My first grow ever :D


Heyy everyone i think i'll start off by saying what ill be growing

2 autoflowering flying skunk and one kandy kush

my setup is very homebrand i recently bought some grow lights online but util i get them i will stick with my trusty 28 watt Cfl'sDSC_0452.jpg

for the nutes i have gotten quite an abbundance


heres my plant at 2 weeks :-o



Active Member
Sup, I think Kandy Kush was developed in Sa keen to see how this turns out as local seedbank stocks it . Do you know what causes those white veins on the seedling like in the pic you posted above , I`ve seen it on most of my seedlings but they still grow fine . How much you know about growing ? like don`t give em nutes till the 4 week you have a sick supply though . I`m using 4 of those deslamps in my grow those 26 watts are fine for the first few weeks they work pretty epic will see back on how they doing and the upgrade peace.


heyy man i'm not exactly sure what causes it but on my two autoflowering plants the leaves had miscolouration on them but its growing fine


My plants are growwing quite nicely, i still dont know what the miscolouration on some of the leaves are though




Today was the first day i gave it fertilizer (at half strength)


Active Member
See how it responds but it looks a little young to be giving nutes to already but seems old enough but ussually you should give it fertz after its 3 or 4th set of true leave ,:leaf: < after 3 or 4th set of those leaves . You may have wanted too and should in future plant all you`re autoflowering plants in a 3 gallon pot because they ussually only have one growth spurt so you don`t wanna have to transplant them . The plants look good though dunno what`s causing the minor discolouration and that white vein in the middle of the leave (got them also on my seedlings ) but , the plant grows fine and it`s harmed by it after it`s established . Goodluck they should start growing much faser now .


Active Member
You could just cut the base of those pots off and put them into bigger ones instead of doing an actual transplant it`s less stressful . I`ve never grown autoflowering marijuana so i don`t know what will be the best thing to do hopefully someone else can offer up some valuable advice .
Cheers bro keen to see how these turn out .


its now the 4th week and i have probabaly stunted the growth a little from the transplant but i am also wondering when it will begin to flower because most people get them to flower almost instantly, my plant hasnt put down much vegative growth, in saying that is their a certain amount of vegative growth that it has to go through before it starts to flower ??? any reply or advice would be great


Active Member
What light cycle you got them under . I`d just veg them for another 2 weeks (depending on size ) and if they don`t flower just switch them too a 12/12 cycle because i`ve read about some auto-flowering strains not flowering under the 18/6 flower .


Well-Known Member
looking good and healthy :). You should reomove the tin foil and put mylar or something plain white. tin foil is not recommended... what growlights is it you are waiting for? because you def need to add more lummens! and remember cfls should be ~ 1inch away from the tops.

remember most auto's will finish in 7-11 weeks and the vegetative cycle is very important to autos. 20/4 is the light cycle people growing autos generally use, but 18/6 is what i have experience with and i always had great results. 12/12 is a BIG NONO unless you want to dimish your yields for nothing. only time people do that is when having photos that need to be flowered in the same space, if genetics sucks and it wont autoflower or if you need to cut your lightbill. at least i would never recommend cutting auto's to 12/12 for any other reason.
I had a lowryder 2 that started of with deformed leaves. she grew out of it and gave the biggest yield and best smoke out of the 4 i had at the time.

oh and your growth is probably stunted because you need more lummens and to the lights closer


Active Member
looking good and healthy :). You should reomove the tin foil and put mylar or something plain white. tin foil is not recommended... what growlights is it you are waiting for? because you def need to add more lummens! and remember cfls should be ~ 1inch away from the tops.

remember most auto's will finish in 7-11 weeks and the vegetative cycle is very important to autos. 20/4 is the light cycle people growing autos generally use, but 18/6 is what i have experience with and i always had great results. 12/12 is a BIG NONO unless you want to dimish your yields for nothing. only time people do that is when having photos that need to be flowered in the same space, if genetics sucks and it wont autoflower or if you need to cut your lightbill. at least i would never recommend cutting auto's to 12/12 for any other reason.
I had a lowryder 2 that started of with deformed leaves. she grew out of it and gave the biggest yield and best smoke out of the 4 i had at the time.

oh and your growth is probably stunted because you need more lummens and to the lights closer
Yup he`s right it may just strech under the 12/12 cycle so it`s only a last resort but it`s still early to tell .


aha good news one of the plants has pre-flowered, should i start using 2700k lighting or should i stick with a mix of both 2700k and 6400k?


Active Member
I`d stay with the mix for the start of flowering for those auto`s too let it`s nodes get a little bigger so that it can support more bud then switch too pure 2700 later or maybe a 2/3 red and 1/3 blue mix if your interested in obtaining the best potency . I dunno realy though never grown auto`s and I`m on my first indoor grow myself . :)
What setup are you switching too and hit us up with some pics :)


not to worry one of the plants has shown its sex so im guessing it will start to bud shortly, should i switch all my lights to 2700k?


Active Member
From what I read on here it looks like most growers keep some 6500 k in for first few weeks of flowering but switch to all 2700 k near the end of flowering because it produces more compact buds , so more quantity . The 6500 k can produce whispy and airy buds but some people argue that the more spectrums of light the plant has the better . Probably 2/3 red and 1/3 blue seems to be the most popular . Just do what you feel . :)