my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Active Member
The pics you put up two days was to find out a problem that you are currently noticing on your plant leaves. I had replied there saying I had that same problem when water droplets were on the leaf tips due to misting either neem oil spray, or a water soluble fertilizer, acting like magnifying glass(lens). Apart from me, none replied about the pic. I was curious as well to know what others think that the problem could be.

Yes! Church Street! :D I had forgotten the name ;)

I work from home, freelancing, so I'm always in front of the computer. How come you too reply day and night? :D


Well-Known Member
my work involves me being in front of the computer whenever i'm working. when i take a break to roll one i come check this shit quickly, mailbox is usually open...


Well-Known Member
Got the Bong, Grinder & Pollen Press.. The Bong is amazing.. Alien shaped mould, with rasta colours.. The bowl is a wee bit too small though.. 1 or 2 rips max per bowl.


Active Member
Do you have a grow currently going on?
Do you have a growing thread/topic like elchupacabra's?

If yes, please provide the link. It's good to watch a grow topic of an Indian as that would be with similar environment and equipments available in India.


Well-Known Member
looks like 'im pretty new to this indoor shit...
the seedlings just don't look as healthy as they normally look
when i germ them outdoors...any idea what's wrong people?
heat burn? nutes? yellowing leaf tips and leaves are curling inwards
as shown...3rd pic...



Well-Known Member
my guess is you're using a very similar or identical organic soil that you've been using outdoors
i've found many strains need a good size pot when using a not very 'hot' organic soil


Well-Known Member
Yes Keebod, I have a grow.. its my first, so not journaling it.. But thanks to elchups.. ive got quite decent at it.. maybe when i plant my next autos, ill journal them..


Well-Known Member
the next two pics are from a week ago, i can't tell you when exactly it went into flowering cause
it's an outdoor plant...from the time i saw pistils (july 14th) it's been about a month...



  • hoskote? So during season what kind of prices should I be expecting? Also is it a safe place? hah? I wont get mugged and killed? Hah



Well-Known Member

  • hoskote? So during season what kind of prices should I be expecting? Also is it a safe place? hah? I wont get mugged and killed? Hah​

you won't get killed in many places can get mugged just about anywhere. picture a population 1.5 times as big as the american population. now take 80% of the population, strip it of its education. take the entire population and cram it into a landmass less than 40% of the size of usa. calculate the average increase in population density, that's going to be the increase in people who'll potentially mug you per square kilometer.

no place to score weed is a 'safe place' unless you know kannada in can expect anywhere from 1k to 2.5k for hundred grams...and it's not like how it is abroad you can't just go and ask likely looking people where to get the ganj or if they can hook you need to go there wit someone who knows the score. it's also very possible to get lucky and find a peddler, because there are a lot over there, but it's almost impossible to distinguish one from someone who isn't without knowing them. but to get lucky, yu needa know some indian language least hindi, preferably kannada or tamil...


Well-Known Member
Hoskote charges between 100-300Rs for 5-8 grams.Generally garbage.. good for cooking and edibles. Packed with seeds and a very light high. Mysore is the best easiest and best right now, especially if you get mango stuff, green, crisp and it snows trichromes when you press a bud.

And yeah, dont go alone. Knowing languages is one thing, but avoid going alone.


Well-Known Member
Hoskote charges between 100-300Rs for 5-8 grams.Generally garbage.. good for cooking and edibles. Packed with seeds and a very light high. Mysore is the best easiest and best right now, especially if you get mango stuff, green, crisp and it snows trichromes when you press a bud.

And yeah, dont go alone. Knowing languages is one thing, but avoid going alone.
i'd always advise going alone lol...and i dunno what you been scoring from hoskote, i know the guys there and i get some good shit from the beginning of september through till march/april
mysore is easiest because you will always find boom : ) you can find good and bad stuff...i personally don't like the weed that's crisp...and weed that's generally garbage isn't any better for
edibles than it is for smoking


I would never go alone. I was going to make friends with some one that is fluent in the language so they can do all the talking and shit. And the prices seem fucking amazing. I dont think I would ever buy 100s go grams of it because I dont really know where I would keep all of it. And I dont think the hostal is the best place for THAT much. A couple grams should not be a problem however. I guess my best luck is making some friends hah. I would not mind going to mysore. have been told its a cool place.

Also do you have any cool smoke spots? Like just really cool place to chill thats very visual. You dont have to give me specific places but maybe some general areas? I always wanted to smoke the beach but I guess thats the draw back of the city. Regardless any cool places? If you have a favorite you dont have to tell me or post it on the internet hah.


Well-Known Member
if you find a score that gives you a 'few' grams, let me know...haha i doubt you can get less than 20 anywhere...

chill place that's really visual? haha you're in the wrong place mate, unless you have some rich friends with really high
balconies or terraces, there's nothing to see...want nature means head to kodai


Active Member
The rain here is in the stopping phase :D Now planning to get seeds online. Attitude is what I've picked coz of the freebies ;)

From the strains suggested in this thread, I'm thinking about going with Kalichakra (10 seeds) and Kali Mist Feminized (5 seeds).

The Kalichakra is regular, so wanted to have at least one femme/hermie so thought about getting the feminized version of Kali Mist.
The regular seeds are cheaper, but its risky to plant 10 seeds outdoors and wait till they show gender.


Well-Known Member
it's not risky at's really really easy to tell the gender man...and from the time
the gender first shows in the males it takes quite some time before they finish pollinating
and can viably pollinate the'd be best off getting the regular version of
kali mist, kali mist is going to be crazy, it's one of the best strains around in seed form
from what i've heard...