My latest grow


Hi y'all I have only been doing this for about 2 run's now ...Here is my Purple Haze Clone that I have taken in the last week used just strait tap water / a little clorox bleach in it and changed it every other day.
Just transplanted into soil I dug up from outside. Will post updated pics soon.
Also gonna make a special recipe H Tea later with secret ingredients to put in later.8)


Ok so If ya think like me I dont like no fat girls so I substitute Diet Dr. Pepper for Molasses in my tea's in place of Molasses. Of course I de -carbonate it by shaking thoroughly then poppin it open and lettin the fuzz run out. I figure the caffeine gives me some really hyper bacteria and Myc so it gets the job done faster:razz:


Here she is 3 days after transplant into my yard soil mixed w/ my dog pen soil and perlite ....Been looking at taking a holistic approach and wanna add urine to PH my water


Well-Known Member
Interesting, all other additives aside, I would think this would play hell on your PH.


Well-Known Member
I know you're joking, but have to share a quick story:

I had an office that had a very sick rubber plant in it. I was lazy and any half-dead Mt. Dew cans I had sitting on my desk, or half-cups of coffee....I dumped into the dirt of my rubber plant.

You wouldn't believe how that plant took off! Within a month it was a monster!

Now I'm not suggesting that you pour Mt. Dew or coffee on your plant....but I can say that it doesn't kill 'em.


Well-Known Member
As far as your purple haze, I'm guessing you'll get as least a 1/2 lb out of it. You may want to put it in the fridge during lights-off to get that purple color you want.



I know you're joking, but have to share a quick story:

I had an office that had a very sick rubber plant in it. I was lazy and any half-dead Mt. Dew cans I had sitting on my desk, or half-cups of coffee....I dumped into the dirt of my rubber plant.

You wouldn't believe how that plant took off! Within a month it was a monster!

Now I'm not suggesting that you pour Mt. Dew or coffee on your plant....but I can say that it doesn't kill 'em.
Im serious ...I'm glad to see other's using this progressive method effectively as well:razz: Congrats on the monstrous rubber plant as for PH issue's I dilute the soda with Urine ph'd water and it stabilize's it pretty well before I add it what can I say I'm a cheap ass.


Well-Known Member
Unless Diet Dr Pepper uses Stevia or Agave, I would worry about the artificial sweetener in it...that's just because you did mention "a holistic approach".

My grandmother used to throw all the tea and coffee grounds into a jar and every 2 days or so, she would go dump it under the Fig tree, being I was just a young fella back then I am not sure if it made a huge difference or not, but mentioning the caffeine and feeding plants reminded me of that