My First Grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah, with both my transplants so far I was seeing roots out the bottom for about a week before transplanting and that seemed to work well for me, however, 12 days after starting flowering and transplanting on the same day I can see roots out the bottom...


Active Member
yeah, with both my transplants so far I was seeing roots out the bottom for about a week before transplanting and that seemed to work well for me, however, 12 days after starting flowering and transplanting on the same day I can see roots out the bottom...
Alright, so you both think I'll be okay staying in this pot?


Active Member
So today I installed a very nice 120v intake fan! It was strong enough that when my knuckle touched it, it chopped the skin right off (Only barely touched it). I added 2x26w 6500k and 1x23w 6500k because now I have my largest which is in flower and my youngest which is still in veg. So in total I have
168watts of 2700k
75watts of 6500k
for a total of 243 watts. Picture 75.jpgPicture 74.jpgPicture 76.jpgPicture 77.jpgPicture 78.jpgPicture 79.jpgPicture 80.jpgPicture 81.jpg


Active Member
been following the grow from the start. great job.... is that the lights or is she turning yellow on the bottom leaves????


Active Member
been following the grow from the start. great job.... is that the lights or is she turning yellow on the bottom leaves????
She turned yellow on the bottom. I think this was due to lack of lighting because she was so stocky before she began to flower.

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Looking great Foolet. +rep..Im going to be giving a full cfl light grow a shot very soon here as well. Normally I use 400hps but that will be occupied.
I dont think that lack of light would turn the bottom leaves yellow. My guess is lack of N, you might wanna give her a small little dosage in your next watering to try to keep her green longer. you still have a while of flowering left.


Active Member
Looking great Foolet. +rep..Im going to be giving a full cfl light grow a shot very soon here as well. Normally I use 400hps but that will be occupied.
I dont think that lack of light would turn the bottom leaves yellow. My guess is lack of N, you might wanna give her a small little dosage in your next watering to try to keep her green longer. you still have a while of flowering left.
So you think I should up my nutrient dosages? Maybe add another .5 tsp of 4-14-8, and .5 tsp of 12-0-0 dried blood?

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Have you already been giving them some blood meal? If not I'd say do so, if you have I would say yea, add a lil more to your dosage. Dont really know if you need to up your overall nutes tho. If she has been growing pretty good I might just leave her be. Your ph's are alright? Soil and water going in You dont see any extra spotting on those yellow leaves right?


Active Member
Have you already been giving them some blood meal? If not I'd say do so, if you have I would say yea, add a lil more to your dosage. Dont really know if you need to up your overall nutes tho. If she has been growing pretty good I might just leave her be. Your ph's are alright? Soil and water going in You dont see any extra spotting on those yellow leaves right?
Yep, around 6.5-6.6. I haven't given her blood meal in a while and when I did I didn't give much at all. I'll give her some blood meal and I'll add .3 tsp more to her nutrients and see how she reacts. I need to water her tonight anyway.


Well-Known Member
looking good! can't wait to see what happens. autos seem really awesome I'll think about it for the next time


Active Member
A few of the leaves around the bottom of all 3 of mine have turned yellow, on my 52 day older a few of them have fallen off at the stems I guess it's just old age lmao. I've used nutes in one but the other two have been done in palygron (that's probably spelt wrong) its ment to last for the cycle of an auto so I just used water. So I don't think it's anything to worry bout I hope.

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Yea, it definitely won't hurt to bump up by so little. Many ppl growing autos like togradually push them til they see a little nute burn along the edges. That way they know the limits that the plant can take and keep the percentages around there for optimal uptake.
Not quite what i do but many live by it, and have great results.


Active Member
Yea, it definitely won't hurt to bump up by so little. Many ppl growing autos like togradually push them til they see a little nute burn along the edges. That way they know the limits that the plant can take and keep the percentages around there for optimal uptake.
Not quite what i do but many live by it, and have great results.
I gave her fresh water and a tsp of dried blood, same with the youngest. Next session I will add .5tsp to the already made batch of flower nutes.


Active Member
Yea, it definitely won't hurt to bump up by so little. Many ppl growing autos like togradually push them til they see a little nute burn along the edges. That way they know the limits that the plant can take and keep the percentages around there for optimal uptake.
Not quite what i do but many live by it, and have great results.
spot on jay, thats how i went about it


Active Member
We'll see how she is doing tonight. I plan on giving her some nice clean water for the next watering session, then I'll up her dosage of nutes and give her, her flowering nutes.