My 2nd, first time growing :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah its on the way. I was really debating on whether or not to scrog or lst... and what works best for an indica dominant plant...I guess I have to make a decision soon.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry for not chiming in so long, I've been getting zero notifications. o_O

Anyway you're doing great, those ladies are really good looking. I wouldn't worry about the one that's lagging behind, it happens to the best of them. And it's not like she's much smaller than the other one.
You want to see slow growth? My thread is for that. :D

Great temperature and humidity levels so far. :D

I would also go with Scrog if I was you. Build a net and let those beauties spread out, you have tons of space for that.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry for not chiming in so long, I've been getting zero notifications. o_O

Anyway you're doing great, those ladies are really good looking. I wouldn't worry about the one that's lagging behind, it happens to the best of them. And it's not like she's much smaller than the other one.
You want to see slow growth? My thread is for that. :D

Great temperature and humidity levels so far. :D

I would also go with Scrog if I was you. Build a net and let those beauties spread out, you have tons of space for that.
Thanks man... other than the first time paranoia I think I'm doing okay. The other plant has done a 180, especially after watering last night.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 26... Lookin goooood! Got an autofem Jack Herer germinating...I did the math and it should finish 2 weeks before my Blueberry. . . I know it's just a guideline, but that's pretty cool...

What I don't get is how the seed companies calculate yeild... for these it's a "max yeild of 700g per meter squared" ...that seems really high... even if they are green house seeds...tmp_1915-20151210_073923146568956.jpg


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't go by that number, in fact, i completely ignore what the companies say about yield, and assume about 2 ounces per plant, possibly less....this way my expectations aren't too high, and when a plant yields more than that, it's a pleasant surprise.

generally indoors, i see most people pulling about 2 ounces per plant, i know some people pulling 4 oz a plant, but if we are talking new or mildly experienced, 2 ounces seems to be about right.

but it also depends on your veg time & other intangibles.

for instance, some people go 12/12 from seed and only get a little over an ounce a plant (on a great yielder, less on a poor yielder)....

but then some very experienced growers can pull over 2 ounces starting on 12/12.

it really all depends on intangibles, which are unpredictable.


Well-Known Member
They probably mean square feet which would be nine. Its possible at a high gpw probably like 1.5. Id say its possible, im a novice grower and i got 1.14 gpw last harvest, so im sure someone thats been doing it for years could pull it off.


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd just ignore the yeild thing too...just wondering where their numbers are coming from. Lol.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Scrog it or you will end up with popcorn bud on the areas that are getting shaded light
does he know the sex of the plants yet?,,, if he scrogs now,, and gets a male later?,,, he will have to cut the whole thing out of the screen I would not want that work,,


Well-Known Member
does he know the sex of the plants yet?,,, if he scrogs now,, and gets a male later?,,, he will have to cut the whole thing out of the screen I would not want that work,,
I don't know what the sex is yet...I wasn't planning on scrogging until I figure it out first...


Well-Known Member
What i meant was when u dont do scrog or sog style u will end up with popcorn shit at the bottoms unless you have supplemental lighting. But you shoukdnt scrog until you know the sex