Multi Strain Grow

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Basically I am just a basic grower, not that I am against any of those ideas, it's the fact I really don't know how to do them properly. I read up on alot of lsting and fiming and stuff, but I am the type of learner that needs to be showed not read about it. It's weird and I just don't want to mess anything up lol.

The only reason I thought I should add the 400 is to maybe get a little extra growth around mid flowering. I would do two stages but I rent and can't make any more holes then I have already lol. I am already nervous enough about the holes I have created gotta fix them sometime.

I am down to learning new things just can't afford to mess anything up. I was hoping for a half pound so I don't have to keep buying overpriced weed in my area. For schwag ass bud it's 25 a 8th or 45 a 1/4. I've been to everybody that sells just those are prices here because weed is kind of hard to get. Like for normal mids for like cali or somewhere with good buds your paying anywhere from 50-70 a 8th just for normal mid.

So thats why i am trying to grow.


Well-Known Member
you have the equipment to pull lb.'s of dank....... experience is best teacher....... but you'll never learn if you don't try ;), I can't run over there and show you, or I would...... but I can help you step by step for sure...... I hate overpriced weed.....

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
That's what we thought, run out buying everything that is good and well just pull mad weight lol don't work that way. I would set up another chamber for vegging with the 400 if I could set it up some how where I didn't have to make holes. The grow can't be obvious either, if I could find a small like grow tent where I can set up in my other closet that would be ideal. Or better yet mother plants and just use clones would be ideal too. I just don't know what I am really doing wrong. I got the equipment and my plants are healthy just not getting the results. Any ideas"


Well-Known Member
you should be able to run an individual 400W MH and not have heat issues so long as you have a circulating fan...... one 400W MH is enough to house a mother and sets of 15 clones in 1 gallon pots getting them up to 14 inches tall before going into flower....... if you could come up with a 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 by 5 foot space, you could veg and flower on a rotating harvest schedule pulling about 150-180 grams every three or four weeks harvesting 5 plants at a time.... thats over a lb. every two months ;)...... refine your technique, explore your equipment and strains, plan ahead, execute plans, take things as they come, don't stress over it, be happy, let the plants do their thing, it all comes together a bit like a wedding I suppose lol

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well I do have that room, I have another bedroom with the exact size as the closet I am using now. So I could just throw a 400 watt with a circ fan in that closet without it getting retarded hot? I've tried cloning before, but never really successful in soil. I use rootech and water right after I clone them. Should the clones be all droopy and how long will that last? I've been thinking of just cloning instead of from seed, but the only thing holding me back was cutting more holes. Maybe Ill think this over while this grow finishes up and plan it for my next grow.

I just want to find a method which will supply me with weed till my next harvest. I am bipolar so I love smoking it makes me not snap out so fast, so I love having weed always cause I hate being a douche bag but can't help it heh. Plus my woman loves to smoke to so theirs 2 heads.

Anyways I think I am going to think this threw and most likely go threw with it. Why not worth a shot right? Just need to get the whole cloning thing down.

Edit, by the way thanks for the help and sorry bout our conflicting words bi-polar remember lol.


Well-Known Member
ash in the past bro....

check it..... I will walk you through and answer every question I can..... and find the answer to any question I can't...... besides there are plenty of people here besides me to help, and that is what this place is All about..... Lets make it happen captain..... I figure, me n my wife smoke a zip a week, qp a month, probably just because we have a real steady supply...... so if you pull those numbers you will be sitting pretty and have some to chunk out to close friends ;)...... I use clone X and rock wool cubes, humic acid, or thrive alive b1...... I have a good track record with clones I actually took the time to take care of...... but I have thrown away a couple whole batches just out of not caring for them...... let that serve as a lesson ;)..... I did...... now I know that if I want a batch of clones to come out 100% success, all I have to do is put myself into making sure the right process is followed...... because I know the process, just have to get over the laziness of not following through ;)..... its not hard...... just something you have to do right or it goes sour...... set the area up, I garuntee you will thank yourself for it later ;)

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
theloadedragon - Ok I am going to try this I will contact you if I need any help. Do you think I can Just pull that 400 out now with out any major notices of change in the growth? Also All i have is a HPS bulb for that 400 and won't be able to buy a mh one for atleast another month. Just had a vet bill of 325.00 and fucked me and my girl friend up. Will the hps bulb work alright? or would that be a waste of time? Also should I leave the glass on the hood opened with the 400 or just keep it closed? My 600 watt bulb smells funny if it is not cooled will the 400 be the same? Ok so for all the questions I know it's alot for one guy but appreicate it. Just trying to better my grow the best I can. Instead of using the easy cool 6 I have a ghetto metal reflector that came with the 400 if tghats better then the easy cool 6 without any cooling.

terroizer805 - more then welcome and if you have any input on the questions asked your more then welcome to answer.

Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
yeah you could move the 400W out now and your flowering plants wouldn't really miss it. Yeah, you can use your HPS to veg in the meantime, until you can get a MH set up :D....... the glass may be necessary for the 600W.... but shouldn't be for the 400W, the easy cools look to be fairly good at providing an evenly distributed spread, stick to them for now ;)..... do you have more seeds to sprout? you could get on this now and fill the gaps as you can afford it.... just Rock your shit..... its all always up to you, be happy and stress less and the ladies feel the vibes (know what I mean?) Your girls in flower are very healthy, but you weren't Rockin your shit, feel me? Rock your shit bro....., small steps make a big staircase to the best views in life, love every step, and you'll appreciate the views even more ;)
Take your time to observe and notice How things work, making a little helping hand here and there to give things a boost that much more practiced and knowledgable, but nature is an awe to behold on its own ;), and by simply watching it we learn to co exist and love it, tend to it as it tends to us, and reciporicate the essence of life ;)...... the rest is just nutes and numbers and formulas and opinions and experiments and methods and scientifically based techniques, ;)

#1 key is a desire to do it right, and the motivation to get it done, getting it done ;)


New Member
For cloning I like to use a bubble cloner. They are so easy to clone with its crazy. And they are super easy to make. Here is one that is simular to the one I made the only real difference is I use a bigger container w/ 2 air stones and more cloning sites. I made a 22 site one and get usually 20 good clones each batch I do. Then once they are rooted (5-14 days) I throw them in whatever container I want and fill 2/3 the way up with soil then set the clone in and then fill it the rest of the way up and give it a really good water. For me I have not found a way easier to clone.

And dragon is right the 600 watt is plenty for the room your using. And the 400 watt should do just fine for veg. you could always get a conversion bulb if you felt you needed some more blue light in vegging but it really isn't necessary. With the gallon sized I like the fact that you kept them small but you could probably fit at least double the amount of plants in that room and still have kept them in veg an extra week. If you get dialed in right you should easily be able to your 1/2 lb+. I usually get around 1.7 lbs off my 1000 watt. And I have seen plenty of people get a lb off a 600 watt in a 4 x 4 space so I would think with your room filled you should get 3/4 of a lb

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Thanks for everyone for the responses ill take the advice and help. I will be doing this whole idea soon, just need to get paid and ill start. Probably this weekend.

Nick - I am using 2 1/2 gal for this grow not 1 gallon planning on using 1 gallon for the clones. Anyways I knew I should of vegged longer, just didn't want them to blow up in flowering and have no room. I vegged for 2 weeks and 5-6 days out of the 2 weeks I had bad heat stress. I got everything good now.

But i have a question for you guys. Having a problem with a few of my leaves my white widow and blue venom.

The first 2 pictures are my white widow, their turning a little yellow. My ph is 6.3-6.5, i feed one day and fresh water the next, I am doing moderate feeding based off AN nutrient guide thing.

the 3rd and 4th pictures are the blue venom, leaves are doing the same thing.

Any input would be awesome.

Sorry if some of it's hard to understand just smoked a bowl lol. Also iin what week do the plants normally start blowing up with bud? I am 5 weeks into flowering. Just trying to do the best I can so I don't crap out on weight this grow.




New Member
My white widow never liked nutes it only needed about half of what some of my other plants liked. I would flush the widows and cut down on there nutes. Your buds should start filling in anytime now. And Im not to familiar AN's line but Im sure they have some sort of bud booster etc. that will help pack on some weight just don't overdo it with the stuff but its not like they aren't getting enough light.:bigjoint:

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah I here ya, I have AN bud booster, it's called big bud. I am using this now following AN's chart. I am just waiting on the buds now, hopefully they pick it up within the next couple of weeks.

That big bud shit is so expensive to, i got a 500 gram tub and it was 93.00 usd lol.


New Member
Yeah you also don't have to buy expensive nutes.... I used 4 things last grow and it cost a 3rd of what you spent on the big bud...
Here is what I used
1 pint Age Old Organics Grow

1 pint Bloom

1 pint Super Plant Tonic by Blue Mountain Organics

1-12 oz bottle of Brer Rabbit Black Strap Molasses
Under 30 $ and I probably have enough for at least another 7-8 grows. But I use to use expensive nutes too and there are some really good ones out there but I realized that they just were not for me and I could get really good results for a lot less. Anyways don't worry about it. You may find you really like there products there are lots of people who do

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well my best friend and I are doing this. It's in my house and i take care of it and he buys all the supplies, and back when we bought all this there was no shortage in money lol.

but yea if i ever star a grow where i have to pay for it, ill have to go the cheaper route so thanks for he heads up.