
Well-Known Member
Got the pump, the pots, the maniford the airstone and the feeder pipes and some canna nutes. Just waiting on white widow seeds and a box then it's full steam ahead man.

Hope everything is goingwell with your grow man, are you finding that you are having to top your res up all the time with more water and nutes or are you just changing it once a week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks masterd, it seems that I am doing this all wrong. I was unaware that it took previous training as well as having the plant grow into the screen as opposed to just plopping a screen on it. I am not sure how what I am doing is going to work out then, I guess we will see.

Craig, sounds good man I hope your beans get to you quickly. I haven't noticed much rapid water level change at all to be honest, I just kind of got into the habit of swapping once a week I guess.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so here is my SCROG setup, I really hope I didn't do anything drastically wrong. please let me know if I have guys.

Also you see my new reflector, I am missing one bulb, but it still is doing extremely well.

Earlier I kinda pulled up some of the bud spots and made it so that they were right above the screen. I just feel bleh about this hole scrogging deal, a little confused even after reading information that many people have showed me.


Well-Known Member
Why would you need to bend them? Pretty sure you want to place the screen above them and let them grow into it (about 75% coverage, from what I've read) and then flower them - don't think that you should be manipulating them to fit into the screen.
Why even use a screen then? cause it looks pretty?

I am sorry but you are wrong.
Yes you bend the stalks, you either tie them to the screen or run them under it.

Keep veg training untill the screen is about half way full then flip to 12/12. Then keep training for two more weeks. Your screen will fill out to about 80% full. keep them close to the screen untill the end of the second or even third week of flower. That depends on if they still stretching. Once they are done stretching then let them go. You will have an even layer of buds.

Be sure when you do tie them you leave enough space for the stalk to fill out.


Well-Known Member
Well today is day 3 of flowering already. I put the screen up how it is in the pictures, is that an okay height? They were never trained before hand though so is it okay to just plop that on to it?

Basically, Cruzer, is what is shown in the pictures above an acceptable looking thing. Meaning is there a super special thing that I need to do


Well-Known Member
Yea, sure its acceptable.
No theres no special thing you need to do.

let the tips grow a couple inches and then either weave them through the next square or tie them. its simple really. Even if you bend one too far and the stalk folds your still alright as long as it don't snap.

Actually thats called super cropping. pinch the stem and bend it there until it folds and tie it. Its a way to get the same results without a screen. Its better to use a screen first though. That way you get used to bending them and get an idea how far you can go.

As the plant gets older you will see it gets harder to bend the stalk. Then what you do is bend it halfway, tie it. and in a few days bend it the rest of the way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot cruzer! I think that puts it all in a little bit of a better perspective for me. I will be sure to bend a few stalks down tomorrow afternoon when I check on them.


Well-Known Member
yeah without the bending and weaving SCROG is just SOG with ur plants tangled in a screen, hopefully you get enough stretch to be able to do right.

anyway man good luck once again, and that FAQ i sent you to is a life saver, i think ive read all of it about 4 or 5 times, its got info on everything, i always give it a quick scratchin over before asking questions in a forum...

good luck with it all mate cant wait to see it in a couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
I would have gone and cut some wire fencing to get a good wire screen. The cut bits of plastic look evil to me... I think they will enjoy tearing the leaves on your plants :/ It's not too late though...


Well-Known Member
Yea, the plastic makes me a little nervous too, but I don't have any choice. I literally am broke right now. Growing has taken all of my money, so now I can't dump in any money that I don't have, so that's good.

If it is doing more harm then good then I will cut it out and take it down, but hopefully I can get some decent results from it.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I just took a bunch of pictures while talking to myself, asking the questions I wish to ask as captions for you guys haha.

they are uploading now and then hopefully I can get some stuff figured out.


Well-Known Member
The SCROG baby pictures are on the way, but for now, take a look at big momma!

This is day 39 for her



Well-Known Member
Alrighty, bare with me. This is day 3 of flower for these little ones. The pictures show me holding and pointing to certain bud spots etc and showing possible bends. I basically want to know if the proposed positions and such that I am doing in the pictures are correct.

^ This one isn't tall enough at the bud point, so could I gently tie it up right behind it so that it is facing up?

^ These ones with the multiple points, I can just lay this down and gently tie them up?

^ Like that?

I also don't even know the sex yet, I'm sure someone can tell, but I am not going to be sure until I see some pistils.

Here is the main question I guess though:

In topping, you cut the top point to allow light to get to the lower two points and grow. Is the goal of this kind of to do the same thing? Instead of cutting off branches though, you just lay them down to allow sunlight to get to all of the points? While this may be really obvious, I just want to make sure that I am going into this with the right goal. Also, I may not even know the right bud spots haha.

If anything above seems good, bad, indifferent, just please let me know!

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks sprocket...I can't even remember when that line was posted, which means I was most likely stoned. Thanks for stopping by man, keep checkin in!


Well-Known Member
If you want to weave them then you need to let them get tall enough so when you do bend you can go through the next hole in the screen and back up the next hole.

If you are going to tie to the screen then sure. thats a good place to start. Point them in the direction you have most room.


Well-Known Member
And just on the screen; if you're broke you can just go and cut up an old fence for the required wire = free?


Well-Known Member
I have fencing rolled up in my backyard, but I couldn't cut it. I tried wire cutters and all kinds of shit, it is too thick. Thanks for the heads up cruzer. I think I am going to tie it so I will get working on that thanks.