My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true but this shit is really easy imo. I guess it would'nt hurt to finish them incase i get at least 1 female, I wish i had room for a veg and flower room so i could do both...


Well-Known Member
Well i just gave em some food...

Both plants side by side

Plant 2 - August 29th

Plant 1 - Aug 29th

Well since raising the lights im not sure if it really did help with the vertical lift but personally i think it did. What do you guy's think? :joint:


Well-Known Member
Their 18 days old. I give them a few hours of sunlight every day. Given the weather permits me too. Thanks they are looking good.


Well-Known Member
Guys do you think these 10" planters are big enough? They looked huge when i bought them but now every day i look at them they look smaller and smaller. Idk maybe im too critical.


Well-Known Member
really ? too small ? Man I'm using 6" pots and I still don't have a lot of root formation at the drainage holes.. I think you'll be fine for the rest of the grow in that pot to be honest.. but in the end its up too you !!



New Member
LOL the pot will look smaller as the pot gets bigger.

I think that is the size I have Lucinda in, not sure if it's big enough but she's staying. I"m sure everyone will have different answer on this one.


Well-Known Member
Hey man they are looking great. Nice and bushy! I have mine in 10" planters just to give ya an idea of how big/small they are. I wish I could use 5 gallon buckets, thats the way to go but I dont have enough room.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys i think ill keep it in those plants and if growth stops all of a sudden then ill try some bigger planters. For now things are still coasting.


Well-Known Member
So im thinking im going to put the plants in a rubbermaid container, that way i can just clip the lights onto the side of the container. And also i can line the inside with mylar.

420 POSTS!!!!!!!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the post total there Doc !! lol

So when you say rubbermaid do you mean like 2 open ends on top of each other to make a "cab" OR just like put them in the bottom of an open one and clip the lights around the rim.. I'm not 100% visualizing this lol.. esplain plz :)

Have you put any thought into your future plan ? IE mothers, clones, how much longer are you vegging for ? All the things BigD asked me the other day and got me really thinking and in turn I'm in my 24hr dark period now and will be doing 12/12 as of tomorrow... So not that I'm saying you should do something (not at all, keep on keeping on as they say) I'm just wanting to pick your brain as to what you have planned up ahead !!

Thanks, Doc


Well-Known Member
hay doc ....i see ya..... i do the indoor outdoor thing...alot of people say it can cause stress or turn herm.....but my babies love it outside....the more you take it out the bigger theyll get....the sun is definately the best light.....try too maker sure your inside conditions match the outside.....


Well-Known Member
hay doc ....i see ya..... i do the indoor outdoor thing...alot of people say it can cause stress or turn herm.....but my babies love it outside....the more you take it out the bigger theyll get....the sun is definately the best light.....try too maker sure your inside conditions match the outside.....
The main reason i take them outside is because they don't get much fresh air in my closet. They need the CO2 and their's plenty of that outside.

Congrats on the post total there Doc !! lol

So when you say rubbermaid do you mean like 2 open ends on top of each other to make a "cab" OR just like put them in the bottom of an open one and clip the lights around the rim.. I'm not 100% visualizing this lol.. esplain plz :)

Have you put any thought into your future plan ? IE mothers, clones, how much longer are you vegging for ? All the things BigD asked me the other day and got me really thinking and in turn I'm in my 24hr dark period now and will be doing 12/12 as of tomorrow... So not that I'm saying you should do something (not at all, keep on keeping on as they say) I'm just wanting to pick your brain as to what you have planned up ahead !!

Thanks, Doc
Yeah i mean in the bottom of a rubbermaid. I got the idea from makinthemagic.

That way i can position the lights whereve i want over the plants. Im probably going to veg for another 7 more days at least. Otherwise my yield is going to suffer. I have some Feminized Pure Power Plant seeds coming right now so as soon as i get those im going to sex these and see if i need to keep em or not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks yeah it's a pretty good idea for smaller grows. And it's something i can just easily toss in my closet. Im gunna line the inside with mylar so that it will be completely reflective inside it. And once the plants get bigger i got a good setup in mind too but ill save that for later fellas.