My First Ever Grow!!! Unknown Stain. Newbie with lots to learn :D


Hello Hello everyone,

I've surfed these forums off and on for the past 3 years now. An opportunity has presented itself for me to try my hand at growing. It has become too expensive and frustrating to go through dealers. This will be a subsistence grow for myself and my girlfriend and I'm really looking forward to starting my life long journey of marijuana horticulture :D I believe it will be quite the rewarding hobby.

This will be a stealth pantry cabinet grow with dimension, height x width x depth = 45 inches x 28 x 17 .

I want to use CFLs but I'm not sure how many lumens I will need. I have 10 plants from seed in small pots right that have been growing for about 4 weeks on the windowsill. They are in Schultz Potting Soil Plus with NPK 0.08-0.12-0.08.

When do I start using Nutrients? I've read that 12:12:12 or 20:20:20 is optimal for Veg and 10:20:10 for Flower. Should I continue using the Schultz soil and add nutrients to the soil to bring up N relative to P and K? I might want to use Bat Guano how much should be added?

I'll be posting pics soon


Well-Known Member
They look great to me. My first time to try to grow this year and I have enough seeds to plant a forest LOL. Next year I hope to do better with all the experts here. Good luck



Hey everyone!

I have an update for you guys. The plants are doing well (2 of which started exhibiting eagle claw leaf symptoms) and are showing a lot of new growth since I've started using the CFLs (about 50 hours now straight).

All the plants except for the seedling are about 8 weeks old and were grown in daylight. 6 of these plants are now in the veg room along with another seedling I started a few weeks ago.

How long will I have to veg these (hopefully) girls until I can start flowering?
How tall will these plants approximately grow? Is there anything I can do to improve my yield since I have such a confined spaced?

Thanks for stopping by! :D

Mr&Ms Beartown



Well-Known Member

Hey everyone!

I have an update for you guys. The plants are doing well (2 of which started exhibiting eagle claw leaf symptoms) and are showing a lot of new growth since I've started using the CFLs (about 50 hours now straight).

All the plants except for the seedling are about 8 weeks old and were grown in daylight. 6 of these plants are now in the veg room along with another seedling I started a few weeks ago.

How long will I have to veg these (hopefully) girls until I can start flowering?
How tall will these plants approximately grow? Is there anything I can do to improve my yield since I have such a confined spaced?

Thanks for stopping by! :D

Mr&Ms Beartown

looking a little droopy my friend.. make sure your not over watering them.

you should always wait until the top .25th inch of the soil is completely dry before watering again. Generally.. I water mine every 3 or 4 days. Other than being droopy.. they look pretty good.

Good luck!



I'll try to water them less but more frequently. I find the soil stays moist for like a whole week but that was before putting them into the veg room.

Thanks for the advice!

What temp should I keep the room at? Its usually around 75-78 degrees.


Watered them again today. About 3 liters for all 7 plants.

2 of the plants smell pretty pungent, while the others don't smell at all. Why is that?
Also most of the plants have a redish purplish colour on their stems, what is this indicating? A purple strain?

Lots of new growth from the nodes and the plants are starting to look really bushy.

@Ganjaluvr I let the soil dry sufficiently yet the plants still appear droppy. I have 2 other plants outside the veg room right now and they seem to be standing up straight a lot more than the ones in the veg room. I don't think I'm over watering them, what other problem could this suggest? Some of the plants still have eagle claw shaped leaves but the new growth on these plants looks pretty healthy.



Plants have been growing like mad. Curious when they'll start showing their sex and when it'll be time to change them over to the 12/12 light cycle.

I'm super stoked for the bud that's soon to come!!

One question, I've got some flower nuts with NPK of 15:30:15. Is this good enough or should I find something to increase the potassium as well.

Any tips for the next stage of my exciting experience?!

Mr&Ms Beartown




I think the plants are starting to pre-flower. The one I topped has these raised ball things (might be ball sacs). These might be male but I don't know yet. 2 others are showing a few white hairs from the node regions :)

I'll get some pics up as soon as I can get a clear enough picture.



Hello everyone at RIU

New pics for whoever is following this. Reps to all who follow and post :) I have learned so much already but I know there is endless more stuff to learn which I love.

Just redid the closet and hung the lights. Added an intake and exhaust fan and will soon be making the $3 carbon filter from the DIY forum.

Temps are always at 75 range and humidity is high at 55%. I haven't checked the run water off PH level yet but I gave the plants 15-30-15 a few days ago to get them started for the flower cycle.

I got a question for you guys!!
I took a close up pic of what I think is a male plant. He has raised calyxes that look like balls. I have 4 plants that are female, with the white raises from the calyxes and about 3 plants that I don't know yet (they have non-raised calyxes but haven't shown any pistle yet. I hope that they are female because 2 of the 3 are the huge plants!!

Bigger pots definitely make bigger pot plants!

Peace for now
Mr&Ms Beartown




Bad news guys. 5 days in flowering now and I had to remove 3 plants, all of which were the biggest ones. There's one more that I'm pretty sure is also a male but I wanted to wait a bit to see (since it is also a big one).

3 confirmed females showing lots of pistiles though so I'm very happy! The plants are pretty short, maybe 12 inches and one is very scraggly (got less light because it was in the corner).
Overall not too bad since I have 3 known females and by getting ride of the large males they get way more light!

I'm debating whether to start vegging again but its been so long now that I just want to get some bud asap.

I've order some seeds which i'm excited to start, they include:

Lowryder Easy Ryder AKA Lowryder #2 x AK47
Reserve Privada OG Kush#18 Fem
Barney's Farm LSD
Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze

and freebies
Kannabia Seeds White Domina Feminized
Kannabia Seeds Smile Feminized
Kannabia Seeds Big Band Feminized
Kannabia Seeds Power Skunk Feminized

For my next grow I was thinking of using the larger pots I own. i've noticed the bigger the pot the bigger the plant will grow. I'm planning on growing 2 OG Kush #18, 1 Barney's Farm LSD and 1 Super Lemon Haze. Once I have the plants established I'll take clones from them, veg them for 2-3 weeks and then flower. Hopefully this SOG method will give me a good harvest.

Thanks for stopping by I'll be adding pics soon.


Update Dec 1st 2010:

2 1/2 weeks into flowering and the buds are coming in nicely :)

Here are some pics!

So excited, only a few weeks left. Seeds have also come in got Barney's Farm LSD, OG Kush #18, Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze and Lowryder AK 47 auto.

The plants are starting to smell a bit, nothing bad but I expect it to worsen.
Looking at getting one of these

I read good things and bad things, anyone got any personal input?




Just checked up on the girls, one of them has browning leaves and some leaves have spots.
I'm thinking maybe I burnt it with flower nutes, which I gave them yesterday.
Added a pic of the problem



Well-Known Member
sexy, all I gotta say. I hope I can produce like you are doing. If the few buds that you have are better than nothing. I'm guesstimating about an oz as of now and much higher potential. I don't think you have any serious dangers with the browning. the plants are big so they don't need much light. then definitely don't need to be holding hands with the light bulbs. lol, good luck and I hope it smokes well


Hey tafbang,

Thanks for the best wishes. I got some new pics for ya haha

About 2 more weeks to go I'm guessing. Still waiting for microscope to come in the mail. That one plant is still browning quite a bit but its also still crystallizing nicely.

One plant is doing especially well and I'll be trying to regenerate it and use it as a mother for my future summer harvest.

How much do you think I'll end up with?


Well-Known Member
I'd say to water them a little bit more. the ones that are really yellow, and hold off on nutrients. and the ones that are green with yellow tips could be over fed nutrients also... does this sound right? I don't know what you've been doing as it's been a long time since I've seen this thread. let me know what you've been doing with nutrients and light and watering. and type of soil