My first indoor under 150W HPS. Some answers needed.


Active Member
Hello to everybody on roolitup. Must say i learnd a lot of theory of how to grow here on Rollitup:) . I have some questions, becouse i think my plants are a bit sick and it looks like a N( Nitrogen) overdose, but maybe im just panic :) . Im growing 2 plants from bag seeds (i know thats not the best but i decide to try it for first time and hope i dont get a hermi or male :) ). Ph of water i use is from 6.8-7.0 (thats for last week, first 2 weeks i didnt have a ph meter so i dont know what was the ph of water but i think it was 8.0 ,becouse i use our tap water and now it shows ph 8. Plants are 3 weeks from seed now and 5inch tall in a 5 gallon pot both together.I fertilized too soon i think becouse i fertilized them when they were 2 weeks old, so some tips are burned and the plant looks a little to dark( dark green), but only under HPS, becouse when i put them out of the box they look ok ( normal green:) ).Yesterday i flushed them with 2 gallons( i know i should use at least 2 times more water then pot size) of water just for preventive, before i ask here what to do :) .

So what do you think ? thnx for the answers ;)

some pictures:

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sorry for sh..y pictures but my cam is old stuf. And sorry for my bad english :)

thnx again
Your Ph should be a bit lower between 6.-6.5 for soil......... your plants look like the leaf edges are starting to curl upward a bit which is usually a sign of Over fertulizing or too much heat.......Those plants are tiny and if your using soil you shouldnt even need to feed untell the plants use all the nutes already preseant in the soil...... i would adjust your ph down then flush your plants with maybe a "clearx or floraKleen" then just use the nutes in the soil tell there bigger ....are you using foxfarm?


Active Member
Yea i know they are little tiny, but i think this is becouse i had them under 30W of CFL 6500K for first 2 weeks and transplated them 2 times(yea i know a lots of stress), but i didnt have a proper soil.So you suggest i flush tem with ph 6-6.5. About this cury edges , its much bether then 1 week ago ,but thats only in one plant, the other one doesnt have that problems.

edit: Lamp is 25cm above the top of the plants, ventilation is 2x 12cm pc fan with 60CFL for exoust and 1 for intake and 2 for mixing air inside the box. Temp are from 27-29 when lamp is on humidity 38-45%.


Active Member
i dont use foxfarm. I have some middle range soil,not cheap not to expensive. Ph of soil is 6.5 from bag.and a fertilizer i had was a 5 15 1 npk ratio


Active Member
Hello to everybody again :). I flushed the plants 2 times and now they are getting much bether.They start to grow as they suppose to:).But i have another question now.Is it possible that plants shows gender when they are only 25day from seed? Becouse i think 1 is a male ( 4 tiny little balls appeard). Look at the picture ( not a good quality but you can see a ball there).

look at the right side of the steam

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So what do you think ? is it a male?


Active Member
thnx for that,but still looks like male :) .I hope in the end it turns it was a female. Here is some more info about the soil. EC is high i think, it is 2.5, N is 230mg/l, P 300mg/l, K 850mg/l.

And now that i flushed them 2 times ,when should i start to give some fertilizer ? Or you dont suggest any of it in this age? The one on the left is already topped after 4th nodge,the one on the right after 5th i think:) .

some new pictures, comments welcome.

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It looks as if it could be male, but it isn't a positive until early flowering. I would say to wait until another week or two before nutes. If your soil already has nutes your gnna get yourself in the same situation again especially with the plant where it's at in maturity. Looks good though . Good luck mate.


Active Member
Thnx mate. Ill whait one more week then ill decide if chop him/it down :) . Btw here is one picture from yesterday.This balls are getting bigger :/, so im a little scared if the second one is female, and this one is a male i will get an pollinised female.

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So what do you think ? Should i choped here down already or wait until early flowering? That balls scares shit out of me:) i dont want one more male in my apartment:).



Weed Modifier
are there hair coming out of the calyx...looks like a male...can show sex 4-6 weeks from seed.


Active Member
:) thnx.You can answer here or if you are a mod you can move post from that thread here. Btw sorry for my english its not my language :)

edit: No hair there just ball:/


Weed Modifier
8-4-4 is much better nutrient for them in veg. :) soon as they start to fade from green , in a couple weeks, than you can feed 1/2 strength nutrients.


Active Member
One more question . I lower water ph with peat granulat for aquarium filters. It brings my ph from 7.5 to 6.5 and its stable. Is it ok or you suggest some other method to lower tap water PH.


Weed Modifier
One more question . I lower water ph with peat granulat for aquarium filters. It brings my ph from 7.5 to 6.5 and its stable. Is it ok or you suggest some other method to lower tap water PH.
never hear of that is it a filter or pebbles? if its just a filter should be ok.

i use vinegar to lower ph in water..i also use a 150w hps :)

<-----like the one in my avatar/picture :)