my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)


Another problem I face is this hoskote place is an hour away from my campus. So a two hour commute. So just going there and back would rack up the rupeees. I was hoping it would be auto distance lol. Any ways are you ever planning to sell? Just asking hah. cuz im sure you would make some serious cash selling your stuff here. Hah you could start a revolution


Active Member

The risk factor wasn't about the difficulty in identifying males. It was about the fact that I'm living with family here.
They will surely ask me what plant is it, if they see 10 plants with similar leaves growing on the terrace which they havent seen in any house :D

If its a feminized plant, then I don't have to grow all the 10 seeds, but just one or two, which can easily go inside the area where my tomato pots are arranged ;)

KaliMist, Kalichakra and Super Lemon Haze is what I'm looking at initially. Still waiting for the bank mess to get sorted out on my card to enable international transactions!


Active Member

I have an embarrassing disease, and I really can't travel till Hoskote from Indiranagar without getting down somewhere to well, poop! Yeah, IBS, thats my disease, haha.
So literally 'hired' a friendly auto driver to go get it for me every weekend :|
I know thats stupid and extra money, but I really did not have another option.

Whenever my high or buzz lasts, I don't have any IBS issue ;) I don't know how that worked, but no way I can convince indian doctors to prescribe me cannabis :D

By the way, the ayurvedic medicine which is custom made by the ayurvedic doctor, and which tastes real bitter(kashayam) has shivamooli as its ingredient amongst the 11 other plant roots mixed in it. And you can google for what's 'Shivamooli' :D
This medicine doesnt get me high or anything, maybe just a trace amount must have been added.
Or maybe because, only its root is used. 'Mool' means root anyways. Like a common ayurvedic medicine for stomach problem is "Dasha moola arishtam" or single named form as "dashamoolaarishtam" means medicine made with dasha(ten) moola(roots).


Well-Known Member

The risk factor wasn't about the difficulty in identifying males. It was about the fact that I'm living with family here.
They will surely ask me what plant is it, if they see 10 plants with similar leaves growing on the terrace which they havent seen in any house :D

If its a feminized plant, then I don't have to grow all the 10 seeds, but just one or two, which can easily go inside the area where my tomato pots are arranged ;)

KaliMist, Kalichakra and Super Lemon Haze is what I'm looking at initially. Still waiting for the bank mess to get sorted out on my card to enable international transactions!
Don't go for greenhouse seeds...


Well-Known Member
Another problem I face is this hoskote place is an hour away from my campus. So a two hour commute. So just going there and back would rack up the rupeees. I was hoping it would be auto distance lol. Any ways are you ever planning to sell? Just asking hah. cuz im sure you would make some serious cash selling your stuff here. Hah you could start a revolution
wt the fuck do you think i am, dont ask me for my shit


Well-Known Member
hope you ain't sayin i sound like a douche mate...? and again, finding decent quality hash is only difficult if you don't have connections are top notch...and you said it depends on the quality of malana, thats why i said hi quality malana...i have hookups who live there, own plantations there, run the shit over there and people who go and come regularly and have been for more than a decade...i can't stress this enough, it's ALL about contacts, connections, and communication in the local language, and even more important, in the local dialect.
Ha..sorry, did I reply to this before? The comment was a while ago now, so I can't really remember, but I'm pretty sure I was talking about the guy you were arguing with...the one who said your grow was "weak ass" (though they might have been joking) I usually try not to be rude to someone on their own thread! ;) I'll be on a beach in Goa too this winter. Just for xmas and new year unfortunately, I'll keep my nose peeled for some nice smelling stuff then...try and track you down! Sounds like you''d be a handy person to bump into ;)


Well-Known Member
Ha..sorry, did I reply to this before? The comment was a while ago now, so I can't really remember, but I'm pretty sure I was talking about the guy you were arguing with...the one who said your grow was "weak ass" (though they might have been joking) I usually try not to be rude to someone on their own thread! ;) I'll be on a beach in Goa too this winter. Just for xmas and new year unfortunately, I'll keep my nose peeled for some nice smelling stuff then...try and track you down! Sounds like you''d be a handy person to bump into ;)
very easy to bump into as well if you're on the same dance floor. quality lsd + some dark forest psytrance = collision course with fellow people


Well-Known Member
it just rained like a motherfucker. plants are fine, but 24 hours after the rain and a day of
heavy sun, my potted sativa leaves are turning brown at the edges and curling in every
direction...didn't happen to any other plants, did not use any fertilizer recently as i'm running
organic...i am getting rid of a whitefly infestation on that plant and it's about 75% eradicated...
any idea??


Well-Known Member
i suspect you had a waterlogged condition for a while after all that rain
cannabis does not like wet feet for too long. this is just a guess


Well-Known Member
i dunno man cause the plants been through much worse rains, although this one was the longest lasting yet, not nearly as 'bad' though.
the thing was the next day was just filled with sunlight. that's it. like fucking ridiculously bright


Well-Known Member
i dunno man cause the plants been through much worse rains, although this one was the longest lasting yet, not nearly as 'bad' though. the thing was the next day was just filled with sunlight. that's it. like fucking ridiculously bright
it's the length of time that made me suspicious it might have been a water issue
that said, it's not clear what you could do if that's the case, may resolve to some extent on its own


Well-Known Member
yep gonna poke more holes in the bottom of the container haha
you've got quite a few plants going, so it's hard to keep track, thought this might be the one in the terrace 'bed', that would be tougher to improve the drainage
if it is in a container, a few sniff down low at the bottom may be worth while, that's where root rot might have set in, will stink if so


Well-Known Member
you've got quite a few plants going, so it's hard to keep track, thought this might be the one in the terrace 'bed', that would be tougher to improve the drainage
if it is in a container, a few sniff down low at the bottom may be worth while, that's where root rot might have set in, will stink if so
so if there is no smell over the course of the next few days and the plant worsens, i can assume it's not root rot


Well-Known Member
bit early but fucking BUMP can anybody tell me if that looks like any specific nutrient deficiency? it looks like a phosphorous issue to me


New Member
im not for sure but i'd guess phosphorus deficiency or the ph is off to the point where it cant take up any phosphorus. im actually having a similar problem with a grinspoon but mine is in worse shape. im also dealing with a heat issue though. i think what happens is the roots arnt getting phosphorus for whatever reason so they take it from the leaves. maybe kinda like how when your hungry and dont have food your body eats fat.

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i would also suspect over watering like that other guy said


Well-Known Member
Not sure elchups, but maybe the roots have got entangled as I remember us discussing that there were more than 1 plant in the planting area.

My plant stopped all activity for 2 weeks and all of a sudden, has started again. I did feel that I should post a pic as most of what I have done on this is from your advice.