MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!


Active Member
ok so i went and picked up a bag of potting soil. sand. perlite and two 5gal buckets. mixed 2 parts perlite 2.5 parts sand 2parts potting soil and a tiny but of vermiculite i had left (probably like .25 parts) and a sprinkle of pulverized limestone. i didnt transplant yet because i wanted the soil to dry a bit but when i tested the ph today it was about 6.8. then i scooped some into a cup and watered it and the dropped to like 5.5 and the water is used from my sink tested 6.5 so i dont know what the drop in soil ph from the water. and which one is correct? also just for something to do i tested my tap water and sprinkled a pinch of the pulverized limestone into it and it made the ph drop to right at 5. some now im confused. is the lime stone not the same as just lime? and either way why would it lower the ph and not raise it? i dont want to transplant till i know my soil mix isnt doo doo.


Active Member
These Two have dark green leaves and seem to have not grown at all in the past week or two.

On the other hand. These otherers seem fine so here is an update on them.



Well-Known Member
Lookin great jive! The lil one really is catching up i guess it just takes some time if you shock it a bit:) i think they look great and they are going to be huge make room:) is that the shultz 10-15-10 i see great shit thats all you need dude....


Active Member
Im having trouble telling what female and male and possibly herm. 3 of them have white hairs and the shorter one actually has little clusters of bud shaped things but no hairs so far.....


Active Member
yeah so after some further reasearch and investigating. the shot one is deffinately a male. How separated do they need to be from the other plants? like the closed is somethwat long. probably like 10 ft. if i hang a sheet or something to seperate them will that be enough or does it need to be in a completly dif room. and if it need to be in a dif room is it even worth keeping. if i dont want to make seeds is there any use for a male plant?


Well-Known Member
just throw it away pronto ! move it gently if that pollen gets airborn you are screwed! i hope those balle have not been around long?? even a tiny bit on your shirt sleave could polinate all your plants! not good seedy weed is light weed! no use for him i know it sucks but just remove gently and toss far away:)