My First Grow And Journal


Active Member
Fixed the link in my signatures. It was a broken because I deleted the 'L' in html, sorry. Also, linked it to a thread I started on the grow. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to sub' up.


Well-Known Member
I live on the other side of the state LOL on my way!!!! check my grow and let this first timer know what u think
haha I'm only in my 2nd week of veg so you'd have to sleep in the garage for a while.

Checking out your grow....


Well-Known Member
and those pics look so great!!! i hope i get lucky like you!!
Yea, because growing plants is like playing skill involved...... o.o

alotaball you better be fucking careful man... growing bomb ass bud like that..

your house might blow up.
HAH. :p


Well-Known Member
Bwahahah.. I will update with some pics of the hindu I harvested asap.. I only took the two cola's and 4-5 other tops .. I am letting the rest get some light and ripen up.. The partial harvest is just about dry and going into curing jars today... just about 90 grams from the partial I harvested... Ill prob harvest the rest of the plants tonight .. see you guys in a little :)


Well-Known Member
Hindu Kush partial harvest.. dry .. now going in the jars for curing .. this is just the two cola's and about 5 tops .. that were already 20-30 percent amber.. Im gonna check the rest of the plants these buds came from and probably harvest em tonight if they have amber trich's now. I need the room in the flowering tent too.. I smokes some last night .. WOW .. good flavor and smooth for not being cured yet.. Ill do a full smoke report in 2 weeks or so when its had some time in the jars.. here is a couple pics :) Btw .. 96.2 grams right now from just this .. they are CHUNKY heavy buds.. love it :)

This is their new home :)


Active Member
Wow I just blew through your thread and great work although this might be your first grow you a hitting it like a pro.....You had to have done some serious research. Cant wait to see what a year under your belt does for ya.....I know you have to be thinking about a little co2 tank in that flower tent......and maybe a little hydro action? lol Nice work!!!Subbed


Well-Known Member
I have the trim waiting for the rest of harvest.. then ill make alot of hash and edibles.. I did have about a 1 gram hand hash from trimming.. Thanks You guys for the kind words.. Im gonna play with some hydro in the future.. the next big upgrade will be 2 new hoods.. xxxl hoods so I can get a good spread in the tent.. hard to believe I have some dark corners considering I have 2000 watts in a small area.. I have alot more plants to harvest.. stay along for the ride gentle man. I love the company.


Active Member
I have the trim waiting for the rest of harvest.. then ill make alot of hash and edibles.. I did have about a 1 gram hand hash from trimming.. Thanks You guys for the kind words.. Im gonna play with some hydro in the future.. the next big upgrade will be 2 new hoods.. xxxl hoods so I can get a good spread in the tent.. hard to believe I have some dark corners considering I have 2000 watts in a small area.. I have alot more plants to harvest.. stay along for the ride gentle man. I love the company.

Haha nice, I'll be getting a nice little ball of finger hash today as well....gonna be a good day!!


Glad I found the thread. Right now I am working with Sensi Kush so seeing the Hindu do so well makes me happy, And the Sensi Star is from the first run so that is good. Really impressive grow man, major props. It is a shame us on the east coast have limited access to these type of genetics, I am jealous. I will start a log in a couple weeks when the girl and I come back from vacation. Again, props...


Oh yea, how are the medicinal properties of the Hindu? Sleep, back, and neck pain? I need to get off the sleeping pills and Tylenol, and the Sensi Kush was my solution. Thanks for sharing your hard work with all of us. Happy I found RIU. Never thought I would be so interested in other people's grows.


Well-Known Member
V4... The hindu is a really sedative high to me.. helps my nerve pain from my back and my sleeping.. I took mine pretty early because I didnt want complete couch lock .. but it is still really therapeutic! Thanks for the kind words Guys!


Well-Known Member
Here is a little update I did last night but I guess I never completed it .. Smoked WAY TO MUCH ..

Just wanted to give some attention to the 2 girls that have been flowering for about 35 days.. I put these girls in about a month ago .. I havent given them any attention on this thread because I have been focusing on the plants closer to harvest.. These are 2 girls I added when I did some re arranging and realized I had some additional room.

This first one is a Querkle.. Depending how it finishes .. I believe I will keep this pheno over the last one I just harvested.. it looks dank and frosty and its still VERY early in flower.. couple pics :)

Here is the White Widow I have.. also put in at the same time.. she is looking good too..

I kept both of these plants natural.. I wanted em to be tall and skinny so they wouldnt over grow the plants farther in flower.. I will be lsting and topping some of these same genetics on my next run.. I really love how these are looking early in flower.. Let me know what you guys think :).. More harvest updates coming soon.. im in the home stretch :)