-) so I guess im another no lifeing post whore who work 6 sometimes 7 days a week
Really dude? Who the fuck am I to come into these forums and talk to this community??? WTF does that even mean? Brush up on your English before you decide to talk shit. I wasn't aware that I needed special permission to log into a worldwide forum and speak my mind. Lol, I guess this site is only for those who view their post count as a form of hierarchy, right? How dare I step out of line! The nerve of this guy.... 92 posts, and he dares to speak!!! This website isn't a video game, and your post count is not your ranking. And it sure as fuck doesn't make you any more knowledgeable or experienced than anyone else. I wasn't taking a shot at everyone on this forum with a high post count, that would be dumb. I was taking a shot at everyone on here with a high post count, who thinks that they're somehow better or more worthy to speak and contribute than those who've recently joined the site.


Well-Known Member
like I said, I hope you can work through whatever issues you have that give you such a crabby attitude. Good Luck.


Active Member
like I said, I hope you can work through whatever issues you have that give you such a crabby attitude. Good Luck.
*Begin your sentences with capital letters and insert commas according. Sounds pretty fucking juvenile huh? I have no issues... just putting assholes in their places. What, no more smart ass comments? Maybe if you try really hard and get like 0 hours of sleep in the next month, you can make it all the way up to 10,000 posts! Then you'll be REALLY high up there on your pedestal!!! You'll be able look down on all of us worthless little forum noobs and scoff at our obvious inexperience. And then to top it all off, by that time, you'll be feeling like you have EVEN MORE of a leg to stand on, as you and all of the others like you, go from thread to thread acting like pompous assholes and treating people like unworthy idiots for not devoting their lives to racking up a stupid post count on an internet forum. But guess what my friend? Instead of acting all "holier than thou" like you, as you insincerely wish me the best of luck with my "issues". I'll be the bigger person and return the gesture with ACTUAL sincerity. So my friend, I truly wish you the best of luck throughout the remainder of your days. I hope that one day soon, you can grow up enough to realize that your elevated post count makes you, in no way, better than any other member of this forum.


Well-Known Member
*Begin your sentences with capital letters and insert commas according. Sounds pretty fucking juvenile huh? I have no issues... just putting assholes in their places. What, no more smart ass comments? Maybe if you try really hard and get like 0 hours of sleep in the next month, you can make it all the way up to 10,000 posts! Then you'll be REALLY high up there on your pedestal!!! You'll be able look down on all of us worthless little forum noobs and scoff at our obvious inexperience. And then to top it all off, by that time, you'll be feeling like you have EVEN MORE of a leg to stand on, as you and all of the others like you, go from thread to thread acting like pompous assholes and treating people like unworthy idiots for not devoting their lives to racking up a stupid post count on an internet forum. But guess what my friend? Instead of acting all "holier than thou" like you, as you insincerely wish me the best of luck with my "issues". I'll be the bigger person and return the gesture with ACTUAL sincerity. So my friend, I truly wish you the best of luck throughout the remainder of your days. I hope that one day soon, you can grow up enough to realize that your elevated post count makes you, in no way, better than any other member of this forum.
Dude. You are bugging out.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, back at the ranch............I actually thought about making the move west myself when Cali first passed prop 215. I was shortly REALLY glad I didn't because of all the confusion at that time. Growers didn't know WHAT they were supposed to do to be in "compliance" with each separate political entity. Confusing times back then. (Still are).
Now that Co has dropped the Medical requirement, I'm revisiting that thought. HOWEVER, it appears to me to be another 1850's "Gold Rush" scenario. How many unemployed growers will there be when I get there? Cost of living? I'm pretty fat, dumb and happy right where I am. I have a great clientele, get stoopid prices, plus I am positioned to go legit with a well marketed, trademarked, and quality product as soon as my state decides to pull their collective heads outta their asses. AND... I know right where I stand as far as "compliance" goes. No guesswork there. Still..........a move to the mountains would be nice.


Well-Known Member
*Begin your sentences with capital letters and insert commas according. Sounds pretty fucking juvenile huh? I have no issues... just putting assholes in their places. What, no more smart ass comments? Maybe if you try really hard and get like 0 hours of sleep in the next month, you can make it all the way up to 10,000 posts! Then you'll be REALLY high up there on your pedestal!!! You'll be able look down on all of us worthless little forum noobs and scoff at our obvious inexperience. And then to top it all off, by that time, you'll be feeling like you have EVEN MORE of a leg to stand on, as you and all of the others like you, go from thread to thread acting like pompous assholes and treating people like unworthy idiots for not devoting their lives to racking up a stupid post count on an internet forum. But guess what my friend? Instead of acting all "holier than thou" like you, as you insincerely wish me the best of luck with my "issues". I'll be the bigger person and return the gesture with ACTUAL sincerity. So my friend, I truly wish you the best of luck throughout the remainder of your days. I hope that one day soon, you can grow up enough to realize that your elevated post count makes you, in no way, better than any other member of this forum.
Just one observation then I'm done. You seem real hung up on post count. Try to move past that. Good Luck.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I agree. Post count don't mean squat. Only reason Mine is what it is is because I had to put a pause on my activities for a bit. I had WAYY too much free time on my hands. My grow is a constant rotating crop, that takes a minimum​ of an 8 hr day. (OK, I give it a min of 8 hrs of attention!!)