MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!


Well-Known Member
i never really flush i just water the crap out of my plants if i over nute. a flush is harsh and rapes all the good stuff out of the soil too just water untill you see a good stream out of the holes on the bottom ..

i get that now. i just want to know if i should flush the soil or wait it out


Well-Known Member
Alot of people have had bad expierinces with it so just be care full with it i still use it on all my other house plants with great results:) the salts build up and make it hard for the roots to get the good stuff(so ive heard??)
i would recomend doing a flush every couple weeks if you could. just some pure water to break down the salt content. did wonders on my plants


Active Member
ok i lightly flushed(watered good till it ran out the bottom for a couple sec) do i need to do anything to help the soil dry out or just leave things the same? they have a fan blowing on them but do i need to turn the humidifier off till the soil dries out a bit?


Well-Known Member
Yea even with that much MG still dont need to use nutes for awhile. Honestly thats why alot of ppl talk shit about MG they use it then they over nute and blaim it on the soil or some other stupid shit =)). If it were me and this is only my opinion but id wait at least 4-6 weeks into veg to even use any form of nutes (because of the Miracle Grow), and even then i would use small amounts and keep a close eye on how the girls are reacting to them


Active Member
ok. so i flushed my 3 biggest plants last night because their leaves were curling. they all seem fine now except one has yellow spots on its two lower leaves and the edges are crunchy. is that because of the fert or is that usualy cause from something else. im kinda paranoid now that ive done something wrong or that their all going down hill or something. what amount of light should i be doing on/off and is 83degress too hot or should i try to bring that down....


Active Member
Also one of my smaller plants thats has recieved no nutes has slight patch of spots on one of its bigger leaves. kind of yellow in color. looks similar to the spots in that first picture but not as bad yet? could it be my lights?


Well-Known Member
Yea plant #2 looks good them droopy leaves dont look like anything all to bad. I dont think theres anyone out there that hasnt fucked something up while growing its no biggy dont let it get ya to paranoid


Active Member
ok well im not so paranoid but id still like to know what exactly the yellow spots were from. nutes....lites.....not enough of something..... too much of something....