MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!


Active Member
Alright here is my setup in my closet. Its my first time so if you see anything majorly wrong or have an pointers i would love to hear it. I'll keep this updated with pictures every couple weeks or so and i would also like to know if my plants are where they should be or if theyre behind. I wasted a little time because i didnt have a good light setup so the biggest ones have only been under my cfl setup for about maybe a week. Thanks to all who post!

Germ/ Seedling light
1st Week
Veg/flowerig lights (made it myself...stainless steel:-P)
Biggest plant and its just past 3 weeks
these 2 are about 2 weeks
Room temp/hum...


Well-Known Member
looks good so far ! do you have a fan blowing n the room ??very important! also check out mt cfl grow 368 watt total! kinda like yours! i only use stuff from regular stores no expensive hydro shops fo me... walmart-homedepot-lowes,thats about it/

link to my grow in my signature!


Active Member
same here with not really having any super fancy stuff... and yes i have i have fan blowing always and a small humidifier that manages to keep the room right around 50-55%


Well-Known Member
You should be fine:) easy on he miracle grow, if your water is bright blue you used too much !i use a 1/4 of what they say and build up a lil more each time you use it (every2-3waterings max) i got off mg i heard they leave salt build-up:( but i do use their soil and i like it ! I use shultz 20-20-20 for veg and shultz 10-15-10 for flower 3 bucks each! Four full droppers per gallon of tap water ...sorry for rambling...stoned...

same here with not really having any super fancy stuff... And yes i have i have fan blowing always and a small humidifier that manages to keep the room right around 50-55%


Well-Known Member
MG leaves salt build up? what? i don't think thats true... but as far as using 1/4th of whats instructed, i agree


Well-Known Member
Alot of people have had bad expierinces with it so just be care full with it i still use it on all my other house plants with great results:) the salts build up and make it hard for the roots to get the good stuff(so ive heard??)

mg leaves salt build up? What? I don't think thats true... But as far as using 1/4th of whats instructed, i agree


Active Member
i dont use MG ferts. just the organic soil.... sorry i didnt specify
i want to use schultz since thats what ive already bought


Well-Known Member
the many people who have had bad experiences, including myself, was all self inflicted.... a bunch of rookie mistakes...

people must understand not all plants are the same... even different vegetables need different things added to their soils.... and thats the problem.... one thing can't work for everything.... but too many people had success with MG and MG products for me to blame the products.... yes, i'll agree the stuff is powerful... which means it'll last longer once you dilute it


Well-Known Member
i just got the shultz 10-15-10 today when i watered. I only added 2 full droppers to a 2 gallon watering can, which I think that's the right strength...let me try and do some math

box says 7 drops per quart of water...
one dropper full is about 14 drops...
4 quarts = 1 gallon
so 7 drops x 4 qts = 28 drops per gallon...or 2 dropper fulls would equal a full strength if you wanted to feed at half strength that would be one dropper full per gallon

i'm at about 4 weeks with my biggest plants so i'm gonna be follwing along with your grow...also, what's your intake/vent?


Active Member
i dont really have an intake/vent.... the closet is pretty bit and i leave the door open to controll the heat. i have a medium sized fan on them at all times so the room stays pretty well vetelated..... at least i think.


Well-Known Member
That works good for a couple weeks maybe even a couple months. But in time they will start smelling and i guarantee itll cover all that closet, the room the plants are in, and a couple other rooms in the house :)).


Active Member
I had to add somemore lights so i could fit them all so in total i have 18 cfl at 414 watts. 38,000 lum. about 4.5 ft long


Active Member
That works good for a couple weeks maybe even a couple months. But in time they will start smelling and i guarantee itll cover all that closet, the room the plants are in, and a couple other rooms in the house :)).
oh i know. if it gets bad enough im just going to vent it up through the attic. but hopefully its not too overwhelming that i cant stand it. i was expection it to stink up the closet and room so thats no biggy unless it becomes unbarable. :-P


Active Member
a few of the leaves of my biggest plant look like they're curling up on the edges a little. is that bad? i just watered yesterday.


Active Member
7 plants. in total. one pot has 2 plants so i actually have 8 but i plan on plucking one dependint on how they look in a week or so.


Active Member
its a tiny bit worse today. this was taken yesterday. the edges of some of the biggest leaves are rolling up theres no spotting and the leaves are still soft and green. i think i may have added too much plant food because im a newbie. will this fix its self if i just continue with regular watering or should i flush?:?: