My Babies 16 days old from seed, Comments Welcome!


Hey everyone!

I'm 16 days into my first grow and these babies seem to be doing well. First a little Info , then the pics!

Built a 3'x3'x2' Cabnet from scrap wood I had lying around ( I'm Poor, can't afford new stuff lol ) for my growing area, I currently have 2 x 42 watt Cfls free hanging that I can adjust the height on and keep about 2" from my babies and 2 x 13 watt that are mounted top center of the ceiling of the cabnet . They are on a 24 hr light cycle ( well not really a cycle as there won't be a dark period till I flower them lol ) They are growing in 3 gallonish containers I also salvaged in soiless potting mix, ( also recycled 8) )

The seeds I started them from came from a $120 quarter bag that is too expensive for me to buy anymore ( Amazing I found any seeds in it at all! ) confirmed to come from a despensory in Michigan, Since I live about 20 minutes from Michigan, that is all anyone sells around here anymore since they went legal and its so close to us ( a NON legal in any way state 8( ) . Judging By the Short fat leaves on them, And the Couchlock, pain relieving kinda high that the buds this came from had, I'm Thinking this is an Indica Strain but I have no clue what Variety it is, To me there are 3 kinds of medicine, Good, Mids, and Bullshit lol, I really couldn't tell you what is Northern lights, or Super Lemon haze, Or White Rhino by looking at it or smoking it lol.

To be fair, The container on the right has 3 plants in it which I should probably seperate very soon but the one on the left is a single plant and just as stout as her sisters, The one on the right also seems to have one that is larger that the rest which from what I hear can happen as it wants to be dominant and will make a good mother plant for clones. ALSO, I know I need some reflective surfaces in there , Just have not had the time to get it installed yet!

Anyway Here are the Pics, And I welcome any Comments, Thoughts, or advice! I will also update this as the grow continues. And now, Here are the Pics!

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Active Member
I would transplant them into single buckets ASAP, they are bucket hogs and their riots can become entangled and also sharing could result in less nuts and messed up watering schedule, but over all they look pretty nice keep posting updates

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
yeah, you better separate them very soon...may be too late already, if so kill the weaker ones.

13 watt bulbs are weak....23 watts are much better...also what temp are your bulbs? (6500K for vegging.... 2700k for flowering....or 5000k)


All the bulbs are 2700k, and I know the 13w ones are weak but its all I have on hand until the 1st, Then I will be changing them all out for 6500k and replacing the 13 watters with 23 watters 8) I am probably going to start some LST in the next week or 2 as well so , I am guessing they might be in Veg for a good 6-8 weeks before I start flowering them. Plenty of time for them to recover from transplanting ( if thats what I end up doing ) and they will probably really take off under the 6500k bulbs next mo.