my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Well-Known Member
but the high acts on your head. it's psychological if it's in your head - the high is LITERALLY in your head.

kfnr7 - killing fields F7

when you cross two inbred strains, one with a purple color gene (recessive), one without(dominant), A (gg) and B (GG), all the offspring will be without purple leaves (Gg) but have the recessive gene for purple leaves in the genotype. the phenotype will still be green as having green leaves is the dominant one. this first set of 'children' is called the F1 generation. crossing two plants of the F1 generation (Gg x Gg) will get you the following genotypes : GG (25%) Gg(50%) gg(25%). as you can see, there is a clear variation in phenotype and genotype amongst the next generation plants, the F2 generation. Imagine this, but for thousands of different traits. As a result, the amount of variation is potentially very very large amongst members of the F2 generation, but not amongst members of the F1 generation.

the thing with the dogs is, all dog breeds are inbred breeds. so, in the case of our plants, it's like crossing A with A (gg x gg). the offspring will only be (gg). In other words, the ideal 'pure' lab would be homozygous for every trait. in reality such is not the case, but the majority of traits are homozygous within breeds.
This extent of heterozygous genotypes only occurs when humans pollinate plants with pollen from different geographical regions. in nature, the plants in a certain region become relatively homozygous over time

you'll need a basic grasp of mendelian genetics to get it...


Active Member
That was quite an explanation, though I couldn't grasp it much :|
And I had use take dogs as an example as I don't know what all plants can be bred each other like MJ.


Well-Known Member
you just need a basic understanding of mendelian genetics..the punnett square and's a concept generally taught in middle/high school biology. almost any plant thats dioecious (i.e., has seperate male and female plants) can be bred like marijuana. although less than 8% of the plants in the world are dioecious...most plants have male and female parts in one plant, commonly right next to one another. each flower will have stamen and pistils


Active Member
We have several nutmeg trees around my home, and this male/female separation is seen in that. Dioecious is a new word for me though.
I did my schooling with CBSE syllabus, and we did not have this taught :|

Hibiscus kind of plants that have both male and female on the same flower is known to me.
And I still remember the biology class where we had to slice(dissect?) that to find the individual thingies inside it.

Hows your papaya flowering going on?
And also the progress on the newly germinated seeds? No pics? :|


Well-Known Member
this is a grower friend who sold it, i kbow it cost a wee bit, but its worth knowing it is good clean trichrome filled stuff..


Active Member
this is a grower friend who sold it, i kbow it cost a wee bit, but its worth knowing it is good clean trichrome filled stuff..
This proves Indica strains grow in our South Indian Climate! :D
Does it get big and look like Hanuman club(his weapon, not partying club) like when Americans, Canadians, or Europeans grow? :|


Well-Known Member
This proves Indica strains grow in our South Indian Climate! :D
Does it get big and look like Hanuman club(his weapon, not partying club) like when Americans, Canadians, or Europeans grow? :|
I'm sorry how does being clean trichome filled stuff prove indica strains grow in our climate? although several obviously will grow with enough care,
and my papaya is growing fine, but naturally pretty small due to no veg. i just dont get your logic...
hanuman club...? and it's not only americans canadians and europeans who grow like that...
take a trip through M M Hills or B R hills in Karnataka...If you know the right people you can see fields of plants looking
like a hanuman club...try and use a description like christmas tree so people can read and understand...


Well-Known Member
We have several nutmeg trees around my home, and this male/female separation is seen in that. Dioecious is a new word for me though.
I did my schooling with CBSE syllabus, and we did not have this taught :|

Hibiscus kind of plants that have both male and female on the same flower is known to me.
And I still remember the biology class where we had to slice(dissect?) that to find the individual thingies inside it.

Hows your papaya flowering going on?
And also the progress on the newly germinated seeds? No pics? :|
it was taught in the standard indian curriculum which all states across the country adhere to, in 8th grade,
but i learnt it in cali in 7th as well...even i did CB till tenth...


Active Member
I'm sorry how does being clean trichome filled stuff prove indica strains grow in our climate? although several obviously will grow with enough care,
and my papaya is growing fine, but naturally pretty small due to no veg. i just dont get your logic...
hanuman club...? and it's not only americans canadians and europeans who grow like that...
take a trip through M M Hills or B R hills in Karnataka...If you know the right people you can see fields of plants looking
like a hanuman club...try and use a description like christmas tree so people can read and understand...
Afghan Kush is an indica.
Thats what RingWraith was talking about when he said he bought it from a grower in Bangalore.
This is why I said that his post about trichome filled stuff proves indica can grow in south indian climate :|

For any trips to happen in my life, I have got to get well :(

Christmas tree is about the overall plant shape, right?
I was talking only about the trimmed and 'about to be hung for drying' colas :D


Well-Known Member
i remember him saying afghan not afghan kush...and i highly doubt it was actually afghan...?
although there are probably a handful of growers who may be growing that kind of stuff i guess...
i dunno, gotta see to believe.


Well-Known Member
i have a question for those with experience :

beneficial fungal colonies are said to be beneficial for the plants in terms of nutrient availability, uptake, and enzyme production. Does this mean that if a jack'o'lantern pumpkin was left outside till the 'fur' (fungus) started forming, then filled with the soil mix, and used as a 'pot' for the plant, would the fungus be beneficial to the plant or is it a harmful fungus?


Well-Known Member
i would be wary of such, maybe it would be helpful, maybe not
a compost heap gives good material, though the finer points of composting in your area is outside of my experience


Well-Known Member
bought an air pump for an aquarium from the pet store - about 4.47 USD if you convert it. got an air stone for $0.20. any good recipes for organic teas for flowering? the list of what's available to me is:

bone meal, neem cake, coffee grounds, worm compost. yes that's it as far as conventional organic nutrients go. no guanos, no emulsions, none of the other meals, none of that schnazzy shiz.
of course, i do have the more obvious things like banana peels and eggshells. any advice would be helpful


Well-Known Member
i have experience with bone meal, Miracle Grow Organic bone meal, which has a 6-9-0 ratio of nutrients
a good ingredient for tea, but it takes time to break down, as in 4+weeks, not a quick tea, also smells very unpleasant
the coffee grounds and worm compost ought to be good ingredients, but no experience with them, neem cake is a bit more mysterious to me


Okay made some friends in bangalore who are good in the language and like weed and all. and I have a easy way to get to hoskote. So if I wait a month and go there with 2 other friends. shoud I expect to score some decent shit? or just pure weed for that matter. good shit or not. no leaves sprayed with rat poison.


Well-Known Member
you should be able to. don't be in a rush, go there on a day where you don't have any commitments afterwards, take your time, roam around and look. feel free to ask a couple people with red eyes if they get pissed then run haha