My 2nd, first time growing :)


Well-Known Member
I guess I can try my hand at cloning the last blueberry I have soon... assuming it is indeed female, it would be worth it...I need to get my scrog game up soon, too.


Well-Known Member
So you just have one plant for that scrog now? If thats the case it will still work but ur gonna need a bigger pot and most definately some nutrients
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Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
So you just have one plant for that scrog now? If thats the case it will still work but ur gonna need a bigger pot and most definately some nutrients
Oh ya man, fill that tent with one big plant, but a long veg time, in at least aten gallon container even larger,
And happy frog is nutes, just organic nutes

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
I guess I can try my hand at cloning the last blueberry I have soon... assuming it is indeed female, it would be worth it...I need to get my scrog game up soon, too.
Would be easy man, I find cloning easy compared to seeds they are not as sensitive, keep a mother plant, a veg chamber


Well-Known Member
@Tim Fox & @kcc420

I'm ordering more FFOF right now, and a 7 gal pot...I'm gonna keep an eye on this last Blueberry - and if it turns out to be a lady I am going to veg it out longer and get it to be a bushy beast of a mother plant before I flip her into flower.

To mirror what Tim said, I do have nutes (happy frog)...I am planning on sticking with flush...Better tasting smoke...Just seems like a better deal all round for me.

I believe this plan will serve both long and short term needs for me... I get a mother for clones...Then an older, larger plant for tons of buds via scrog...ANNNNDD this gives me the opportunity to harvest the fast growing autos I have(the other should be popped by tomorrow morning at the latest, so it will be a few days young than the little monster currently in the tent...

I do have a box on standyby with 1 CFL for clones/seedlings... I got this!


Well-Known Member
Ok where to start lol. So ur gonna have a big ass bush in that tent. When you do a scrog you will do whats called lollipopping. When you lolipop you will end up with probably at least 10 cuttings off that plant before you flower it. Do your initial lolipop 2 weeks before flowering then your next set of cleanup will be between week 2 and 3 of flower at which time u will basically remove everything up to about 6 inches below your scrog. This prevents you getting that nasty popcorn bud that really doesnt amount to shit for the amount of work it is to trim. The idea of the scrog is to create an even canopy of buds so that everything gets light. All those tiny little branches that form popcorn will now be tops. Take 1 of those cuttings and veg it out amd use the others in your tent. If you continue a scrog u will always end up wth enough cuts to do your next scrog. You can even preveg them so that you dont have to wait too long before flowering again.

When i said get nutes i just meant something to supplement the nutrients once ur soil runs out of them. Organics is great if u know how to do it, i dont so i stick to chemical lol.

Watch my new journal if u need an idea on how to do everything. Its probably 2-3 weeks away from flower so u should see it done before you do yours.


Well-Known Member
Ok where to start lol. So ur gonna have a big ass bush in that tent. When you do a scrog you will do whats called lollipopping. When you lolipop you will end up with probably at least 10 cuttings off that plant before you flower it. Do your initial lolipop 2 weeks before flowering then your next set of cleanup will be between week 2 and 3 of flower at which time u will basically remove everything up to about 6 inches below your scrog. This prevents you getting that nasty popcorn bud that really doesnt amount to shit for the amount of work it is to trim. The idea of the scrog is to create an even canopy of buds so that everything gets light. All those tiny little branches that form popcorn will now be tops. Take 1 of those cuttings and veg it out amd use the others in your tent. If you continue a scrog u will always end up wth enough cuts to do your next scrog. You can even preveg them so that you dont have to wait too long before flowering again.

When i said get nutes i just meant something to supplement the nutrients once ur soil runs out of them. Organics is great if u know how to do it, i dont so i stick to chemical lol.

Watch my new journal if u need an idea on how to do everything. Its probably 2-3 weeks away from flower so u should see it done before you do yours.
Awesome advice. Thanks for looking out bro. Will continue to blow this thread up as needed, lol.


Well-Known Member
Haha just dont pop too many seeds, keep in mind that plant u have is gonna occupy ur entire tent in under that amount of time it takes those autos to be done.


Well-Known Member
Day 31...still no clue whether female or not. Plant seems to be chugging right along...seedling is doing great.

Other autofem bean popped under 24 hours, so I got her started, tmp_16620-20151215_112404598624865.jpg tmp_16620-20151215_1124361219934257.jpg too. With any luck they will finish fast. I have a backup in case they don't though. ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 32 check-in...tmp_29314-20151216_145601598624865.jpg second Autofem is just breaking the soil. Should see a baby girl tomorrow morning.

How is she looking experienced growers? Is the coloration/shape of new growth normal ?


Well-Known Member
Day 34... Final transplant into 7gal smart pot for bluberry...annndddd...I think It's a girl! Yay!
2015-12-18_17.17.43.jpg Everything is going great...Auto seedling is growing 2nd set of leaves, and looking good...
got a game changer coming in the mail tomorrow. . . Apparently Santa thought I was a good boy!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Im gonna drop the scrog on my stuff sunday night or monday afternoon. Ill post tons of pics so u can see how to prep it


Well-Known Member
Day 37.

Been an "interesting" few days...A towel I had hanging managed to pull free and crush my autoflower seedling on the evening of day 34...sooo...had some decisions to make.

24 hours of absolute darkness later...I'm on day 2 of flower. . .just gonna have to ride this out and make the best of what I have. The learning never stops. Keeping humidity low...covering tent on the dark cycle... watered today... LST is looking good. Had to clean up some of the undergrowth, and Supercrop a few spots to allow the light to penetrate the inner nodes.

This plant is strong. . . Within 2 hours of LST the space I opened up in the canopy was nearly closed again. So i pulled em down gently again - and 2 hours later same thing. Just amazing.

Finished Scrog on day 35, but since things have shifted I don't think I can use it on this go around...