my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Well-Known Member
6/7 inches is to far should try and get them to 3 inches above. As long as u can put your hand over the top of the plant and the heat feels comfy not burning then the plant will be fine just get the air flowing over the top of the plant too


Well-Known Member
wow 75 percent baccy is a waste mate.. i managed to get my hands on a mini water pipe.. it is amazing.. 2 bowls organic and your hit darn hard.. ordered a bong,grinder and pollen compress as well.. waiting for it to ship in..


Active Member

The 25:75 ratio for weed:tobacco is just so that I will only be having a mild buzzy feeling. I use weed to be more efficient at time management.
'Time Management' might not be the proper word, but what I meant is, use my time 100% :D
Without it I can't sit for 8 hours straight for work, without getting up for food, or pee, or water, or anything!

I had reduced the number of ciggies down to 2 packs, but ever since my 'supply' got over, as munnar buddies stopped the munnar trip, I'm somehow back to 5 packs :(
If one day I grow good, and manage to get a decent amount of buds, then I believe I would stop cigarette entirely, and go with 100% MJ, though thats a waste of weed as there would be pauses in between consecutive puffs. Still better than smoking tobacco with 25:75 mix ratio.

As government needs to make money for feeding the corrupts, tobacco growing is also illegal(lawfully). I have never heard about tobacco seeds. Are they from seeds in the first place, or 'root from cutting' like rose plants?
Do you have to order that online and ship to india as well?

I had once ordered few Acer Palmatum( Japanese Maple ), juniperus chinensis( chinese juniper ) and Cryptomeria japonica( japanese cedar ) from one online nursery/seed-place but never got it! These are normal legal trees!


Active Member
6/7 inches is to far should try and get them to 3 inches above. As long as u can put your hand over the top of the plant and the heat feels comfy not burning then the plant will be fine just get the air flowing over the top of the plant too
Even at 1 centimeter from the lighting part of the CFL, its not even warm on the back part of my fingers :| Its more warm at that 'printed circuit board' compartment towards the back of the CFL :|
Are you speaking of big watt CFL?


Active Member

If there is no work involved, and just for fun smoke, I like a water-thingy :D

Chillum at 120 degrees angle poked through the bottom half of a half-filled pepsi/mirinda/fanta bottle(500 ml), and inhaling through the mouth-part of the bottle. We used to call this 'submarine' in Bangalore. Not sure what its proper name is.
There would be a 'glug-glug-glug' sound with bubbles inside the bottle.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
The only time ive had a leaf burn from a cfl is when the plant grew into the light. even then the only damage was what was directly touching the bulb.


Well-Known Member
fucking a man i think cfls here are fucked up or some shit, i can feel the heat like hell...look at the pics, the close up seedling, does that look like heat burn? does to me...and the reason one leaf is half chopped off is cause i let it get caught in the fan, pure carelessness.IMG_3775.jpgIMG_3776.jpgIMG_3777.jpg


Well-Known Member

If there is no work involved, and just for fun smoke, I like a water-thingy :D

Chillum at 120 degrees angle poked through the bottom half of a half-filled pepsi/mirinda/fanta bottle(500 ml), and inhaling through the mouth-part of the bottle. We used to call this 'submarine' in Bangalore. Not sure what its proper name is.
There would be a 'glug-glug-glug' sound with bubbles inside the bottle.
and don't smoke anything out of a plastic bottle...really not worth it man...and it doesn't matter what you're smoking for, cut down on the tob with the weed/tob mix...and weed certainly does NOT help me manage my time better. lol


Active Member

I had a look at the pics you posted in the last message. I'm not someone to comment, but well, a secret unveils :|

I actually have a tiny dwarfed out of mistreatment version of a plant with me. Never mentioned it because, it grew inside a plant pot in the garden when I put a seed out of curiosity.
Plucked it(which is wrong at that seedling age), and brought it inside and planted it in a parcel-container(you're in b'lore, so you know that circular container they give when we get a take-away in a north indian restaurant).

Its constantly under a 27W CFL(which is wrong as well as that wattage is next to nothing) kept 0.9 inches away from the newest growth. The light is on 24/7, and connected to my 8 hour backup UPS, so even power-cut wont affect it :D
Kerala = powercut ( though 44- 46 rivers exist in this tiny state)

Anyway, when I sprayed my plant with fertilizer with a mister, towards the end/tip of the finger of the leaf big drop forms, and stays there instead of dripping and falling down. The next day morning, that part where the drops were went brown, and in a couple of days fell off, leaving a jagged-edged tip. One of your picture looked exactly like how mine was.

The reason why I did not mention about this plant till now is because its not worthy to be shown. Its really in a very pathetic condition. Just kept in my room under that CFL to boost my self-confidence which went down when the stock got over. By the way, this plant is two months old, but still just 4 inches tall, with 4 branches(based on uncle ben's four colas topic).
sorry for bringing up old thread. whr in bangalore can we get gardening stuff for indoor grow? I may be moving there. need stuff like mylar sterlized soil, grow mediums etc.. basically for making growbox.. I guess indoor grow is the best option


Well-Known Member
sorry for bringing up old thread. whr in bangalore can we get gardening stuff for indoor grow? I may be moving there. need stuff like mylar sterlized soil, grow mediums etc.. basically for making growbox.. I guess indoor grow is the best option
indoor grow is the worst option considering there are only two options...mylar is hard to find, good luck...sterilized soil, there are only 2-3 brands so it's not gonna be a problem either, growbox building supplies you can get about anywhere...i'd advise outdoor but it's up to you and depends on what kind of road your house is facing...


Active Member

What is the longest jail time you've heard in India for possession of 'one cannabis plant'? Please note that I'm speaking about plant, not weed bought from dealers/peddlers.

Also, where does this come under; Central govt. or State govt. jurisdiction? This central/state doubt is to know if the jail allocated would be within the state, or out of state.


Well-Known Member

What is the longest jail time you've heard in India for possession of 'one cannabis plant'? Please note that I'm speaking about plant, not weed bought from dealers/peddlers.

Also, where does this come under; Central govt. or State govt. jurisdiction? This central/state doubt is to know if the jail allocated would be within the state, or out of state.
i know for a fact all drug related stuff, unless it becomes internationally involved, is state govt. jurisdiction.
i've never heard of anyone being caught for possession of one. people who have been caught with a field
generally have money to own and water and grow on the field so they also have money to protect it from intruders
and pay off cops.
I've had a friend get caught, once, with about 6 kilos of stash 5 of us all scored. he went to jail for a day till we
arranged the money and got him out. i think because there was so much weed, we had to pay quite a bit, like
around a lakh...we got about 2/3 of the weed back...the other 1/3 was distributed among inmates in the jail...
again it's all about contacts man...we don't have very direct or strict laws dealing with stuff like catching people
for plants because
a) weed is not as expensive a cash crop as it is abroad
b) it's india, people don't get caught for pot often, so when they do get caught, it's generally up to the local ACP or DCP
c) authorities are not on the lookout for plants. abroad if they see one, it's as good as being caught with if you're smart enough you can definitely
convince a cop it's an imported foreign crop called japanese maple before big cops get
jail is in state itself though - leave in state, haha the nearest police station man. lol.


Well-Known Member
basically, if we didn't pay, the cops were gonna call newspapers and all these people and the main reason we had to pay so much is that
he wasn't caught by some constable or something, he was caught directly by the ACP, and that ACP was a smart fucker...


Active Member
In my case, no contacts would help as the topic is like "Oh my god! Ganja?!" :D
I was asking just to know the level till it could go if in case, you know :D

The seeds I had soaked and put in coco peat in glasses aren't sprouted yet :| I think they might've been overwatered :-s
Just to make me happy, I went across random germination related articles and decided to wait till a week to confirm they're not gonna sprout :|


Well-Known Member
Last weekend, some friends paid 2k to a few cops for carrying about 200 grams and smoking a joint on the road. Not too bad, they finished the joint and got the weed, so all good :)


Well-Known Member
its kinda hard getting caught with indian cops with as little as 200 grams...never know when it's your unlucky moment though...


Active Member
No updates about your plants? :| It's been some time since there was a pic. Well, few people feel good by just having a look at the uploaded pics of members' grows :D

I remember rolling a joint in Barista, Barton Center, MG Road very long back, and smoked one there, and then the remainder in that road behind which has 'amoeba' ;)


Well-Known Member
No updates about your plants? :| It's been some time since there was a pic. Well, few people feel good by just having a look at the uploaded pics of members' grows :D

I remember rolling a joint in Barista, Barton Center, MG Road very long back, and smoked one there, and then the remainder in that road behind which has 'amoeba' ;)
no i think i put pics up like 2 days ago man! haha...and yeah i think everyone's smoked on that road, the turning off of church street at foto flash b4 house crescent road...
haha memories, memories