My 1st grow . Autoflowering


Active Member
Hello all . I decided to give it a go . didnt realise there was so much involved .
i germinated 3 feminised autoflowering seeds called easybud from royal queen seeds. after 24hrs in damp tissue they all split and were planted in soil . i have a 250w hps with a son T lamp in . they have been under 24/0 now for 4 days. after some initial issues ive got the closet at approx 45% rh and 23-26 celsius . the space is small , 2x3sqft and 5 high .
i have some low quality pics nw but i will take some proper ones soon .
what id really like is plenty of advice as i go as im a complete novice . my main concerns at moment are -lighting ? ie shouild i have a dual spectrum bulb or additional lihgting from blue end ?
i will post better pics tomoro but how r they looking so far ??? 4 days in soil .
ive compared them to other pics and they seem quite small .dont seem to have grown at all in last 24hrs . ther around 40mm high nw



Active Member
Hello all . I decided to give it a go . didnt realise there was so much involved .
i germinated 3 feminised autoflowering seeds called easybud from royal queen seeds. after 24hrs in damp tissue they all split and were planted in soil . i have a 250w hps with a son T lamp in . they have been under 24/0 now for 4 days. after some initial issues ive got the closet at approx 45% rh and 23-26 celsius . the space is small , 2x3sqft and 5 high .
i have some low quality pics nw but i will take some proper ones soon .
what id really like is plenty of advice as i go as im a complete novice . my main concerns at moment are -lighting ? ie shouild i have a dual spectrum bulb or additional lihgting from blue end ?
i will post better pics tomoro but how r they looking so far ??? 4 days in soil .
ive compared them to other pics and they seem quite small .dont seem to have grown at all in last 24hrs . ther around 40mm high nw
don't vg these .too long ......


Active Member
If you could it would be better if you get blue lights for your veg period because the HPS lights are not emitting enough light. the dual spectrum is a good idea and would make your plant GROW!


Active Member
If you could it would be better if you get blue lights for your veg period because the HPS lights are not emitting enough light. the dual spectrum is a good idea and would make your plant GROW!

well it's the spectrem not the amount of light the HPS is emitting they produce the most lumes per watt like i said just put daylight (6500k) CLF's in. There low heat and low watt


Well-Known Member
The autoflowers have a mind of there own. 250 hps will get the job done, but if money is not an issue additional lighting is never bad advise. Be patient and let them do there thing. THEY CAN BE VERY SENSITIVE TO FERTILIZERS/NUTRIENTS Just use blooming nutes 1/4 - 1/2 recommended amount and black strap molasses after they have started flowering. I have never seen one yield more than an ounce. 60-70 days finished (your's may take a little longer with a 250) they do produce very good bud.


Active Member
The autoflowers have a mind of there own. 250 hps will get the job done, but if money is not an issue additional lighting is never bad advise. Be patient and let them do there thing. THEY CAN BE VERY SENSITIVE TO FERTILIZERS/NUTRIENTS Just use blooming nutes 1/4 - 1/2 recommended amount and black strap molasses after they have started flowering. I have never seen one yield more than an ounce. 60-70 days finished (your's may take a little longer with a 250) they do produce very good bud.
thanks for ur most helpful replies . they av come on a bit since last post . i will put pics up in a while .i put in 2 additional lights yesterday 2x 23w(100w)cfl at 3500k but im trying to get hold of sum nearer 6500k 2day .
one problem though wen i lightly watered this morning one of seedling just fell straight over on the dirt as if root cudnt surport it i have don my best to replant but we will see . i noticed that it had hardly developed any root yet i mean only about 15mm down . wud maybe a daily 4 hour dark period help roots to develop . will post pics in a short while .


Well-Known Member
Yes, patient. The reason the plant did not have roots is because you are never letting it dry out enough for the roots to "reach" or stretch in search of water. A dome over your plants during the first 7 days helps keep the humidity up while not needing to water so often. That being said, once the autoflower is established, some strains do not perform well if you let it dry out at all. But to get them going you need to establish roots.


Active Member
There gonna take off once more leaves (power catcher) develope.
Thanks for your reply m8y . i have only been giving minimum water last couple days , seem to be a bit happier .
how far away should i have these seedlings to 250hps ? ther about 2ft away at moment .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply m8y . i have only been giving minimum water last couple days , seem to be a bit happier .
how far away should i have these seedlings to 250hps ? ther about 2ft away at moment .

Get a small oscilating fan on them and you can probably get the light to within 15 inches or so. Distance really cuts down on the amount of light your plant recieves. The fan on the plant stimulates it to thicken its stems and branches, very important.


Active Member
Hello all . Been given a 400w ballast and bulb . The bulb is a phillips son pro , the white bulb shaped type rather than tubular . Is this any better than the 250w son t im currently using ? Doesnt sayon bulb what the colour rating is ?


Well-Known Member
Hello all . Been given a 400w ballast and bulb . The bulb is a phillips son pro , the white bulb shaped type rather than tubular . Is this any better than the 250w son t im currently using ? Doesnt sayon bulb what the colour rating is ?
dam the rating more is better, its an autoflower its not going to matter much what you do with the light its going to flower when it feels like it. I would leave the 250 for another week or two then bump it to the 400 and give a week then add 250 back as well and bang it out with 650 as last two weeks are most bud swelling


Active Member
Good advice m8 400w may be a bit ott for space i have and only 3 seedlings . I wait til they bud or i germinate more seeds . Is ther any difference between the tube bulbs and the white ecliptical ones ?


Active Member
Just looked up son pro 400w white coated . It says it has 48000 lumens output and is 2000k . Can these still be used as most flowering bulbs seem to be around 2700k ???