My Bush G Grow....

Harden the fuck up jats at least you didnt have half of 6 months work stolen from under your nose ;)

Im holding thumbs you get to wack those plants back out side... hanging for some pics mate :)

I am as hard as fuck....:lol: ....... well maybe not that hard.... but yes I have had my share of bad luck with ganga ,,......sorry to hear about your loss m8.......:wall: I h8 ganga thieves.....:fire: only time I have imagined killing someone was a ganga thief but LUCKILY I had no real idea who did it ......
I'm sending my guy in 2mozza ((because I am not up for the physicalness this week)) but I don't rekin he will take photos......but I will try to convince him
Hey All .... Yippeee!!! heres some photos for your viewing pleasure






It was sad to see how bare it looked after the culling
Sounds and looks like a dream spot.... watering system sounds amazing i would like to see sum pics of the creek and resivour. what kind batteries u using for timers like a big battery like a cars?........ subscribed

Hey Guerilla not car batterys.... kinda the same shape but just as big as a DD sized battery
Hey Jats, lovely to see some photos finally.
Plants r looking awesome and lush.
I'm sure hoping that your man did a good clean up of ur site after he took those photos - I'd just hate to see more photos of ur grow site on the news.. & it would most certainly make it there if he left it like that.
Peace :peace:
of course he cleared everything up and stached it when he left....that is just the bags of fert and the watering bucket and everything goes back in the big blue bucket and gets hidden and is well out of sight when we head home.....nothing will be seen from above....its kool
How much light did u put on them?? iy 6hours?...y are thet so slinky?..
And wat strain..sry no criticism just courious as to if the stems are going to get fater they look skimp
Hey Dutch... yes some of the stems are kind of skimpy....they do get around 6/7 hrs of direct sunlight a really its the bare minimum ...... we shall see what happens from now...they have started flowering so they should start to chunk up soon......

we went up last weekend and did more staking ... the wombat or maybe a wallaroo has been wreaking a bit of havoc lately ,,,,breaking branches and eating leaves ...bugga
Hey Dutch... yes some of the stems are kind of skimpy....they do get around 6/7 hrs of direct sunlight a really its the bare minimum ...... we shall see what happens from now...they have started flowering so they should start to chunk up soon......

we went up last weekend and did more staking ... the wombat or maybe a wallaroo has been wreaking a bit of havoc lately ,,,,breaking branches and eating leaves ...bugga

Jats,lol love ur acent,
But u can imagine it but her txt, exspecialy when I'm high having fun then I check r I u gigglin then
C her it was just funny and I forgot she was a

Sry jats not bein mean...
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!
Hey BB..... nope,, we tried but my phone has been stuffing up lately so they did not seem to work... we have been going out every weekend this month... some animal has been getting in and breaking branches,ripping off leaves and buds etc.... so we are keeping an eye on things and trying to keep everything off the ground and mould free.....wish us luck
No worries,hopefully wateva it is doesn't eat too much ay,moulds always a big worry,gettin eatin by animals is one thing but gettin destroyed from within really sux balls...........all the best.

Startin to rain here so i better cover mine up i dont want no mould either!
Hey All ................ Yep its harvest day 2day...we just got bak and I started to hang everything up... Its very feral looking after the long drive 2 town..........heres sum photos.. I'll grab some more 2morrow when I've finished hanging it all :weed:




What a gr8 feeling it is 2 have pulled it off.:clap: give ourselves a m8 has already taken his share....I have no idea how much it all weighs,,but that will have to wait until its dry...... I will miss our trips out bush...and am already thinking about next will be all ours ..... but 4 now I am 1 tired cat..... c Uz l8a