My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL


Well-Known Member
Well. I opened my bins only to be terribly disappointed tonight. :evil:

SD: One of my Sour Deisel plants has gone so far south I've decided to pull it and germinate another seed along with the Lemon G seed I started today to replace it. :-? I'm not sure what strain to grow. I'm tempted to germinate another Thai seed because of how well the one I'm growing now is doing. I may do that, or possibly another Lemon. Whatever I end up doing, I'll be labeling the plants in pictures to make my updates more organized and to ensure you all can follow along easier. Hopefully it helps. Since my other Sour Deisel plant is lagging, there is no way in hell I'm going to try to grow another. That strain seems really particular. I may wait until after my first harvest to try it again when I have some experience under my belt. I was wondering if you guys think it's okay to have plants at different ages together in the same enclosure. The other plants are only 5 days old after sprout. It will probably take 2 days for these seeds to grow a tap root and another 2-3 for them to sprout. That will make them roughly 10 days apart. Let me know what you think.

I'm pretty bummed about losing the plant. Probably the worst way to end my Easter, haha. I'm still not even sure exactly what I did to it, which worries me. My guess is that I drowned the plant. I know now that watering is harder than I initially anticipated. I think most novice growers have problems with it. I'll post some pictures eventually to show you guys. Maybe you can figure it out.

Thai: My thai plant is doing really good.:-P I have noticed some growth since I put the co2 bottle in. I'm pretty impressed with how much of a difference its made. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

I'm glad some of you are tuning into this grow. I appreciate it. Take it easy.:peace:


Well-Known Member
What's up guys? First off, I would definitely recommend using a co2 bottle in your grow. I can see a lot of growth since I put it in. My sick plant has been pronounced dead. I yanked it from the soil and knew immediately that I had been overwatering. The other two plants growing have roots all over the place, the dead one's tap root had only grown about an inch. It was oxygen deprived.
So for this update and possibly the next couple there will only be 2 plants to update as well as two seeds.

TCD: My Thai plant is doing awesome.:blsmoke: When I ckecked on it today I picked up the cup that it's in and was able to see a lot of roots growing all over the place, which is a good sign. The second set of leaves are growing in steadily as well as the first. This is definitely my favorite baby. Photos 1-5.

SD: The sour deisel plant is growing slowly but surely. I can see the tiny starts of second set of leaves, but I had trouble getting a good picture. Hopefully you guys can see its growth. I also checked the bottom of this one for root growth and there was some, but not even close to as much as the Thai plants. I'm confident that this one is going to bounce back from its encounter with entirely too much water. Haha. I also snipped off the false leaves from it. They were turning from yellow to brown and I assumed it was doing less for the plant being there. All new growth looks healthy as far as I can tell. Photos 6-10.

Lemon G Seeds: I decided to germinate two Lemon G seeds. One to replace the Sour Deisel plant that died and another for good measure in case I decide to kill another plant like a dumbass. Haha. I'm using the paper towel method I explained in my earlier posts. They've been in the towel on top of my computer tower for about 24 hours now. The seeds are a little more plump than when I put them in, but there's not much to report on there. Seed germination isn't exactly the most exciting part of the process. Photo 11

Photo 12 is a picture of the food container containing the seeds all closed up.

Let me know what you guys think about the plants! They seems pretty healthy to me. And advice or feedback is appreciated. Peace, Love and Light dudes.:peace:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Yeah .. sucks losing a plant... Happened to me as well. So fom now im planting more seeds than I need.


Well-Known Member
Yeah .. sucks losing a plant... Happened to me as well. So fom now im planting more seeds than I need.
Now that I have a handle on my watering I'm really confident my plants will be healthy from here on out.:bigjoint:

I checked up on my Lemon G seeds this morning when I got up and was pleasently surprised to see both of them had split open and were bearing a tap root. They have been in the wet paper towel now for about 40 hours. That's about how long it took my first set of seeds to germinate. Things are looking good. I'll most likely be planting them in soil later tonight. I'm going to plant them in 16 oz party cups like I did for the first three. Hopefully these two plants will take off. I'll get some pictures up of my other two plants soon. Have a good one everybody.


Well-Known Member
hey bud all looks great nice setup, i may have over looked it but are you running 12/12? if anything duding you should be running like 4-6 6500k lights youll see a huge diffrence! those 2700k are for flowering. you can always do your mixed spectrum and if thats what you want then do like 4 or 5 6500k and like 2 or 1 2700k. just a thought and i cant reall tell how far your plants are from the light? im guessing within 6" cuz i dont see much streching which is always a good thing and im glad to hear your got your watering schedule down. i only water every 2-3 days. keep it up and sorry about your loss. with failiure comes success. cheers DW


Well-Known Member
hey bud all looks great nice setup, i may have over looked it but are you running 12/12? if anything duding you should be running like 4-6 6500k lights youll see a huge diffrence! those 2700k are for flowering. you can always do your mixed spectrum and if thats what you want then do like 4 or 5 6500k and like 2 or 1 2700k. just a thought and i cant reall tell how far your plants are from the light? im guessing within 6" cuz i dont see much streching which is always a good thing and im glad to hear your got your watering schedule down. i only water every 2-3 days. keep it up and sorry about your loss. with failiure comes success. cheers DW
Thanks for tuning in DW! I'm on an 18/6 schedule right now. Probably going to veg til about 8 inches and throw them into flower to make sure I don't run out of space on my first grow. My lights are about 3 inches above the plants. I heard this keeps the plants much more compact, which is the goal here. The more I've been reading I've noticed that I have the lumen output all backwards. I will definitly be swapping some lights in and out to get a wider spectrum. What kind of light do you recommend? What I mean is, warm white, cool white, daylight..? Thanks for the help man. I'll be following your thread to compare.


Well-Known Member
get some 23 watt 6500k bulbs they are great and done throw off a ton or heat. thats what im using and yes closer the light the more compact... like mine. i already put an update this morning after being in the humidty domes off night. they looked sexy this morning!


Well-Known Member
get some 23 watt 6500k bulbs they are great and done throw off a ton or heat. thats what im using and yes closer the light the more compact... like mine. i already put an update this morning after being in the humidty domes off night. they looked sexy this morning!
Humidity domes? I'm not sure I've ever heard of this? Could you explain some more. And about my lights. I plan on going out and getting 2 more 26 watt 6500k daylights. That'll bring my light situation to:
4 26watt 6500k CFL Daylights
+2 42watt 2700k CFL

Do you think that is a good light setup? Thanks for the feedback!


Well-Known Member
yah that should be good but really you dont even need the 2700k in there while vegging or so ive read


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips. I may just buy 4 more Daylights 6500k and just use 6 of them through all of veg.

Update: Just went and bought 4 new 26watt 6500k daylights. I'll be putting those in tonight, as well as the two new plants. Pictures coming tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips. I may just buy 4 more Daylights 6500k and just use 6 of them through all of veg.

Update: Just went and bought 4 new 26watt 6500k daylights. I'll be putting those in tonight, as well as the two new plants. Pictures coming tomorrow.

Good thing you got those bulbs, I wasnt aware earlier that you needed more light. For now the veg stage you are great. If you plan on putting them to flower at 8 inches, expect them to grow to a height between 16 and 24 inches tall...
Also when you reach the flower stage, you will need more 2700k cfl...


Well-Known Member
Good thing you got those bulbs, I wasnt aware earlier that you needed more light. For now the veg stage you are great. If you plan on putting them to flower at 8 inches, expect them to grow to a height between 16 and 24 inches tall...
Also when you reach the flower stage, you will need more 2700k cfl...
Hey Tatan and DW. I had 4 42 watt 2700k in there before i put the other daylights in. So I'll only need to get 2 more for flower. So now I'm running 6 26watt 6500k lights for veg.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tatan and DW. I had 4 42 watt 2700k in there before i put the other daylights in. So I'll only need to get 2 more for flower. So now I'm running 6 26watt 6500k lights for veg.

Yup those 42 watt 2700k are the ones.. so 2 more and you are set... You might have to adjust the number of bulbs depending on how much the plants stretch, and remember that its ok to put the cfl 2 or 3 inches away... Thats the good thing about cfl, they dont get that hot, which enables you to get the bulbs really close to the plants:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yup those 42 watt 2700k are the ones.. so 2 more and you are set... You might have to adjust the number of bulbs depending on how much the plants stretch, and remember that its ok to put the cfl 2 or 3 inches away... Thats the good thing about cfl, they dont get that hot, which enables you to get the bulbs really close to the plants:blsmoke:
I'm keeping the lights really close to my plants to make them as compact as possible. They haven't shown any signs of heat stress or burn, so I think its alright where it is now. I wont have any problems fixing something up to hold the larger pots I'm going to transplant into. Which reminds me. I got pots with an 8" diameter. Do you think these will be big enough? And about how old should the plants be before I transplant?


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping the lights really close to my plants to make them as compact as possible. They haven't shown any signs of heat stress or burn, so I think its alright where it is now. I wont have any problems fixing something up to hold the larger pots I'm going to transplant into. Which reminds me. I got pots with an 8" diameter. Do you think these will be big enough? And about how old should the plants be before I transplant?
I personally use 9 or 10 inch diameter pots, but it all depends on how tall you want your plants to be at the end. You figure they are going to stretch to 2 to 3 times their height duing flowering.
I transplant into a medium pot after 2 weeks of veg, and I keep them in that until the plants are sexed. After discarding the males I put the females into a 9 or 10 inch pot.


Well-Known Member
I personally use 9 or 10 inch diameter pots, but it all depends on how tall you want your plants to be at the end. You figure they are going to stretch to 2 to 3 times their height duing flowering.
I usually transplant into a medium pot after 2 weeks of veg, and I keep them in that until the plants are seced and then I move them into their final container.
I planned on these 8" pots being these plants final home. I am in a confined space so I don't want them to be too terribly tall. I'll probably transplant in a week and keep them in those for the rest of their life.