My 3 week old plant's are pointing upward...why??


So my plant is about 3 weeks old and at the moment is under two 23 watt CFL's and one 27 Watt full spectrum CFL. the plant is looking pretty healthy and has good color, but today the leaves were folded almost closed...It was pretty dry so i added about a cup of water and and the came down quite a bit, but are still pointing upward. i am hesitant to add more water seeing as i don't want to OVER water it. take a look and tell me what you guys think!ALBERTA.jpg


yeah its been a little over 2 weeks i suppose to be exact...i'm doing a little stealth grow in my closet using about 23 hours of light with an hour break or so. totally knew to this shindig so any advice would be appreciated.


i would say its still working pretty hard on putting down some solid roots. what are your temps at? also your light can be kept really close anywhere from and 1 - 3 inches. the starter leaves are slightly yellow so maybe water with 1/4 strength veg nutes.


Well-Known Member
are you making sure the soil is thoroughly moist when you water? how far from the plant are the lights? how have you been deciding on when to water? how often have you been watering so far? have you given them any nutrients? if so what kind and how much? have you been phing your water?
Also, i believe youve misunderstood overwatering. Overwatering is when you do not let the pot get light/dry again before watering and drown the roots. heres how you should tell when to water, all credit belongs to 10k the original author, i would of said the same almost word per word if i tried to explain it myself and im a bit lazy at times as well.



the temp stays about 75 and i have a fan blowing on it...and the lights, they are about 3 inches from the plant. i want to say it was a water issue since the leaves went from pointing straight up to where they are now when i added water. just curious as to why they haven't gone all the way back down. i guess i'll just wait and see what happens. thanks for the input monde!


Well-Known Member
top 003.jpgtop 004.jpglmao yea bro 3 weeks???really heres a pic of mine at 3 weeks and now week 4 this is what that should look like


Well-Known Member
are u checking the ph balance of the water and you should move the lights at least 2 in closer to your plant


Well-Known Member
bro chill im just showing u that youre doing something wrong take the advice given and go correct your mistake


I use ffof soil and it pretty much supports my plants all the way through veg, very little to do till flower. All i worry about in veg any more is the ph of the water im using. Works for me, you might give it a try.


Well-Known Member
nawwwww im cool mine is working out u mist them with a sprayer is it humid much u have to give all that info if u want help with your grow...hell do this and you will see results...transplant him into something larger..mine have stoped growind b 4 and when i moved her she was happy again
P100101001.jpg Those are mine at 3 weeks or a little under. That isn't normal for 3 weeks. Ignore the burn i was readjusting the light height last night. I forgot to put washers on the fixture. I came back 5 minutes later it fell and burnt the plant :(.


New Member
i would say its still working pretty hard on putting down some solid roots. what are your temps at? also your light can be kept really close anywhere from and 1 - 3 inches. the starter leaves are slightly yellow so maybe water with 1/4 strength veg nutes.
I agree with the above, unless your roots is very cold.

Those CFL lights need to be very close, and make sure the root-zone temperatures are not too low - because that could be one reason your plant is growing slowly.

You're already set up for 1 hour darkness, why not make that 4?
Darkness is good for the roots, which directly affect plant growth.

But warm roots during lights off can be tricky during winter.


yeah my plant must be taking the short bus to school or something then...fuck. i have some jacks 20-20-20 and have been holding off on using any of it bc i hear its not good to give a young plants nute too quickly, but maybe i should go ahead and give nutes a shot since its coming along so slow. and just to clarify its been a little over 2 weeks since i started the whole process of germinating the seeds till now...i have been giving it about a cup of water every couple days, and spraying it with a mister just randomly throughout the day.


the nutes might make things worse... :/ i would just let it dry dry dry and the leaves should drop then water with ph'd water until you get 1/3 run off and go from there.
if that jacks is anything like mg you run a high chance of burning the shit out of your plant.