My First Grow!


Well-Known Member
she looks good mate. im kicking in at day 30 now. purposely kept both of mine shorter to save room and such,
but im liking the look of your buddy being so much bigger but only a few days older
anyways, congrats and enjoy some rep


Active Member
Thanks! She is 9' high as of tonight. The bottom leaves are already getting greener I think. +rep'd back!


Well-Known Member
Hey man girls look really good. As for the yellowing of the leaves looks like they are just a bit hungry for some nitrogen. Try to feed the just a bit of blood meal with the flowering nutes. I think it will help her out alot. What is damaged is not going to turn back green but you will still have a healthy plant. Keep up the good work!! STAY HIGH!!!


Active Member
Hey man girls look really good. As for the yellowing of the leaves looks like they are just a bit hungry for some nitrogen. Try to feed the just a bit of blood meal with the flowering nutes. I think it will help her out alot. What is damaged is not going to turn back green but you will still have a healthy plant. Keep up the good work!! STAY HIGH!!!
If the bottom bottom leaf is still turning more yellow should I jack my the blood meal dosage to 1.5tsp? I am planning on watering her plain water next session then my nuted water + .5tsp more.

Jay Johnson

Active Member
I would say hit her with a nice dose if they're yellowing off pretty quick. But you are already around day 40 right? So you don't wanna keep giving her too much extra nitrogen during the flowering phase. What you are using for your bloom nutes should have enough nitrogen for this stage you're at. Too much nitrogen can hinder the budding process and the girlies won't start getting fat and juicy.


Active Member
I would say hit her with a nice dose if they're yellowing off pretty quick. But you are already around day 40 right? So you don't wanna keep giving her too much extra nitrogen during the flowering phase. What you are using for your bloom nutes should have enough nitrogen for this stage you're at. Too much nitrogen can hinder the budding process and the girlies won't start getting fat and juicy.
Alright, well I gave her 1 tsp dosage of 12-0-0 dried blood and some fresh water. Next session I'll give her a good dosage of flowering nutes, I plan on upping the dosage too.


Active Member
If your around day 40 you need to think about giving it just water ( from what I've read and doing myself) apparently you need to give the plant time to run the nutes out so you don't taste them in the bud when your smoking it not 100% but I'm pretty sure

Jay Johnson

Active Member
Yea, i think it's a lil early to start flushing her. I don't start until the bud atleast looks smokeable. Then by the time you've flushed for about 2 weeks (which is plenty enough) it will have fattened up on all the energy it stored in the leaves, turning most of them yellow. Bud will be significantly larger. Going with straight water from day 40 is almost a 4 week flush, might workout alright, but its rather long.

All of mine have gone 62 days or more.
Also how far away are those lights from the plant? CFL's can go extra 1 inch


Well-Known Member
Mine are hardly a week into flower how can you tell me to flush already....?

Going to be close, my plant and yours should be done about the same time.

Stupid veg. well i guess more veg equals more bud.bongsmilie

Update some more pics soon :D


Active Member
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I posted pictures or anything :( I have no idea what to do anymore! My girl's bottom leaves are shriveling up and turning yellow. The youngest just started flowering and is doing MUCH better then the main plant. The youngest is very dark green, hardly any yellow/burning. I need advice on what the problem is, I have been jacking her up with nitrogen but I am not seeing much response and I am noticing the yellow shriveling is spreading slowly.
On a good note: The white strings are almost EVERYWHERE on the plant, I am seeing them just about everywhere I look :) Even the smallest plant is hitting the ground running when it comes to flowering! Much bud to be had!


Active Member
My bad i must of been fucked cause I look at it and think what dickhead wrote flush at 40 days lmao ( oh yer me ). I'm at around day 60 and started with just water at the start of the week sorry bout that foolet.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I posted pictures or anything :( I have no idea what to do anymore! My girl's bottom leaves are shriveling up and turning yellow. The youngest just started flowering and is doing MUCH better then the main plant. The youngest is very dark green, hardly any yellow/burning. I need advice on what the problem is, I have been jacking her up with nitrogen but I am not seeing much response and I am noticing the yellow shriveling is spreading slowly.
On a good note: The white strings are almost EVERYWHERE on the plant, I am seeing them just about everywhere I look :) Even the smallest plant is hitting the ground running when it comes to flowering! Much bud to be had!
take pictures of the leaves, if the yellowing is spreading. I saw on ur old pics the leaves at the bottom are yellow, if it does not spread i would not worry about it.Some autos might start yellowing fan leaves earlier than non autos. It might just be the plant eating them for nutes but not sure. are the yellowing leave tips curling at all up or down? Mostly a couple yellowing leaves are no big deal. The amount of stuff i put my plant through and it still made it, i know yours will be fine.

When my plants are not feeling good neither am i :D

Pics of leaves pls :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
both of my plants (fb and lr2) have had yellow leaves after the 3rd week(at about day 25) and i know that i didnt overdo it on water or feed(i learned from my first grow).the rest part of the plants are looking healthy. it should be an auto thing occuring on some strains and not in every plant.


Well-Known Member
am I confusing this with what just seems like naturally the first 2 or 3 leafsets turning yellow and eventually falling off? that's happened with mine and with most regular plants too I'm pretty sure, if it's affecting all your leaves or new growth I'd be real scared I guess


Well-Known Member
although, one cause could be the high temperatures.i have about 87F in fb had some brown spots, possibly from being to close to the lamp. after i moved the lamps a bit more further the brown spots didnt spread but the first set of leaves has begun wilting and having that yellow colour.


Active Member
day 46

Picture 81.jpgPicture 89.jpgPicture 88.jpgPicture 87.jpgPicture 86.jpgPicture 85.jpgPicture 84.jpgPicture 83.jpgPicture 82.jpgPicture 90.jpg

I might run to the store and grab a memory card so I can save the pictures on the digital camera instead of using the fucking computer webcam.


Well-Known Member
the girls are looking gorgeous bro
the pictures look good, if those are webcam pics
then they are damn good quality. better than my
cell pictures turned out
how far along flowering are you, # of days
keep those pictures coming