My First Grow And Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey alota, nice meeting ya and thanks for the care package. Very good smoke. It was great to exchange some strains and can't wait to see what you can do with the diesel and inturn if I can mess the Alien or Quekel up. Maybe both LOL. I"m stoked with some new strains. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet ya too.. thanks for the hospitality .. sorry it took me 3 try's to get there lol. Talk to ya soon and Ill keep ya updated on the Sour D


Active Member
any new pics ?? smoke reports ? Looking good .. Cant wait to harvest my first grow of Hammerhead in about 12 days.. I hope , she looks good but needs to pack on some more weight. She must be hungry


Well-Known Member
Got a bunch drying ill update some more soon with more pics of the harvest and all the final weights from this last month .. :)


Well-Known Member
do I flush for 2 weeks prior to harvesting ? or is this just a myth that became famous due to over-ferting and covering their ass?

I can't really seem to get directly to the bottom of this discussion online really it's almost like trying to find god.
some people say, if you just lowball your nutes and don't over-do things you shouldn't have to flush...and if you flush you're just depriving your plant of nutrients it needs to grow in its most crucial time...
then other people say to flush so your bud isn't harsh and it doesn't crackle and so chemicals arent in your lungs blah blah blah.
then other people say thats because people don't know how to cure their bud so thats why its harsh and crackles

and so on, and so on, and so on..
so! since i'm basically doing things close to the way you are, SHOULD I FLUSH? ahhhh


Well-Known Member
Steez im not sure lol.. I was confident that flushing was the best way to go.. but you remember that plant I had to kill at 5 1/2 weeks.. cus of a light leak... well anyhow.. once I cured those buds .. they tasted as good.. if not better then my flushed buds..

I think on my next round Im just gonna taper off till the last watering or two.. then give em straight water for only a couple days.. I think as long as you cure well.. its gonna be all good.. but I will try to confirm that shortly. I'm gonna be pissed if I have been flushing for a few years now just to find out I can taper and cure well with no ill effects .


Well-Known Member
Well GENTLEMAN ... just got done jarring the Chemdog up... weights are in

WOW .. soo total is 12 zips.. Or 3/4 of a pound .. It was a tiny over that but I put the small small stuff into the trim bag for hash..

I cant believe it .. 3/4 of a pound from 2 plants .. jazzed right now .. I knew it looked like alot but wow.. To be fair these things were taking up close to a 1/4 of my tent..

here is a couple pics..Ill get better bud shots and Ill weigh the 2nd Blue Dream and the rest of the Hindu harvest tomorrow so I can add it all up and give the grand total.. but I was too jazzed about the chems .. I had to share the weights tonight...




Well-Known Member
Steez im not sure lol.. I was confident that flushing was the best way to go.. but you remember that plant I had to kill at 5 1/2 weeks.. cus of a light leak... well anyhow.. once I cured those buds .. they tasted as good.. if not better then my flushed buds..

I think on my next round Im just gonna taper off till the last watering or two.. then give em straight water for only a couple days.. I think as long as you cure well.. its gonna be all good.. but I will try to confirm that shortly. I'm gonna be pissed if I have been flushing for a few years now just to find out I can taper and cure well with no ill effects .
Funny you say that. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. He had chopped the plant just before he would have normally flushed for some odd reason. He was amazed at the difference in taste, smell and burn compared to plants he would usually flush. In a nutshell, he doesn't flush for two weeks anymore. He flushes for 3 days prior to their 36 hours of darkness then CHOP. It tastes damn good to me :D

Btw, very nice yield man! 12 zips off two plants is awesome work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dubbz.. I am very happy with that yield on those two plants.. none of mine have had less then 2 1/2 zips so far.. not bad for a maiden run in this setup.. So ... tomorrow Ill try to get those exact weights up on the whole round..


Well-Known Member
You're lucky you got to grow them so tall. My basement ceiling is only 6 foot, minus the hoods and you're not left with a whole lot of room. My new house must have high ceilings in the basement so I can veg longer without worrying about them getting too tall.


Well-Known Member
ahhh, alright... I don't think i'm going to flush like crazy, for 2 weeks... cause I already only use 1/2 the nutes it tells me to AT MOST...

one good discussion I saw is some guy said you don't stop giving nutes to strawberries before you harvest...
but then again, you dont smoke strawberries.

nugs are lookin nice there, im sure you have all the BEST nugs in the purple and red jars, gotta keep them seperate :P

ohh and I think i'm killing my hindu kush today, we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Thats just a 1/4 of it.. ill add the weights tonight from the other 8 plants .. and get a grand total...