My OUTDOORY is Flowering Again!!! Early Resin Production or what!!!


Well-Known Member
ok update on pics for this thread....... what happened over the last month! this is what happened!!

this is my 2 newest clones and my indoor update also


Well-Known Member
Just another 5 1/2 zips to add to the collection! Well done flow looks sick, I couldn't help Myself and cut off a branch the other day, thinking another week or so to go ! But got 4 days of solid rain coming... What ya think? Cheers man


Well-Known Member
COVER UP IF U GET RAIN!! man, i got worried bout the rain with mine, mine got a heavy downpour on my harvest day, and i had trouble getting them dry enough to dry properly, more than 1 good day of solid rain at heavy flowering stage would not be good, frost damage, and mould, could kill your potency, shock the plant too much, or buds may get too heavy and fall over, like mine did, i was amazed they didnt snap to be quite honest

yep :) 5.5 oz to add to the collection ;)

2 jars on the right



Well-Known Member
Can't really cover it got nothin to put over it and gotta be at work all day, hopefully it's not to heavy and I'll shake the branches when i get home, the old frosted gripper pipe I have the same just no where near as much weed! hah well done mate


Well-Known Member
bro its been far to long since i been on here to look at your girls and to be honest i cant get up right now cause those buds u got the givn me a huge hard on hahahahaha
nice bro nice i havent seen outdoors that sxc in a long time


Well-Known Member
bro its been far to long since i been on here to look at your girls and to be honest i cant get up right now cause those buds u got the givn me a huge hard on hahahahaha
nice bro nice i havent seen outdoors that sxc in a long time
thanx man 'like' yeah man, the new outdoor harvest is great!! really strong and tasty, wow, super happy with these outdoor girls, and the little flowering clones, well they are going mental, may only get a baggie off each but it will be a nice different taste.....will be growing Jack/skunk indoors soon, get my clone in 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
cool bro gud to hear it turned out tasty as,il be following your next grow bro,you got some mad talent at growing,il be
getting some deep south deasil/northen lights clones toward the end of this grow hope u have a geez then when i get them,
man those some nice titys lol wonted to get my girl ta do something like that 4 my pic but then id jst be a copy cat lol


Well-Known Member
cool bro gud to hear it turned out tasty as,il be following your next grow bro,you got some mad talent at growing,il be
getting some deep south deasil/northen lights clones toward the end of this grow hope u have a geez then when i get them,
man those some nice titys lol wonted to get my girl ta do something like that 4 my pic but then id jst be a copy cat lol
lol thanx man! yeah, i'll keep updating my growing clones here, and update my indoor thread aswell, the small clones won't take long to flower, it will be a quick little season, i just like to see something growing!, when i get things going, i'll setup a small autumn grow, with a little mini greenhouse, and scrog it inside the greenhouse :), should be fun, i'll start it inside, with my spare light for a week or so,
i'll pass the compliment on to my mrs :) go ahead, keep me posted on your grow, post me a link, if u can get your mrs to do a shot like that! go for it i say!, the more the merrier! besides my mrs titties are pretty unique ;) alongside the fat indica fan leaves, makes for a nice contrast of beauty don't u think


Well-Known Member
lol scrog in a green house now that will be intence it'l get huge man, my friend he did that and we spent countles hours tieing hur down and getn them ready but it was so worth it in the end,i throughly enjoy watchn your grows man they com out wicked, yeah il see if i cn convince my girl ta do the pik bro should be hard case i reakn,and your dead right man,you into making oil out of the cab left over or butter?


Well-Known Member
lol scrog in a green house now that will be intence it'l get huge man, my friend he did that and we spent countles hours tieing hur down and getn them ready but it was so worth it in the end,i throughly enjoy watchn your grows man they com out wicked, yeah il see if i cn convince my girl ta do the pik bro should be hard case i reakn,and your dead right man,you into making oil out of the cab left over or butter?
oil, hash, and bubble, best of all galaxies ;) thanx again man!


Well-Known Member
true chur my next lot of cab going into butter so that should be pretty cool its been a long time since i had hash cake lol last time i had hash cake ma girl ate like 6 peices and she slept 4 3 days straight acoulpe days after that we found out she was preg hahahaha crazy times crazy times:joint::-?


Well-Known Member
fudge cake is the best tho or those brandy balls my mates mother inlaw makes them and they get u wasted id have no clue how its done tho,i just made sum hash oil befor had alil of both so yeah im WASTED hope u like the new pic bro lol


Well-Known Member
lol yeah bro i love a nice white white women:hump:lol, you should c how many ppl you can get to get profile pics like theses ited be hard case i reakn.
in alot of pain atm got a reali busted body from to many cigerettes and bad quality oil when i was younger,lungs arnt to good but the weed sooths it that y i grow oh and the fact
the Girly can smoke weed like a elephant can eat lol:eyesmoke: ran outter home water supply today back on town supply so i been watchn my soil ph hard out
with the watering,get a new supply off water tomoro from work :)


Well-Known Member
man, that sucks ass we get all the water we need pretty much, only 2 of us here, we pay water rates and bills but not a big issue round here, yeah i have alot of neck and back pain, erb that i grow doesnt help soo much with the pain, but it helps my body relax, and be able to sleep, i get bad insomnia, some nights not atall, but most i stay up till around 3 am get up at 6-7am weed is like a balance for me


Well-Known Member
yeah oh well it only 1 day i got to wait till i gt more water so not to much of an issue there,backwhen i was meat working i bearly slept 3 hours like u man and that went on 4 well good part or a year i lost and gained so much weight all the time wasnt funny,but im back to working on power lines again as a linesman so that fixed that,unfortunly we dont own our own house but our land lords dont come and inspect the property so it algud,my son he loves tring to get into my room where the plants are aye hes only 1 but if i leave the door open to the room 4 2secnds hes in there in a flash aye looking at the light and smelling the plants and pulling the leaves off lol he loves it i try and keep him away as much as posibble but hes got his mothers determination thats for sure,so cant wait to get ma deasil/northern lights clones itl be intence,peace out bro have a gud evening