My Nutrient Set-up

Homebrewer, why you so mad? Sounds like you need stronger medicine. Have you tried H&G? or Advanced? Maybe they could help you out. You know if you break down the costs, including additives, House & Garden is cheaper to run than GH, Botanicare, & Advanced. It is very concentrated. Cheer up buddy, you’ll get it….Don’t be so negative….Peace and good luck
:lol: Add up all your minerals in your H&G bases AND additives and I'd be willing to bet it doesn't contain as many minerals as DynaGro does in a single bottle of their grow or bloom formula. There are growers who want to complicate the growing process with aminos, carbs, enzymes and other things plants already make on their own. Then there are people like me who understand a little about the essential minerals that plants need and guys like me don't waste their money on the shitty additives like H&G is offering. Use what you want, it's your money. But realize that people like me will always see right though that BS and will let others know why it's BS.

What about the enzymes? Where are they in your research? Now look, With the job that I have I come into contact with 100's of growers, face to face everyday. From personal growers to large scale to dispensaries and so on. I would say that 80% prefer H&G to any other. So you can babble on as much as you want with scientific info but the fact remains that on the street, that is the consensus...and i don't live in iowa...this is San Diego California. So thats what I mean by...The proof is in the puddin.​
Ha! Dyna gro ..that stuff rots on the shelf...tell me why no one buys it? I guess you are the only one who knows how good it is....gimme a break! So you are ultimately telling me that of the 100's of growers I know, some of them with the best herb in so. ca., that none of them can grow as well as you cause you use dyna gro?..You really do grow in a dumpster and I bet your weed tastes like it. You should try something new....Good luck
What about the enzymes? Where are they in your research? Now look, With the job that I have I come into contact with 100's of growers, face to face everyday. From personal growers to large scale to dispensaries and so on. I would say that 80% prefer H&G to any other. So you can babble on as much as you want with scientific info but the fact remains that on the street, that is the consensus...and i don't live in iowa...this is San Diego California. So thats what I mean by...The proof is in the puddin.​
As long as we're throwing out random stats off the top of our heads, 90% of growers have little to no idea what they're doing. They overfeed, understand nothing about balanced plant nutrition and think the best results come from spending top-dollar on 'boosters' that contain things the plants already make on their own.

You want info on enzymes? Here's some info; One way to sell a product is to persuade people they lack something and can get it by buying whatever it is you're selling. Want some more facts? My plants already make their own enzymes and have since the beginning of time. You're trying to sell us something that we already have, bro.

i have seen the differences first hand but ...hey...whatever you say....I guess the guys selling to dispensaries for top dollar don't know what they are talkin you just keep on dumpster divin for your dyna gro....that keeps you on the bottom shelf and my boys on the top and in business. i was just tryin to help out but you are obviously as hard headed as they come. I still say just try it before you bash. get a free sample pack from H& them and tell them what you tell me and they will hook you up. Do a side by side before you just rag on people tryin to help. i think you would be surprised. Peace
i have seen the differences first hand but ...hey...whatever you say....I guess the guys selling to dispensaries for top dollar don't know what they are talkin you just keep on dumpster divin for your dyna gro....that keeps you on the bottom shelf and my boys on the top and in business. i was just tryin to help out but you are obviously as hard headed as they come. I still say just try it before you bash. get a free sample pack from H& them and tell them what you tell me and they will hook you up. Do a side by side before you just rag on people tryin to help. i think you would be surprised. Peace
As with anyone that is halfway educated in plant nutrition, I don't need to try a $200/gallon product to see if it is going to work or not. I can simply look at the Guaranteed Analysis to determine its worth as that is what plants need and use. Products like this are aimed more at emptying the pockets of uneducated growers than actually supplying a benefit to plants and the sooner you guys realize this, the fewer issues you'll have in your own grows.
I personally only use Advanced Nutrients. I like Iguana Juice, Micro-Grow-Bloom, Bud Factor X and Final Phase on a regular basis. I have compared them to several other brands and nothing comes close. I have been growing for about two years now.
I'm not ingnorant. No real grower would fool with those mixes. Plants are plants, they output their best when you give them what they need. Read the labels and understand the percentages. Check out the differences between ingrediant content (biggest thing is you want more Nitrate Nitrogen than Ammoniacal Nitrogen because Ammoniacal leaves a salt build up). You'll see it's all in the GH FloraNova line from the start, no mixing needed. Plus the GH FloraNova line takes so little (2 teaspoons for a 1200 ppm) that it really winds up being one of the cheapest. Add the crazy cost of those other things, that just balance out to what GH already has in it, and it really chews into your profits.

Oh, and when it comes to potentency, my stuff grown with GH has always been the strongest I've ever had with buds so fat and juicy I have to worry about mold growing in them before harvest.

WTF are you talking about? You clearly have little to no knowledge of plant nutrition and it's an abomination that they let you out of Newbie Central.

I hope everyone looks at their comments and can be thoughtful when posting. When sling'n shit everyone gets crap.

As far as specialized nutes go there are many. Most in hydro stores are geared towards weed. As at least one mentioned in the thread, nute requirements can be strain dependent.

Its my opinion that cheap nutes like guano offer comparable results to the best high priced nutes out there.

All correct. Its about a basic, complete diet. MJ is only magical when you puff it. When its growing its just another annual(beside the fact its one of the few annuals that has distinct male and female plants)
If I was looking for a job I'd try to be a rep for the fertilizer companies out there.

Problem is, I have a hard time lying.

30 bucks a year in nute. One nute. Veg and bloom.

I spend more on ph down every year.

But feel free to load them babies up with all that other stuff.

Are you getting high on herb or nutes?

That is the question.
dont listen to them they must be ignorant... gh doesnt grow good weed dont let anyone tell you so. if they say so they just havent growned with anything else that was worth it. i use to run a similar combination just make sure you know when to use each product. if i can recommend anything.. some bud factor x is always worth it and some bud candy(2 in 1 carboload + sweet leaf) instead of carboload. other the that with the right timing u will see some unbelievable results... some fat ass buds. anyone with money should grow using all these products for amazing results. c02 with all that yummy!!!

ur crazy..dont hate on GH..just cuz when u tried using it ur plants looked like crap doesnt make it the nutrients fault :hump: lol heres a couple pics of some plants grown with GH nutrients..used GH mixed with AN boosters..ill tell u this GH mixed with AN boosters works better then nothing but AN and AN is pricey ass fuk
That $200 gallon product will last you 6 months with a 50 gal rez. If you're worried about $200 in 6 months you must be doing something wrong. Anyhow, good luck to you. Hopefully our posted convos will help others in deciding for themselves on this issue. Peace
Looks pretty but we all know you don't really know until you try....In my experience GH always tastes the same...I can always tell...It's hard to flush it out...To bad we can't taste online ...that would be great! Try adding H&G’s Drip clean. You only use .5 ml a gallon and a 250ml bottle costs about $20. Do some research on how it works it’s pretty cool and one of a kind. Peace and good luck
We all know that if you flush properly, you can get it all out. There is a product, however, that flushes the entire time you use your nutes, whatever they may be. It is called Drip clean by House & Garden. It costs about $20 for 500 gallons worth so cost is not an issue. Peace and good luck
That $200 gallon product will last you 6 months with a 50 gal rez. If you're worried about $200 in 6 months you must be doing something wrong. Anyhow, good luck to you. Hopefully our posted convos will help others in deciding for themselves on this issue. Peace
For $200 in nutrients, I can grow 20 pounds of product. $200 is $200 which reminds me, how much are they paying you to promote their products? ;)
As long as we're throwing out random stats off the top of our heads, 90% of growers have little to no idea what they're doing. They overfeed, understand nothing about balanced plant nutrition and think the best results come from spending top-dollar on 'boosters' that contain things the plants already make on their own.

You want info on enzymes? Here's some info; One way to sell a product is to persuade people they lack something and can get it by buying whatever it is you're selling. Want some more facts? My plants already make their own enzymes and have since the beginning of time. You're trying to sell us something that we already have, bro.

good info, i a pretty much the same, i dont fall to hypes, my nutrients are bulk chemicals that come in parts they're the cheapest you could get with best results, with 200$ i can grow for my whole lifetime LITERALLY! costs me few cents to fill up a 70gal res.
anyway, i wanted to ask about superthrive, it is very well known and is an additive that gives hormones and stuff for plants, not NPK and NOT trace elements. on the bottle it doent say the exact ingredients, just says hormones. do you think it's any good? i have read that hormones can do improvements, and i only add N-P-K-Ca-Mg and trace elements, what do you think?
the guys at my local hydro shop say they see fire from every single line they carry from Dyna grow to Canna and they carry them all even MG its all about how you use the nute package. they have them all set up like cali nutes, us nutes, and forgien nutes in sections pretty cool and subsections for additives great shop.

on another note the forgien nutes have lots of stuff in them not listed even in the guarantied anyl. also some use organic and some use synthic products not just in total organic product and organics cost more and work better in some mixxes especialy im the bloom boosters.