My First White Widow Grow 400watt In My Homade Tent


Well-Known Member
hey Tricka yeah im good thanks mate.

yeah i was a lilttle worried there for awhile between the the fimming/topping and nute burn slowed em down a bit but yeah all is well at the momment.

I have got 175mm and i can pretty much put the light right to the top mate cause my chains on my light setup has hooks on the roof of the lil tin shed and i cut lil slots to stick em down in my tent if ya get me will get some pics.

I karchered (pressure cleaned) the old fridge out an the boards out im using with bleach an mould killer spent a few hours in the shed putting it together not quite finished yet will post pics when im done just need some gap filler an cut my plastic to size.

what a nightmare it was all to put 4 boards on and fill some holes lol.
im no builder was a mission my drill bit broke so screwed em all in by hand haha there was some swearing going on.

and yeah tricka i want another 2 or 3 of those fans there sweet.

im not 100% sure when to flower i thought they where a lil small them being the white widow
what you think mate im open to suggestions as to when to flower that is?

hey Master Hemp yeah it's weird there spose to be sativa dominate lol.

ya must get whatever the seed companys have got lying round.

but hey im happy.


Active Member
well all i know is that they can be a longer flower, more than what the breeder and seedbank says...some 12wks+, tho yours does seem the Indica Dom pheno as MH pointed out.
In general a safe bet is to consider your plat a third, it will grow the next 2 thirds in you will have to work that out yourseld in relation to your cab height and pot/plant size


Well-Known Member
cheers tricka well looking at them there lucky to be 30cms tall so 90cms in all if i flower now i got that in the bag lol.

so they could do with being a lil taller. my way of think was wait until they bushed out passed the edge of the pots an flower.

I'll play it by ear not to worried bout time now i got the veg cabinet on the way cause that gives me a couple months to veg some plants while there budding.

hey man how many cfls will i need to veg some plants i was thinking 1 or 2, 200watt cfls off ebay.


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already posted this in the aussie growers thread but thought id post it here to

ok this is my veg cabinet few hours of messing round as im no cabinet builder or any sort of builder for that matta

velcro strips for the front and to make sure of no light leak i got some magnets glued some duct tape as some my of plastic didt go round far enough an magnets would't stick so duct tape lenghthened it a bit and that seemed to work

anyway this is the guts of and old fridge few boards few screws few bits of velcro magnets and duct tape bobs ya uncle and a grand total of 0 dollars to make as it was just old shit i had lieing round

anyway i hope it works.

the only thing i dnt have any fans im just thinking a couple of pc fans should do it as its pretty small.


Active Member
Hi J, looking good, they sure a tight and bushy. im not sure when you should flower, but mine has really shot up and grown heaps since switching to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
hey ozgirl cheers for stopping by

yeah this weekend i think im gonna flick the switch sooner there done sooner i can get on with the next grow.

i ordered a 200watt cfl tonight so i'll get some bag seed going and maybe a few clones


Active Member
Hey there J...your an ideas man too i see, what a perfect build, all for nothing and you got power wired and light proofed it, well done mate, that there will serve its purpose quicker than you think! 200W CFL hell yeahz! i was gonna get two but the hydro store didnt have them, only DHS but i wanted mine there and then. just a bit of advice, im using a 100mm ezyair fan for my 3 CFL's and its not quite big enough, tho i am splitting it into two 100mm duct sections which will surely wipe out its power, i did burn my leaves from the bulb as they run pretty warm, Ha and i got 3 x 130, i think even the biggest PC fan may have dramas, tho unless you run no duct, just straight mount it to the cab then you will be fine, just get a bigger one or three ;)


Well-Known Member
hey tricka cheers mate im usually the kind of person that buys everything hehe but low funds = ideas lol. I got 120mm pc fan yeah thats my plan might run like 200 mm of ducting just enough to keep light in

i already bought the fan damn it oh well was cheap off ebay should do the job for now.


Well-Known Member
Hey J, mine was supposed to be indica aswell lol judging by what the seedbank said, i ended up with a heap of indica looking phenos which ended up being male and this sativa pheno which was female :lol:
If you flower now they should stretch out and make some nice colas mine tripled in size once i switched to 12/12, while you flower these beauties just start veggin some others and get a perpetual going, when flower finishes for the widows you got another batch ready to go in the flower room, nice grow so far man, +rep to you when it lets me


Well-Known Member
hahaha cheers master hemp and thanks for the kind words guys.

yeah this weekend master hemp flower them an start some more

im just gonna chuck a shit load of bag seed in and hope for females lol.

i dnt think clones grow as good as plants from seed but i might try a couple clones none the less.


Well-Known Member
Clones are the way to go man, it'd be good to hang on to that ww strain atleast you know you have some good genetics and 100% females. The clones will be of decent size by the time the originals finish up, not sure if youve seen the recent pics of my ww in the aussie thread, but that was from a clone and turned out lovely


Well-Known Member
hmmm how big do ya clones have to be when ya take em mate my branches a pretty small as my plants aint that big


ok master hemp went and got some rock wool cubes and jiffy pellets cause i cloned once before only had luck with the jiffy pellets so i will try them both again also got 5 litres of that dutch master gold A.P.S. for conditioning rockwool. so will have another crack at cloning see how i go.


Well-Known Member
Hey jzs, i try to take big cuttings if i can, but i recently cloned my blueberry gum and the cuttings on that were tiny bout 5-6 inches tall, i placed them in rockwool and they rooted just fine, i always had better success cloning with jiffy pellets aswell but rockwool worked well this time around, keep us posted on those clones, goodluck man!


Well-Known Member

ok so i took the power point thing i had in the cab and i cut a hole in the ply wood with a jigsaw
as there is already a hole there and i can easily put the power board back in anywhere really

seems to suck plenty of air just waiting on my 200watt cfl now and im in business


Active Member
fuck that thing is a huge pc fan, thats just as big as the 21w 100mm ezyair fans, i run one of them in my veg cag. thats great that it sucks plenty!


Well-Known Member
hey Tricka yeah i recon that 1 fan will do the job mate you can see my plastic getting sucked into to the cab when it's on and it makes bugger all noise so i can run it all the time.

I got it off ebay mate some one had it never used it 16 bucks delivered.


Well-Known Member

hey guys time for an update all i can say is there going off

still waiting on my 200 watt cfl so i can take clones then there going into flower.


Active Member
Hi J, they are looking great to me, have you decided when to flower yet?, also cant you just use one of the 48w cfl lights from bunnings, they are only $16-$17, im using them with a lamp for my young plants while bertha is flowering.


Well-Known Member
hey ozgirl, aww yeah prolly could but my flouro should only be a day away.

when that gets here there going 12/12 for sure