MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!


Active Member
ok here they are today today

2 smaller plants still in the small containers.....

and this doesnt really matter but i got a timer for the humidifier set to turn on randomly for 15min at a time and this seems to keep the hum. perfect.


Active Member
Ok so when i get home today its the same BS as last time..... they're still perky and they all look the norm but no signs of growth and the yellowspots continue to spread of the leaves of the plants..... ive added no nutes.... ph is fine the room temp is fine hum. is good and the lights can possibly be burrning them because the new growth is alright but the growth in general has slowed down a lot or maybe even stopped.... before i could come home and at least notice that some of the leaves had grown but not it feels like they're at a stad still.

So im pretty much up for anything at this point. I could flush them but there cant hardly be any nutes in there. i could trash them all and start completly over but i have a feeling id run into this problem again. Are there diseases that do this to plants, id figure it would have spread faster and to all of them by now if it were from something like that.

i just want to get em growing again like they were so i guess im back to any suggestions as to what the problem could be.


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same problem i've never used nutrients and i'm getting burning on the lowest leaves and tips and edges of the other ones. From what people have told me it is probably a water P.H. problem. Though maybe not i'm in the same boat you seem to be bongsmilie


Active Member
well after researching a little my ph may be too high....its been about 7.0 and i just check it a couple min ago and in the new soil mix they're in its about 6.3-6.5 and the one i added the most peat to is right at 6. should i raise this of go with it and see what happen?


Well-Known Member
You said you have checked pH, but I am banking on you pH being off. My plants showed similar discoloring and problems in the beggining and it was b/c my pH was way off. Double and triple calibrate your pH meter. Don't give them nutes for at least 2 weeks. But my plants are in a hydro setup. Good luck!


Active Member
ok i have 2 methods of checking the ph. i have a batter powered gauge from lowes that was 20$ and i have a manual testing kit that i have to mix a tiny pill in a vial of water and then add the soil.... i think it was like 10 bucks maybe.

could these both just be POS testers and there for i dont really know what my ph is?


Well-Known Member
Ive used the little ones with the lil pill thing. And it was pretty damn accurate for me. I keep my soil at around 6.8 and i havent had any problems with my plants what so ever


Well-Known Member
I have two of the cheap home depot stick in the dirt meters.. They always read 6.5-6.9 i know they are shitty meters but if they both read the same i guess im ok never had any probs


Active Member
i dont know what to do then. both the pill test and the battery powered meter pretty much read the same thing and its all right around 6.3-7 and i wouldnt think thats causeing the spots....


Well-Known Member
Nah if your right around 6.3-6.7 your ph levels are pretty good man. Im out of ideas Lol


Active Member
Ok so here is an update at 1 month veg.

This is my best one. its was one of them that had the burning leaves at the bottom but it looks fine and its growing noticibly everyday.

This one is actually only 2.5-3 weeks old and was in a pot with two other plants but i plucked the other two out when i put it in the 5gal. bucket and its looking pretty good.

This one is a month old but not looking so good. the leaves are kinda droopy and ill water it and they'll stand back up but it seems to be growing really slow and again the leaves are 70% of the time droopy looking so and fixer for that someone might have or if someone could tell me what might be causeing it would be amazing! This is also one of the plants that got its lower leaves burned. (also, that black cord doesnt always hand over it like that. it feel while i was taking pics.....just incase someone was going to blame it on that.)

This one is in pretty bad shape. I thought it was going to be ok after i transplanted them to the 5gal. but after a couple days and the first watering it started getting the yellow spots and they been slowls getting worse but so far none on the new growth. and this one is also growing pretty slow. I just recently started using distilled water with a ph of about 6.8 instead of water from my tap to see if it was something in my water.....i guess ill see if that works but solutions and suggestions would also be amazing!

And last but not least these two are about 2.5-3 weeks and im planning on transplantiong to 5gal. tonight. they seem pretty healthy and ive never given them nutes so.... i think they'll be pretty good as long as i dont F*** something up with these somehow....

oh and that little thing in the cup down there was a seedling i didnt have the heart to throw away soooo now its just dead in a cup.

Well thats what ive got so far and i could really use some help with the spotted and droopy leaves if someone has had this problem.....
thanks guys


Active Member
alright im about to go get some stuff to pot the other two plants i have. can i just use peat pert and sand if i add some lime?