My Beautys, what do you think?

Awsome!! ill bite.. 8-ball pic 2, and sara, pics 4, and 5 ( the mommy) this was a litter they had a while ago.
now all these pups are full grown pitts, males looking like a replaca of daddy, but no blue in the pups.
Pic one is lil petie. Hes the biggest of em all. Looks just like his dad. Were still in touch and very good family friends
with the owners. The mommy is acually a red, but shows black, you need to see her in the middle of the day after a bath.
she shines red, Beautyful. Pops is a Gotti. Full blood, Paid 2500 for em, shiped from italy. and 2500 was the total, with the animal shipping price and all. And hes the biggest ditz, but the most loveable dog, 3 years old but a puppy at heart, And both are ukc reg.
You have beautyful dogs by the way homegrown. Just beautyful. wish pits werent given the bad rep.
my 8 ball is a great example of one.

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life goes on.. my girl is 11 now, but she looks like a duplicate of that first pic[your avatar, too]. she doesnt have quite the width in the chest though, as she is a 75% pit, 25% unknown.. backyard dog.. but i saved her from an otherwise shitty life of being tied to a tree like her mother...

ps.. those dogs are all monsters!! you better get them away from that baby!! ;)

Dude that's cool as fuck that you rescued that dog from a miserable life + Rep for you brother. It doesn't matter if she was full pit or part pit I bet she is an amazing dog and will be greatfull to you forever for giving her the life she deserves.

P.S. Don't let the looks fool ya. They wouldn't harm a flea lol.
Awsome!! ill bite.. 8-ball pic 2, and sara, pics 4, and 5 ( the mommy) this was a litter they had a while ago.
now all these pups are full grown pitts, males looking like a replaca of daddy, but no blue in the pups.
Pic one is lil petie. Hes the biggest of em all. Looks just like his dad. Were still in touch and very good family friends
with the owners. The mommy is acually a red, but shows black, you need to see her in the middle of the day after a bath.
she shines red, Beautyful. Pops is a Gotti. Full blood, Paid 2500 for em, shiped from italy. and 2500 was the total, with the animal shipping price and all. And hes the biggest ditz, but the most loveable dog, 3 years old but a puppy at heart, And both are ukc reg.
You have beautyful dogs by the way homegrown. Just beautyful. wish pits werent given the bad rep.
my 8 ball is a great example of one.

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Nice dogs brotha. My blue female was $3500. Bought her from Her Sire was Crown Royal and Her Dame was from a partner kennel of pitfall. Can't remember her name. I'll have to find her papers. But yes she as well as Axle which was bout for $5,000 from are both purple ribbon bred and double certified UKC and ADBA. Axles Sire is Ceasar and Axles Dame they no longer own. Her name I also can't remember. The rednose I got from a private breeder that I paid $600 for but her grandfather was Red Hot Mazzerati who was my boys father. My boy I paid $5,000 for from which are no longer in business but if you want to see alot of Mazzerati's blood check out this kennel
man thats crazy expensive, lol. and i thought 8-ball was lol. He purple ribbon ofcoase as well, all my dogs are certified purps.
but we train 8-ball for pitbull games. its so much fun, he loves it!
hes yet to get anything but 1st. Hes my champ, and my most pride. And like i said hes the biggest puppy
you will ever meet. all 110lbs of him. i almost lost him, due to a black widow bite we belive.
went down to 75 lbs. : ( But we got em better, built him back up with some really expensive dog chow lol,
and some pullys. and right now hes right next to me lickin his paws lol
i love the post about the baby...typical stereotype....lmao nice post son______

if you're making fun of me.. then re read with the wink and the sarcasm... i just said i OWN one for 11 years now, i rescued her from a life on "the block" when i was 15.. most precious loving awesome dog i could ever imagine. she used to cuddle up in my chest under my blanket every morning.. and has been a loyal friend and guardian to three children from birth to 3, 5, and 7 years :)

there is nothing that angers me more than an ignorant fool who despises this amazing breed!


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if you're making fun of me.. then re read with the wink and the sarcasm... i just said i OWN one for 11 years now, i rescued her from a life on "the block" when i was 15.. most precious loving awesome dog i could ever imagine. she used to cuddle up in my chest under my blanket every morning.. and has been a loyal friend and guardian to three children from birth to 3, 5, and 7 years :)

there is nothing that angers me more than an ignorant fool who despises this amazing breed!

not at rarely sarcastic. i said i like your post...i knew you were kidding :) just an awesome dog!!
man thats crazy expensive, lol. and i thought 8-ball was lol. He purple ribbon ofcoase as well, all my dogs are certified purps.
but we train 8-ball for pitbull games. its so much fun, he loves it!
hes yet to get anything but 1st. Hes my champ, and my most pride. And like i said hes the biggest puppy
you will ever meet. all 110lbs of him. i almost lost him, due to a black widow bite we belive.
went down to 75 lbs. : ( But we got em better, built him back up with some really expensive dog chow lol,
and some pullys. and right now hes right next to me lickin his paws lol

Nice! At least you were that aware to take all precautions! Most people would not even think of a spider bite. That's crazy big! Believe it or not none of my dogs are over 80 Lbs. Brutus (One of my rednose males Hemphill/Clouse) was all of 70 Lbs. When I took him to his first weight pull event. He did really well as I never trained him! Just went to a show and out of a whim I decided to enter him. He pulled 1,900 Lbs. First time ever pulling!
Aww man, you guys are making me want to get a nice guard dog!
I wish my decision-making roommate (mom) wasn't allergic to dogs/cats :(
Looking nice homegrown. How the strawberry cough doing??? I did one outdoor and wasnt impressed with it.

well it looks and smells awesome!! i heard that before. to me it looks way more like snow cap? it said sc on the clone and i asked and the guy was like (shrug) "strwberry cough"