Hey BB and everyone .........
I have still not had the opportunity to take any photos

........so I got nothing to show youz... but plenty to tell.... we have been up to the patch three more times.....feeding and irrigation maintenance mainly,,,until the last time.... I opted out of going in and did the driving because I knew I couldn't stand the carnage.....
my m8 is leaving this week and we (me and my guy) are doing the next 2 months (ish) of missions until harvest......and he panicked,,about us not being able to get in due to fires,sickness,mechanical failure you name it...
anyhows we had to ripp out all the seedlings and any "suspect" clones.....so we are down to 44 plants from 100 ish......
oh well better safe then sorry..... I guess
some of them had fully sexed and were males....and the others are putting out what look to be female preflowers....
I have already started planning wott we could do out there next year...
as for the photo thing.... who knows.....is all I can say,,,,, it may be that all I can show you is a room full of drying plants (( if we get that far))...but I'm hoping it will be a patch full of budding plants so fingers X'd for next time....