My Beautys, what do you think?

sept 22 052.jpg
I know, it's a sacrifice,.....isept 22 063.jpgt takes time,......we're worth it arn't we?? :-?

yes you all totally are :) here are a few more pics.....the plastic and metal you see onsept 22 062.jpg the ground are in hopes to prevent mud from splashing up on the while we all like a dirty girl, none of us wanna smoke dirt weed :D:leaf:sept 22 060.jpgi dont know why it places them were it does....lame
Wow, those are very beautiful plants gurl, good work :clap:
Which is the one you most recently posted? The one with the turning purple flower? It's real pretty
yes :) i think so cant tell so much in the pic but the purps buds are so hard and fat...makes me all happy. big as my wrist or bigger!
do you know how many times i have thought saying riu smoke out....shit cant we just all co op 2gether and share samples :)

Dude, I am so down, even if I have to drive up to far North Cali. We just need a meeting place that's like a sanctuary...any one offering their digs?? :grin:
You can share with any med patient you want.We would just have to setp like the california RIU Medical smoke out 2011.Everyone verified at the door....
I love it when the buds are just starting to turn purple like that. looks beautiful gurl!

shit you guys should just meet at a campground up in nor cal somewhere and have a fat RIU picnic/smoke out/camping trip. shit would be dope. hella camp grounds up here in mendo , humboldt, trinity, shasta, siskyu and lasson... they are all usually free if it's just for the day...
well I meant during the afternoon..... outside is pretty well lit..... might be hard to find someone who wants a bunch of people they have never met face to face to come chill at their pad while they got hella herb and shit...

that would be dope though!
This sounds kinda iffy. But I'm in :D. I still remember we agreed on a purple party anyway..Sad, however, The Black hasn't turned purple. At all. Still green as green gets :-(